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Advertisements & Notices

... R. EDWVLARD KENT, late pr~incipal Assistdnt to ,d Mr orson, Opet'ative Chen~iit, L'ohdrrn,.lbegs nmost rc- speetfilly to iform the Nobility and Gentry of Oxford that he 5,5 l succeeded to the Business of Mr. WV. Su'rTtox, of the Corn ?? Oxford, who is declining business in Consequence of ill et Ith.' 47, C'ern Market, 0.r/brd, July 28, 184± xfoicdr 1isre Horticultural Noaiety. HE FOU TTH SH-OW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Oxf o~rd Coal ClompaIlly EG3 to thank thecir friends ?? at Headington, B) Wheatley, Bill, Tetsworth, and adjacent country, f..r the liberal patronage they have received since the openhig of their Coal Yard at Headington. The C#ompaTrny still continue to sell Coal at the wharf prices, and the continuedistipport with which they are honoured by many of the leading families in the county, is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JIANTS GENERIAl, QUARTER SESSIONS. ¶1 NTOTICE, is hereby ?? Tuesday tH . 4th day ?? next, the COURT WILl 'BE OPENED at lhalfplast Twrelve oClock, at thle (Castle ott lWinlchoter, Rur the dispatch (if County Busiiness. On Wednesday, the 5th day oft April, the Court. will dir be Opened at T'en o'Clock, vilte~n all Constablesd Blailitf's, Jurors, and others concerned, are required to attend, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d PATRONIZED) BY HIIR lMAJESTY'S j STATIONERY OFb ICE. an III3,ORRElL'S REGISTRATIO)N INR, Fh DXeranufactureed for tbe use of Registrars of Births, Deaths, arid l,1arritiges,, and warranted wade with galls. JY This Ink has receired its present reputation fromu the P-results of chemical tests, made under authority5 se tslid whlolesale at the Manufactory, No. 149, Fleet. be street, London * arnl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BROKER'S STOCK, THAME, OXOAM' T. O l E S O L D B.%. A U C TlI O-N, -L By Mrt. R. NO!W-3ANID, On Tuesday next the Gth of June. 1843,-Tlie entire STOCK of Mr. James Bonner, broker, of' Tlianle, who is declining the business consisting of good, new, and second-hand four-post and tent bedsteads and furniture, night conveniences, toilet tables, looking glasses, mahogany side-bohrd, Windsor and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TITHE cOMMISSlON.-NOTICE. BATHE Tithe Commissioners for England and Wales T hereby give Notice, that a Copy of the Draft of Apportion- ment of the Rent-Charge agreed to be paid in lieu of Tithes in the parish of Northmoor, in te county of Oxford, has been deposited at the house of Th 3fs Walter, the sign of the Red Lion, in the said prish, foct ie inspect ion of all persons in- terested in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRUST MONEY FOR MORTGAGE. LEVEN THOUSAND POUNDS are ready for Mort- gage, on a term of fourteen years, at 3 per cent. Principals alone treated ?? by letter, free of postage, i John James Coward, Esq. Lansdownn Crescent, Bath, who is one of e 'r~ustees.-ln case of all approved mom'tgage, the Trustees still bear the expenec of the mortgage deed. tosrsc111PT. ARRIVAL OF THE QUEEN AND PRINCE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TITHE COMmISSION.-N0oICE. r1'HE Tithe Comnmissioners for England and ?? Tbereby give Notice that a Copy of the Draft of Apportion- nient of the Rent Charge agreed to be paid in lieu of Tithes in the hamlet of Denton, in the parish of Cuddesden, in the county of Oxford, has been deposited at the house of Mr. Jas. Mountain, in the said lamlet, for the inspection of all persons interested in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOV IMAS has h lonor t iforni ,thii Clergy, Z M Gentry, and. th oa its!ts -.oiig ati ad the ntfreighlbourhood,t that, in oh enc te ivtainof seavoral at frstid, 0h uroes t th pirao of the present yaioi Le .toeopen a. S-E-1INAI14Y, fo thu rtion of-young Ladies iii d'ever -bianchk o relgiousa,c se1f , and ornamen tal 'acoemphibh- Iments-,..-Miss Lomasl -begs ein thus' hitroduring herself to pe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OPENING ATHENA?UM. LECTURE, JUONStAY, Oc'roui?te9th, 1843. at ? 3 il-IL Committee of' the above Institution have much on U pleasure in attuouncing to the Members and (lie ? Public, that ?V. RAL Elori BAXTEIL, LTHD. (late HEAt Lecturer in the London Polytechnic Institution), has full?r ?? kindly acceded to their invitation to Open the ensuing 'I'h )fl, Session, by delivering a LECTURE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '.as his (CUPISS'S CONSTiTiU¶'I&N HO lie was ~.JTo sportsmen, A ticulturists, Posim list ribil. elte sof ttoroes, theealasteresrticdlarlyPrpi: ttiedlie eergy*sw~eledle, cracked hieels,. loss of appetite, andi~l Rice-ito. the best Me ,Cod Fever or Inflammatio they viale beintht agf'dministered, moreoer th- r 'iciun of rtiton thougis effectual is somild tathyruielo ath lero Pursue ?? diet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HAIL STORM RELIEF FUND A 70?ra the Count-y of Oxford. ?? and influontial Meeting. of. the Nobility, '~AGentry, Clergy, and Yeomanry oif the County, the IMem. ba6rs Of the University, and the Inhabitants of thle City of ox- fored, held in the Town Hall ( by permission of the Mayor and' -Counicil) on Saturday, Septembe 30i, 184, for the purpose of obtaining some relief fur the sufferers by the ...