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Advertisements & Notices

... ;VE VELLING. ittspidnt fsii .OSlEjflEFIAsNCE CO5MPANY' for the ,J:ib lD r~ .ovs5 FAST, CoAcEli otl~isotutEr, 5y~tCD s THEr respectful tbgrflllni l Ppu tronacge bestowed It r th ,a1thd 1o T'a Dr 014 he [ hbrotse GLSGOW, & ABERDEEN. ?? Uyol~sail Office, Waterloo lie hofled ie HOrse T Cellar, XII. Elifbtlflta each nwrf in g at Eight rrt den edu very evening at Nine Odr ixnlker 'ai p' N oel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YOF PAINT- 01 RC.Il rU R AND 'EFXTIII ANNUAL EXHI- 7jlqFiN o th ACADE)slly for the of LIVNo Alt15 'll'l is; now Open, mi i Bav~t IneTt)TION, from Nine a.M. 'irchet (n Transferable), 5s.; Adonis- BDy rder of tlse Council, 1). O. BILL. Secy. 9 tytlt Feb. 1S43. C Eda6e rI1'PREC R of the WESTERN 3iJh. f SOTAND hereby give no, RETsill be REDIUCFD to thstI*'~~' I ALFT PER CENT. on Anlaoroncy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIONE DIANXIIE. llone io 31, Gordon Ci 'otle, Api ?? I;t, 1914 2. To be Let. IC p11 t~ oe vtit stil'I 'l lI 5. Vt'vuk I;IT W l NJ, V011101,1,Wil C U AY1 thw ',ttwdal( !1.1 I, Ilm l,141111tl 11 Wa t'ruvtt 1 otlit, FO ?? 111II, 1 'Vi . Rept Se [OI,,Tto ?? COAVIENIMENT fl COTNMAY III (Iollos ENCE. WO~o fo hae e l e trhotittv . ftrlt3''t4 1'It3 CEOd tlt0it'tttittit.ii ?? . to: Crw C ut y2 11. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIPFRFITNE AND SECOND Cl.OT1ii, CASSIMERES, AND )OEsiINS; C(ARPETINGO4, IiERilTiI I1TOS& Sc. BLANKETS, fIED T1t'KS, QiCILTS .A.NID COt'/TRl'.iVAltS: SHiRTINGS, SII r1lNI} Itilo l.INEiNS, 1IiNrlt'tt O W)MIlI:s, &eA. $,Q. . REI1F SUIBSCTIIBERS ?? rPSOIVe(I to give IlIP hloirp plefelt 1 L EstablishinCIt, atNo. 40, UNION STURitr,lbegtO illtiulite to tlhir Friends, w0o havo ?? theo for the last ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NO0TICE To the PROPRIETORS Of Fqi~IiNGS on thle River DON, and Streams communicating therewith, and on the SEACOAST within Vive Miles of the mo'ath of said River. W T,'wo of the PROPRIETORS of SALMON FISh1- W 'UGS en thle River PON Hereby Give Notice, in term Of the Act t9th. Geo. IV., cap). 35, sec. 10, that a Mcotlng (of the whole of the Proprietors of Salmon Flidhinga in the( said Rtiver, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AB3RID)GED PROSPEC'TUS OF TII Ni CRT T B RITIS RAILWAY, i'nOiM VDiNIMtitUlii 70 aflcRV'.Ctt-ON-N'-iTVErD. Canpital X£ ?? Shares £25 each. Subscribers not liabie hey,-nod t1'e Sunts they Subscribe. PROVIx SIONAL COMl;MlTTEX. 'li'e Lord i'raocv sof Edlnliiigh !-1- swietn, Eeq. Inverleitli Place The B ayor of Blerwick-on- Tweed G. L. Finhly, Esq. The Provost of letilih Anodrew Miller, Esq. Sir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eid. STRaTHBOGIE FARmER CLUB. ved jWhRRMIUMS will be given by tihe STRATHBOGIE FAR- Fl 1J MER CLUii (subject to their Regulations), for the following dc- rhe scriptione of STOCK, to be shown at HUNTrLY, On TuRsoAY the 22d Rua August current:- the Three for Horned COWS, ous Three for Poiled COWS. re. Three for Horned QUEYS, Two years old. uch Three for Polled QUEYS, do. few Three for Iforned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... edt VOEltteELECTION of' COU NClL1.ORsf il, IT f ll EN itt tenntoof the. Acttof P'arliamecnt, 31 antd -i, \ illilltti V., ealp. 7;, eititaled Ani Act to .Aiturmitd Amenttd ?? lAoS f~r tilte ilctiion uf thle Malgistratvs tttd Countloiitrs of tule Roytti Itttrlits itt uOtitttd. 'fbe 'ronwN-Cf.titt5 of Abterdee'n btuely ltitt, tjittt tilt,' ELEC- LON of SEVEN 4COUNCIi1,Lt)tCS for tlite lIi'Y of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A BERDEE N SHIRE DiFjtrict Meetings under Commutalian Road Act. T 1E GENERAL MKPl'INGA for tih ALLOCATION I T of the COMMUTATION ASSESSMIENT for the current year, are eppolnted to be held at the tihtes atid places following :- T Ist, or Deer District. At OLl) DEER. on TURwatAy thoe st (lay of Juun, at II o'cloek. 2r, or Ellon District. t A.ELLON, on TacasDsV the 11th day of May, at 11 o'elocl: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FES TVAL, A5, .'1S5V01.5IU CL JAy4 nW rT QUEN 130 S PRINCE ALBERT. till p; 1 1oIONDE Y, 9tb OCTOBER advi T1oonun Inext. in r sets ' in ill be issued at Mr 1jtlttt.e ll00 n 1Tonday the 25tb, Wed.' jienl oh and 'Friday tue 29th current, fromn ?? V'onl1*h J. BURN, Nion. Secy. Nil bh t 1843. MA N INBURGH. fron /RL MIEETING of AS' 05tEI GENLUA IG ROADS in for ti '~TEES fer the hII |fir ?? 'Ie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STREET. TIIE j ' ?? viz. , bt lon LAI)Y GIEENOCE. ?? 5Ie ion. L EAI) ZI 'S bP H OUNSTONE. T UDE. SP I LAi)0t)G l LAS', REA IlLAND T'I'Ht It r~jtAURN. he wi Cu' VreeOrj.AU DE Bart. 1ide P OIR TIIOMA,;,cL Ii, .S. SEC nnutire,, that the VA!' 1l D 0,rallel 1 st inflO ae r FRE ?? (Wl{r'tl , .CY DJZESS Or KEEI T111' phlle Sat bI fII o forathe SnarO rt te iTO £I~i~isDr Six Tikets, for DR be striirlr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... {C-11 BF.NF.OOENT ?? ~sS' FIEAND SOC'IETY.CITY ?? BOWN of IBror ghttfl Pllce ?? ?? c aili be made in aid of I'~O *\son tort t t te Society have, d air- fro y~ ?? hvery vuery ouRr~, it ia earnestly inr olh'cU34 rvtil be urtusuaelunsualliberara . hoped c - - PULI SAL 01 E.ll SLEO TA ith auctio n, vo itlrin th e Subscri hers' To* Sors Old()i~ Naval Y ard, on Friday, 27th ?? lirmqCNGU OIilcet' n ...