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Advertisements & Notices

... HOSP,,IITAL i'l '1¶ TE INS,,ANE POOR1. DENBIGH. ItN~~f L M~E'lINUof SutbseribtrlS A4 to the Royl ospitail for the! ?? arld ar f' thle Ills~ane Poor ill North Wales, hold, 'OuoICat the 1loAuiD RNool of' thle Ix- Illa~lil'in Ira 001, oil ToliCSDAY, thle 211(d of' ni h olwing~ report and recontalendil- th ooitte Were rea~d tiid adopted. '11wt~ni0IteO ppinoittd ait a Meetin~g of' per- ~si ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J O 1-IN itA OL 3R. ECiS respectfully to acquaint the Gentry, t 'lerg v, a2- ?? of BANGOR and its Neighbolri hoo(l, that he has opened a Boolkselling sa~ .Statioyel ?? in the Alarket Place, wvhen he trusts, by unremitting assiduity and at- te.ii)0, tobc encouraged with their kind patronage Il(l suqupport, as lhe Icels confident that lie will be ,e;abled to supply every Article in the Stationer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TITHE COMMUTATION NOTICE. THE Tithe Commissioners for Eingland and Wales hereby give Notice, that on the Seventeenth dav' of JULY next, they will either 'by themselv'es, or by an assistant Commissioner,. hold a meeting for the pulpose of fixing, by a supplemental awmarcl the period at 'hich the 1Rent-cchargo, to be paid inl 'ietn of the Tithes of: the Parish of tNLYSCYNAAIRX, in the County of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *-3BEAUM§ABIS Horticultural Ball and Supper ;-lLbe held at tile jjI,r.TlA-%sS BUI.XELEY W tlk't is 1I-1EL rl aDY 26th AUo7UST, being the day of the Show. . E.- AJ EYRICK, Esq., Steward. Gentlemen5s Tickets . 10s. ¢d- Ladies' Tickets .. O . - 6s. Od. Dancing to commence at Nine o'clock. HARLECH. HUNT ILL COmmenCe on TUESDAY, the 12th day W ?? 1843,.wheni the Comptroller hopes to be fiavoured ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fourteenth Thousand. V In a Seatled Envelope, price 3s. ; and sent Free, on receivili, a post Office Order, for 3s. 6d. ,ML A W U. 0 0 II): FOUiItTEENTH EDITION. rjlEM CAUSES of its PRElMATURE DE- C (LINiE, -with plain Directions for ITS PER- vI:l(CfJ' RE1STORATION; addressed to those utiffrilng from the destructive effects of Excessive li(luil-ice, SolitarvIlabits, orlniirction; followed bt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXPEDITIOUS CONVEYANCE. , ARSSTANG, DEAKIN, & Co., EG to inform their `Welsh Friends, that their BFF L V R O A TR S., v Goods fronm Manchester to Liverpool daily, i;0E .1jiLVE BHOURS. From Liverpool the (4il1S are ?? by the first Trading Vessel, ot i ore ?ilod),ate sate of Cartage. Warehollses,-Soutliwest side Duke's Dock, liv]pisl;i l)uke's lliddlo Warehouso, and Foun- talill StCret, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To be Sold at Bodjor, f / In cery go6d coizditios, rrAVO DAIRY COWS, 6 years old. 1st, Half, - Short Horti, to calve tite 19thApril,-2nd the 27th June. Ml I S S L E W IS I ElGS respectftliv to inform the Ladies of Cma- B tarivotishire and Atiglesey that she is now in Lotdon, zeleeting the newest goods, &c., for the spring Season. H1er Rootms will be ready for inspection on and after the 11th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I , '1'HIE BATHS, BANGOR. . TO BE LET, for the Summer Montlhs, with T PRIVILEGE OF BATHING, a SUIT of FURNISHED APARTMENTS, Consisting of an excellent Cooking Kitcher, Sitting 1R00111, with Four spacious Bedrooms I Apply to R. HAinuisox, Plumber, Bangor. C TO BE LET , LI (And entered a n Mlz i fay Nert,) ) T IE MANSION HOUSE of FRYARS, near B FA.UMA &IlS, ?? sI of tile M cllai, and fit for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dI I . -- . Out Port of Carnarvon. AN Account of the Income antd Expenditure for the Port of enNAstvoN, under tho ma- tunagement of the Corporation for Rclief of Seamen, &c. in the Mlerchant Service, pursuant to 20 Ueo. t .II 38, and 4 and 5 Wm. IV. cap. 52, for thc year 1842. 1 I-IM1NCOM. £ s. 1). Duties from Vessels belonging to the Port ?? 0 4 EXPENDITURiE. Pensions ?? ?? . 30G 7 G. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DN NEW CHURCH andl BURIAL, I~~'ND will be consecrtedl onl Wi-DiNis- >, Avocr thle I 1t.h. Morning S~ervice will coin- 'eILcLa 11o'clock wheon at Sermton will be aiihdonl the occasion by thce Lord Bishop of~ ,\IterniooniService and a Struinon in Wvelshi to c,,a.lIjcjcL, at 4 o'clock. 'Ilucre will be a Collection after both Seri-ices jac aidl of thec funds. ju~st Published, 'Price Thtree ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAPER lANQINGS I/ m-t nF the best London, Dublin, and Liverpool rret Manufacture, oln Sale at very reduced prices Plc- IL J. WI'VITIIELL'S, Bin IOOK;SELLER, STATIONER, &C. Suceessoi to Waillim Potter and Company, of, ruf, squarc,. Carlarvon. ing Ncw Music, B1ooks, and; Magapzihes procured on ?? the shlortest notice. by I CIRCULATING LIBRARY, be TURF SQUARE, CARNARIVON. 1b- WM. POTT1g AN1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE GROVE SCHOOL, V .\ _vit WRE1XHIAM A Z, COXDItCTED BY DMIC SUBSON, D idl re-opeln on the 26th JVLY. 13one ?? for Manure. qql ,1 BONiES GROUND for Agricultural ?? ',varrantcd not to have been~ boiled, t. l' till,010g1 any chemical ?? - NO, Gols Stacks; or at No. 5, Fore- r. L re 5, , C ht, cllester. To be Sold by Auction, Y 13Y) MRl. 11. P1t(Bri7TS, A11CTIONrLn, S1i;NDRIl I'ARiM situate ill ...