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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... THRANTI-CORN-LAW COMMITTEE of the METROPOLITAN BOROUGHS SIT DAILY, at the BEitish Hot.:t, C..ksI -steei Tih Hoit. CHARLES P. VILLIERS, M.P., Chairman and Treasurer. J. C. SYMINS, Esq., Secretary and- Sob-Treasurer. Gentlemen willing to join tile Committee are requested to send their names to the Secretary. ,Subscriptionsi are received ait the Comnmittee-roonis; Messrs. RlIn- soms, bankers, I, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IL, ENUINE, SPERM OIL, Os. per gallon; solar, 37sB. ad,J; wax candles, Is. Qd. peor lb.I fin ts ava, Is. 5d, ; G~ uille wvax, Lis. St.; trainaparaot wax, vit., genuine qwpene2, s; eatidles1, 53d; 'vax-wicek nioulls, 7d.; comtpeslc, requiring no c analfog, 16.; ye~llow; soap, 40s., Msa., and 5ise. per 112 tlle.; toothledN' Gtis, and 64s. ; best cited, 74s. ; palm soap, Is. Ad. per packet ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMITUSEMENTS. ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION.- I)urln, Lent the DISSOLVING ORRERY Will be exhibited on the mornings of Wednesdays and Fridays, whet the Theory of Coniet- ansl oflher Celestial Phenomena will be explained and illustrated by Diagraim-. At work daily, a complete arrangenient of COTTlNi SPINNING MACHINERY, consisting of a Carding, Roving, and 8pinning Frame. Cary's new ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -%jOTICE to PASSENGERS (per City of PeI onoahb for IMADRAS and CALCUTTA.--Ttris ship, being ,ow. uii hr i i as to P'orltsmouthi, passenpers oru reqi sted to be there yI 1 ronbirk onl Wednesdiry, the Ist Ma rich, 15s stir vill ssit IIt dgyhjla iiI, Thrsarety morning. F. GRLEEN and CO., 114, Corribilt. 1LIOR MA~DRAS and CHINA, will sail onl the 5th . t Aril, the thinl new shipl CASTLE EDEN, 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YIOLE1NT O1TBiEAx IN GREF'NWICII HOSPITAL SclooLjs.-Another outbreak among the boys of the upper school took place on Thursday. It appears to have comn- mnenced upon the boys entering the class-roolnaat nine o'clock in the morning when they commenced destroying their Elates and books and throwing them through the windows. This scene of insubordination continued during the whole of the forenoon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - prrvi.I~~~~CA'FLO`1 N S. -4-- A l il iitili: Nil~~~~~~~~~~~~ni .11. ~ ~ ~ N .1:~M R'1 I I11 Z II -~~T. l ittt O uil' ii' J iiIII o I,n lin OpiiT t l n it'.,ll '-liim I J 11 i' li''X cI 'lii tel OS E~n t)FI MI ~SS T i l'I (' KI.,AN Di)- Iti ii'ii ioi 4P i t I' , it II. i I t ni\t'I tTo'. i HyYIn tit NisA S i's-I- . - .~~~~~~~~ilId nI n-, n ii N i I N iA t illA N 1.\ i tL l - liiiN lI I i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UTTER MADE IN TEN MINUTES, B BY THE NEWLY-INVENTED CHURN. REGISTERlED ACCORDING TO ACT OF PARLIAMENT. XTT WOOD, WIMBLE, and WARNER, MfAx~rACcruRO., Lanwes, Tide CHURN' being toade entirely or Block Trin, the tiecessary degree of temperature can be given to the cream, by placing it IRSa pan of cold or tint water, which ensures the botter coming in 10 or 12 minutes. Tile simplicity of tts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SN LU M ll~ FEM ALE ORPHANS, West. ft. 1 f.. I I tILwo Ii,i floon Tof COy tlot~tfF, Angst., I h, if irffo Fl,,i'cig i Iti bowlo. to H- 101il.1 of 1the Rerr. EdfoaifI tboiifiII riof t l, if, li,' bsiIt~iI ii lfl-olonlle at Tr'i otoof I, li..ft 1'*tliti It-oW Cotfri 0 fir.I' 't. lif kc firt.o4,. Lodiftoi P f 1oiiflr,lo'f, 'I-orgl tr oini ion~tjori Iif,f ,1'. fin.tot Infsro r Ilii I ti nt r'tt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I. * l i t 181 i \ - - ** 1 ,- nlw A h '. MslH N-WhI K P1 'Ilt, Bl1,A CK- * i'' I I II 14111 itt.kui tli l . t 1, l , IlIIlkv ll- rr tst A I NIII TI N > a1. I , T; I ii.. -,.f~ I Ii,, , I'- IA~ If -itil o X Il7. .1 ' 1>.tl' I a * 46*0-- .,l4 -, 4iuol 'A%- LNC tt , i-Nn Atli t,' tAIAAAAA 'A t l it, ' N'A A JLA j AAA'tI AN, 'A , .'i't. bu,A p-'' .r, LAAmt At f I l At II I , , - AAA,, i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -101 1ADR S (ofibig at the CAPE), to sail1 IsofSetsisber, the LADY FLORA, 800 tons,i y~icm~d'~livng In ttse West India Docks, Hias R arf racmasttouis for passengers and will carry an ex- 51 -o fright or passage apply to Captain Ford, pi Sug. rdLenard-street; ThsosoansBirowvue,4'4, Eastcheap III Carhil; orto Francis Chamrbers, 22, St.flun- Si E 01'CALC T'IA direct, to sail on the 25th ofr c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. PANORAMIA of EDINBURGH.-Just opened, at the PANORAMA, Leicester-square, a splendid VIEW of EDIN- BURGH, with her Majesty's entry, on the let septenmber, 1842; comprising all the remarkable buildings within that ancient city, and ell the magnificent scenery that surrounds it. The VIEW from the Rhine, of Coblentz and Ehrenbreltdteln, and Baden Baden, still re- mains open. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION.- CARTOONS of RAPIIA Il-The Series of ORIGINAL CRAYON DRAWINGS (by Hlollowly) which vrcr, execeted for tihelell-killown EngraviRgs of these Cartolons, are now exhibiting, with other addi- tions to tile nuplsrosrs works, both is Art and Science, in this I.Btli- tuttion. The Lecturres of Dr. Ryan, Professor Bachhoffncr, and Mir. Goddard, are at ...