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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... )F11aW V4AN Ui*P' BOARDINO ANi DA-Y 910OiiOL, FOR. YOUNQ LADIES, IIN ION TlItIlACE, ASERIDEENC. - !ihS LAMBRRT respectfully begs to intimate to her jYJ. Friends nwd the Public, that her SEMINARY for Yoexio LAOIKS-will RE-OPEN on 31ONDAY the 7thof August. UnionTerrace, July2&, 1843. Ladies' Boarding and Day School, IN CROlVN STREETI. _,I lSES WHYF ' T beg to itli jinite that this Establishment ...

Literary and Scientific Notices, &c

... ta L~iterary ana sfzientlolf Notices, &c. W'hy shoeuli you See'ic'i' 1 Edi iturgl: Thonmes 1'antol USitlu this title, we have a lrief, lint at very seusible arlt Settsot1tle|, on the present state a:lie C'i ilch Q uestion, and ?? rlt. ined Secesiot llo lntiltbr, we tdiliii. shews s cry ably and clat iy, ?? tilO Non Inti-tlutitisias ts'o 1ao i use to qa t tue C'bmitl: other than ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~'HE AliERDEEN i[OTit, tNo. I-so UNI0ON STtReVT, ABERDIEEN. No. 136 It JAMl ES PREY, C from the C('nitineel-cal Hotel, Ile) M faott. begs to Intimate to tiho Nobility. Gentry, Commercia'Vlt ('entleint it !,nd Publict t large, that ]Ito haI.% srrivld ?? Abtanlleen. - and t.a! 1.- '-rin of that well, knotw, spaciousn. and hatndsl'ino ita~'v. A lEltl1ENT IIOTEI-.I, adjoining U'nion 13irhigi', of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P O P U L A R AYD U .ONREiA'WIONAL iiINGIr' . T HE Inhabitrnts of Aberdeen are respectfullly informned Tthat h3fAINZEIR, the.lfiinguished lBVFoa.N$R off SACIAD iand StCtCI.A5l S:\NoI4o, will deliver TrWO LECTURES, P ?? of his Simple snid Efficient System of Popular MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. 1):0 \\ RDEoS'AY Uril TeltIlst',\\ Sepltesriber 2Oattd U'1, IN G OIl f STItl;E'r CIIAPEP,. tfo- NMecting to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A N ORa T OR I (A 11(01 TIAN BIn.EFI~T 0F T)'l ~BEDRDEEN HOUSE OF PREF'UUE S..lof industry, Will be given in Si,. PSEI'ARR's CIJAPE'L. on WEDNESDAY IEVEN INO, 217th September. P'art 1. +-JUSTVCS UT PAINA ?? G.-AVE INARlS STEILA R.V Jnq/t 7Al.EL~t Cl~lt~, ~itowle/. ParI II. ?? iPei, DMIN LAUDAMIJSfoo . i avli ..ccDellielll. I I IIINA Donfue ?? egiIaI-4 llii?0 DoomI wviil be ?? at haif ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II[E SunSeCltIEBE has ijust got to Ilald, from Messrs Ctleu 16 & HARVEY of L~ondon, and other most approved Mainufac. tuiers, a frehil supply of atll the various sorts of SHOOTING (MIN. POW DlER-viz. FFF. S tO1iL SCEAL, DoaII.I SEAI., ?? IINI orCv- i l 1iS, in L(alIstelrs; also, Strong R LAST ING G U N POW DIE R, RIound or Small, for Quarriers. PlRENCII PtlOcUSSlON CAPS il rreat variety. also, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G 0 Rt D 0 N'S D I 0 R A Di A) MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. FANHE PROPRIFTOR ibeg3 leave respectfully to ?? J ?? highly-llberal patronago witih which lho waS holloured by the Citizeiso of Aberdeen, during the recent h-olidays, and to Intnleto that. als the Exhibition Positively Closes, on SATUnDAY the 21st Inst., lie econfidently trusts that a contimnasneO Of public oipproval will be ten- derei ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tnl~~~ti~et~~s o r f Iit r' i , ~ ~ f kA V I N (. ?? reqiuested by Ilrany of yor 1irlinliler to i4 atlow tys if to be pit in nomnitlati n as your M)CAN, for; aintber yeCr. I halve resolveil. alctioustl wait sonic rceletaice. aslillt. tc 0ime forward tin at Candidlte If 3.t are of qopillilin tliot my ?? condurlCt. riu thC Past vealr, h o 1-it . Ie r treb ai . warrtnlt my ?? cit tiero t uhble I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MbAHICNAI, 7OiLLM~t .AWDM2ittt~t' i H l f llowiug S U B 3 E C T S will bc taught during the ensniig S Li M E IT S F s s I 0 N: L Saeacjrxs. 7eoelhcm v Di. If, -S, Datf (! Commenic'cement. ?? In addition to tie ordiniariy wfnllls, Excihioiis will beo matte oil tho Siatl ililys. for tie btotitt (thi'so ?? tWh10 monn ho dmril ois of lo!coming icquafnciil wtth the natural pi ltdiuetiouns o tho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iMVatiq-t4S ?? AN~D Aedo0ssT 8ZOo;. m IOtwN, & CO. llave receivedl n 'Supply (If all kiami of Al, WIIIT'!NC cid lit NG 1'APl5 ItS, ia)ilu ?? ?? niler Ionthslia which will be fouinil Suiperior iII quality, titid reasoaiible In priee. IIEMRCRANTS' A*CCOUNT IiOOIS; L.EERS; CASH and(1 DAY lBoOIOS; JOlJNA1E. CtOPYING LE'I l'lE l1(iOS, ?? to ally t'ottern. A Steek aif t0esO itilat ge-irilly ?? al ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It MEIN, 8tJHiO~N-D:NTII;r, Ii, CrOwn street, re- I peotfully Intimates, that he may be consulted on lots of teeth, and all other operations connected with Dental Surgery. Aberdeen. 1st Auguet, 1843. JELLY CANS--JEI.I.Y JARS. JELLY CANS-JELL.Y JARS. JELI.Y CANS-JELIY JARS. aHuG H r ItY A S E R & CO. S5 CASTLE STREET, 55 Aberdeen. A U C H I N T O V L H O U S E, 40, ONION SraCgU, ABERD11M. ...

Literary and Scientific Notices, &c

... ,- - - - -I . Ln , t-- L~iterary and Sclentllc Notices, &Vf. A Jlictcrii1 of tin(' tlfciii:ol:1N .in i:ll, .,ro of, i ?? . Conic .;II iiilii'O, 1;l. cardinet, widt BaypI: Ity \ ll.l v,,l lstw A.Ml., Vrolezl; ?? of N11w'lr flii'! !iIO ;11 tin i'le ?? of MaIr 'c(lo Colege. ?? ' lond{on1: Cl'l*nnl')ili,.tl &~ ?? X.}lbdC.ei l~ellS Sil:;l IT gicOS ilo; At: l,; tinti0e to ?? tI'! ?? e 01 liii hlld-. ...