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Advertisements & Notices

... FINE SWEET AT TBE Forelag Fruit Grocery and Chleese WAREHOUSE, 39, ACADEMIY-STREET. M K E N N A hasjust receivid, du.ecJ, via Liver- J. pool, 150 BOXES of very fine, and very .4 F-lSiT ST. MIICHAEL'S, PALERM0, AND LISBON CHINA ORANGES. Also, a Large Quantity of the Real NEEWTON PIPPIN AAIERICAN APPLES, L lAU 9G 19,\D FIVE, FIil JIT. Old ISLAY MAIILT TWrHlSISKEY, of Partictlar Flavor, l0s, per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TTHEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Last Night but Two of the Pantomime. -,;st Appearance of Madame VESTRIS and Mr. C. MATHEWS. T HIS PRESENT FRIDAY, January 20th, T will be performed the Comedy of KNOW YOUR OWN MIND. Dashwood, Mr. C. Mathews; Millemour, Mr. Calcraft; Sir John Millamour, Mr. F. Cooke; Bygrove, Mr. Bar- rett; Lady Bell. Madame rest~is, in which she will slug ' Lovely Night, composed by J. ...