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[No title]

... All accoun t of coal brought down the Tram- road the month of Jan., 1843:- TONS. CWI. Thola, f rothero 890 10 Thomas Powell 2,403 3 Rosser Thoma., ad. Co. 1,910 14 Thomafe PhiBips and ton 162 1 491 Maitin Morrison •• •• 1,776 4 j Joseph Beaumont •» 452 6 W. S. Cartwright i — N 791 L3 Niessrs. J. Latch and Co ¡. 851 3 tiock Coal Co. 1596 J oh n R useel I and Col. 3,23-5 13 Latch and Cope 480 S. ...


... A great falling-off having, in consequence of the miserable low pI ices lately obtained, taken place in the supplies of slaughteied meat, from all quarters, up to the dead maikeW* the weather being very favourable to slaughtering, and the at* tendance of both London and country buyers rather numerous we had a much better feeling in the beef trade. Some of thO best weighing Scots were taken off ...


... January -—Chichester, Bishop Aged 62 February -Cleveland, Duke 76 March -Hertford, Marquess. 65 Macclesfield, 87 Muoster, 48 77 Teynham, 14th Baron 74 April -Ludlow, Ear I. 84 Rolle 86 71 —Manners, Baron 86 June -Congleton, Baron. 66 Rodney, — Leicester, — 91 August —Baron Berwick — 69 Rossmore, — 77 Vivian, — 67 September -Wellesley, Marquess. — 82 Teynham, 15th — 58 October -Ferris, Earl — ...


... OMADARV. lUa • DJ n Sun Nition's Moon Moon ltiove, Sets. Age. Rises. Sets S'lnd*. H-M- H- M- H.M. H.M. fcl. • 1 33 57 13*0 2 a21 5m46 21 5 9 14.0 3 46 6 IS ft/ 7 19 5 10 Full S 14 6 44 RlX T nj 5 12 6 4i 7 5 7 IS 5 14 17-0 8 9 7 8S fN. ? 14 16 18-0 9 37 7 41 J 7 12 5 18 19-0 1)1 3,8 4 LESSONS. Tre?^»-f:e t^»»on. Gpn. i.—2 ...


... RADICAL FALSEHOOD.—A speech was delivered by Dr. Marsham, at the late Buckinghamshire Conservative Fes- tival. The Morning Chronicle, the chief organ of the Leaguers, wincing under the chastisement administered by the Dr. to Anti-Corn-Law agitators, thus notices his address. Dr. Marsham's name, it says, is not, perhaps, well- known to the public but it ought to be. Dr. Marsham is one of the ...


... Of the Patients of the Newport Dispensary, January 31st, 1843. ON THE BOOKS, JANUARY 1ST. GG ADMITTED SINCE 121 47 Cur ed 5 2 Died 67 Under care at R. F. WOOLLETT'eon. LLANARLLI-STREET, JAN. 31ST, 1841.. ...


... 4 ^MMOIUIAN&HI^E V-\I = » „ ARRIVALS. ■» PortU^Sfe^slafes; ;iAd,5stry' K?™^ Chewtow^ ifii?' rare. Fawkna, London, ballast., Alexander f'orK w IJ* Hri(tporr, baIlist fewan. l>avies, Peiia^V sfoae/jWh v .Octaviaw lyiaainr^W.hitebaVen. ofe.; ..V. Eliza''M'Vbii h i?,r • of ,/lolpV-.Cogan Hill,.«o«l.»,»Sir Alex. M'Kenrie, 4l»v«S, .W^terford. coal.Reaper. Irwin, ...

^ -»^__HEiiJ)()MAl)AR\ .-.-- ----

... -»^HEiiJ)()MAl)AR\ k; v. r «•«• V v,.cr M. — • ,i v t = » ? •;• i.i •> i: j; '> £ >r L ,oONS. W ,vn-;U ATIN EWrojtR. W ATIN EWrojtR. v btys 01 I 111 AT —— MO I.N. • M- i • i Vv 0l^av 94-21 9 29 J1 8'f.i'esduv 10 13 10 20 2S 2 9' ri d^,lV 50 3S 10 47 '26 2 lo'&at8(i'»vy 11 H 30 24 ti 1.'fridav 11 :i-2 !'2 29 23 2 1 IS 2 14 23 2 2 f £ 3 42 25 4 ...

[No title]

... An account of coal brought down th Canal during the week ending Jan. 28 TONS. Tlioinlis Prothero.. Martin Morrison 125 Thomas Powell. R.J. Blewitt Monmouthshire Iron find Coal Co. 825 Ft!ntw3-n It Golyoos Iron Cu. 47 To,a' •; S I HON •• •• •• '• •• • ...

>. kii, Nzwp ILI U.flIC.r;._____'

... >. kii, Nzwp ILI ft11 •• ^J*esat dispatched Slid, he posted better receive '*&> ^T~- 'U before with fees til M I *'■ q'IP,M- 1 ° P M- 130 M- J,0* 2wA,M 9 ° A-Ml 9 20 M ^0W°J0 A.M 2 30 P.M. 1 30 P.M. 1 50 p M. SSfr'^V- ~-3lP-M- 1 3n.M\ I I 50 p.M. 6*».j'an ...