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Advertisements & Notices

... to no ut le id if :- ie a ,1- V se a- 1e as as ry in no, e C- I- -e sf Up I, 1,, IO rI eI e L. PROPBBSOR SWEDOUIBB ?? iHERB PILLS, ?? celebrated CoUDIAL 1fKjJW OF MECCA. ?? With each box of ProteuorSw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIO-ULAR CASES OF RECOVERY OF HAIR, After 18, 25, and 26 years loss, ,, , , _ ?? - .- _ ?? ?? tal dfew attestatioat, rselected from numberless others, receired he during the last 40 years) to the virtues of ROWLAND'S MACASSAR e; OIL; ?? original, of rhich may be seen at the Proprietors. i To Messrs. ROWLAND & SON, 20, HATTON GARDEN, LONDON. Y. Hummunu Hotel, Covent Garden, en February 26, I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N n R EW. HAL off'his gratefulthanlks. A to t hose numerc jFrie*la: whro so.kisidly and effi- ieintly' asdisted itn sly tbei~a m at his property; at g~ree~t eissisal risk, d)x5i tt0oF RE; end, as for as he'. fiai b 'en alils ro miah fiseli 10 Q vlte-nith tbeir njames, be will thanik them pe~rsonally at isis earliest convenietnce.- Just published, price Sixpense - A LETTER TO 'I'E FARMERS OF A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rHE SALE OF FARMING STDCK, _L upon Milbourn High House Farm, in theI of Ponte]and, belonging to Mr Wm. James, wil place on Thursday, April 27,1843. RA LPH BRO IVV, Auctioneer. HE SALE oF FARMING STUCK upon Ponteland West Houses Farm, in the of Ponteland, belonging to Mr Win. vlaughan, declining Farming, will take place on Monday Ist, 1843. RALPH RRO WY, Auctioneer Ponteland, Feb. 23, 18-13. TO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YOF PAINT- 01 RC.Il rU R AND 'EFXTIII ANNUAL EXHI- 7jlqFiN o th ACADE)slly for the of LIVNo Alt15 'll'l is; now Open, mi i Bav~t IneTt)TION, from Nine a.M. 'irchet (n Transferable), 5s.; Adonis- BDy rder of tlse Council, 1). O. BILL. Secy. 9 tytlt Feb. 1S43. C Eda6e rI1'PREC R of the WESTERN 3iJh. f SOTAND hereby give no, RETsill be REDIUCFD to thstI*'~~' I ALFT PER CENT. on Anlaoroncy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THRANTI-CORN-LAW COMMITTEE of the METROPOLITAN BOROUGHS SIT DAILY, at the BEitish Hot.:t, C..ksI -steei Tih Hoit. CHARLES P. VILLIERS, M.P., Chairman and Treasurer. J. C. SYMINS, Esq., Secretary and- Sob-Treasurer. Gentlemen willing to join tile Committee are requested to send their names to the Secretary. ,Subscriptionsi are received ait the Comnmittee-roonis; Messrs. RlIn- soms, bankers, I, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -%jOTICE to PASSENGERS (per City of PeI onoahb for IMADRAS and CALCUTTA.--Ttris ship, being ,ow. uii hr i i as to P'orltsmouthi, passenpers oru reqi sted to be there yI 1 ronbirk onl Wednesdiry, the Ist Ma rich, 15s stir vill ssit IIt dgyhjla iiI, Thrsarety morning. F. GRLEEN and CO., 114, Corribilt. 1LIOR MA~DRAS and CHINA, will sail onl the 5th . t Aril, the thinl new shipl CASTLE EDEN, 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES. WOODHOUSE'S BALSAM OF SPERMIACETI.-The wonderful effect of this valuable preparation in affording instant relief in coughs, colds, asthinas, wheezings, tightness and oppression of the chest and lungs, has create quite a sensation in the medical world, and it is now admit d S umbers of the most eminent of the faculty to be ti ?? hitherto discovered for affording instant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE .~'OYAL, DUBLIN. - 'ncce that, withthe view of r.CALCRAFT begs to ano het ode of Taetii presenting, in succession, the hi, n h aatams every brauch of Theatrical Exhibih.' ng1,hemtwt esormous expense, effected a short -nLIgHMENTwt DUCROWY'S EQUESTRIAN ESTA'L HMENT, EsTA - of Grand during which will be presented a Series I G d Spectacles, with a variety of Scenes iu the Cir,o, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !H.RISt CU!RHT .PRESTON. ?? VoVING -PoltRGA1. j Yib pj 1X;TF, the 1t7th inst., the't 4164; .1i bibn Cio~nklt hurch, at. a q6.ftar' pa3t ?? o'clock, ad a 81 III6N.' preached by. the Rev. ,OaSUNDA tilpa 19tbitt .TWO T EUMONS are~t6 pre d,:,th epe int Jh1 horing by, the Rnv.-J-IW; .WATSOE,;B-.,-bt irlierpf, S~t. 'tasy's,,Preaton; 'and the' Aftersaeh SertpopColleotio0a t yrill be iad9 to defray ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? JOHNq'S HOUSE, WINCHESTER. has the to announce that CONCERT and BALL will take place at St. John's N Rnoson husdy Eenng Ferury23, 1843. whio 31r. THoMAiS, thle eminent Violinist, Mir. C. LUCAS, Violoncello, Mr. CONDUITx-Contra Basso. The Concert wvill commence precisely at eight o'clock. For the Ball an'eflkiient Quadrille Band, under the;J. tlirection of Mr. Conduit. n%( Single Tickets, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %alt0 ba! anction. SI tARESTONE, near AI tIED-TO INNKEEPERS and 0TrB1511S.By Mr. StM ,Onl Friday, thia Thirdt Day of Merch, 11143, at six ?? in the Evening, at thle jioniS6 of Mrs. Lyie, tile White Hlorse Inn, in Wakefield, in the county of York , subject to thle Conditions to be then produced, ninless previously disposed of by Private Con- tract, of which due Notice will be given, ALI tisat ...