Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. THE NEW SPORTING NOVEL, JUat ready, is i vols. post 8vo., HT A N D L E Y C R 0 S S; H. B or, THE SlPA HIUNT. By the Author of Jorrockc Tiaunts end Jollities, Henry Colbura, publisher, 13, Great 1arlburousghl-strcet. GUTHRIE'S SCHOOL ATLAS. This day Is published, priece lOs. dd., half bound, C UTHRIE'S ATLAS of MODERN GEO- GGRAIPHY: with a complete lidex for the use of schools; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOW OPEN A NEW WOOLLEN WAREH1OUSE, CALLEID THE LEEI)S HOUSE, N'o. 8, MARKET-11EAD, DERBY. IIEP WORTH aud CHAIPMAN, Proprietors, r 1IE PROPRIE'T'ORS in soliciting the support of I thc Public of Derby and Neighbourhood, beg to state that the present attempt to establish a WOOLLE( N BUSINESS in Derby, is undertalen by them with a fall ColnViCtiOti of tbe ?? of STA\ocrits succeeding in an v town ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MlUSIC BALL. THURSDAY NEXT, MIARCH 2. Benteft of AjI-. F. T. HORNCASTLE. RAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT. j vocalists Miss A. Williams and Miss MS. Williams (f the Lond PhilHarmotic Concerts); Miss Spen (of (the Royal Academyv of music, London); Miss Le RAS Mr. illiars, end Mr. F. VW. Horncastle. pOsitjvelg the Last Night of Mr. Horneastle's Entertain. eat 00 the National tMusio of Ireland. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aberdeen Town and County Banking CompPaDny. NTIMATION 1S HEREBY GIVRN, That, in term3 of ' the Contract, the ANNI.UAL GIINERAL 1IEETINX of tbe COM31- i'A, i'a, for the pirpose of electiltg DirectrOs, will be hehl herc, on ?? the 6th MNlarcl next. n t Two ,'cockl afternoon. t W.V. LITT'LEJOHN, Cashier. Towla nod County Bank Office, Aberdeel, I o S'th January, 1843. 1 Aberdeenlshire Fliars. > ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. BlREAREY. CRICIC , DERBYSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MiR. BREAREY, At he House of hMrs. Poyzer, the New Inn, at Bull Bridge, near Crich, on THURSDAY, the 9th day of March, 1843, at two o'clock in the Afternoon, in the following or such other Lots ns may be agrecd upon tat the time of sale, and subject to such conditions as will be then produced; VERY VALUTABE FREEHOLD ESTATE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FARVIS ON CASTLE FRASER TO LEW, EN~tY AT WIIrSTUNDAY, 1843. G LACK, containing 40 Scotch Acres, or thereby, Arabicl G I tBlENittL, containing 1G Scotch Ares, or thereby, with a considerable raoge of Wood Pasture. From 10 to 12 Acres of Old (Orots Land twill be added to BRAeNaIL, if wished for by anl eligible 'reliant. Apply to the Proprictor, or his Overseer; or to Messrs BtLAIXMI & SMITiI, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oli: BOM.NBAY direct, will sail on thle 15thl FA111 ci se fisS stailing teals ship LARKINS, 5100 tans,JAE Ill a- 0Ii 1, .i j.8..S Cs tommundor, lying Iin thisEs Itolia Docks. Titis thip I `S10i5a accttnommodtionss far pistsottgers, ansi carries fisi ~ cc's-sI-s~s -Feot-r treighti or passage apply to T. Iluvisisie sasil ain (0tsts or lIP, Coenhill. g' iT ADRAIS and CHINA!, will sail on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTJ2S. NAPOLEON'S celebrated MILITARY CAR- RlIAtE taken at WATERl.OO.-Raom iagnioftleety fltted to show tilh decoration of his period; Engravingsofilis History; splendid Bust by Canova; theClooli te svoreattlarengo; the Sword of Egypt; the Stoimilord giLs nto htis Gards, his Watchi, gold SnottY-box, Ring,one ofihis Teetli, the Instrumezt that drew It, Teotti-brust, Madras worn in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jII.sON'S SCOTTISII ENTEI'RTAINMENTS, ATHENEuX M IIoomt, DEitBY. mr. 3TORF.RR1 has great pleasure in annouvncing, that on THURSDAY EVENING, the 2d March, at eight o'clock, iVIR. ' VIISON -will give his ENTERTAINMENT, Al1 etitled A NICIIT WI' BIURNS, And sing n selection of Buris' Songs, interspersed with Anecdotes, &e., ot his life. And onl FRIDAY MORNING, 3d March, at two o'clock, he will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Partnership a' N heretofore subsisting between us, J O S E P H JEiNilUNS HEWITT, of the City of Bristol, and WILLIA M BATES, of the Borough of Leicester, Cotton Winders, under the style or firm of JOSuPIe JRNStrY8 HEWITT and Co, wa - DISSOLVED by mutual consent, ott the 21st day of January, 1843. And all Persons indebted to the said ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. Tbis day, Part 1., price 7b., I-ILE PHYSIOLOGICAL ANATOMY and T PHYSIOLOGY of MAN ; with numerous Originial Ilustra- tions, By It. Ii. TODD, M.D., F.B.S.; and W. BOWMAN, F.I.S. of King's College, London. 'To be conrpleted in Three Parts. London: lohn W. Parker, West Strand. This day, 2 vols. 8vo., price 3is., SYSTEM of LOGIC, Ratiocinative anld InI- .It duietive: haunh a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNRE]SERVED SALE OF !£7,000 WORTH OF LINEN AND WOOLLEN DRAPERY, Silk illercery, Hosiery, Gloes. Lace, and Haberdashery, HIGHISTREET, 205, EXETER, TWO D1O0ORS ABOVE THE GUILDHALL. JAMES BAKER 1) EGS to inform his Friends and the Public, that his Wholesale Business requiring the Nwhole of lis personal B) attention, as well as the whole of his Premises, he hns decided on DECLINING HIS RETAIL ...