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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser




Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... MAPRIET INTELLIGENCE. - -- ?? - , ?? . ?? - ?? LEEDS CORN MARKiET, TUESDAY, FEB. '28-The supplies of Grain to this day's market are rather larger thanlast week. Wheat has been dull sale. and ?? quarter lower. Barley, Oats and Beans, very little alteration from last week. THtE AVERAGE PRICES OF WIHEAT, FOR ?? WEES ENDING FEB. 28, 1843. Wheat. Barley. Oats. Rge. Beans. Peas Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. ...

Bankrupts, &c

... l5autrupto, Wt. From the London Gazelle of Fri~da, Feb. 24. BANKRUPTS. William Russell, of Kingston-upon-Tharnes, Surrey, innkeeper, March 3, at half-past two, and April 7. at half-past twelve, at the Court of Bankruptcy, Londou. Mr. Pennell, official assignee; Mr. Chester, solicitor, Parsonage Row, Nowiugton Butts, Surrey; and Messrs. Walter and Deniainbry, solicitors, Kingston. upon-Thames, ...

Bankrupts, &c

... oanbrupto, &Z. - ?? ?? From the London Gazette of Friday, Feb. 24. BANKRWPTS, William Russell, of Kinrston-npon-Thames, Surrey, innkeeper, March. 3, at half-past two, and April 7, at balf-past twelve, at the Court of Bankruptcy, London. Msr. Pennell, official assignee; Mr. Chesteri solicitor. Pltreonage Row, Newingtou Butts. Surrey; and Messrs. Walter and Demainbray, solicitors, Kingston- I ...

Bankrupts, &c

... l3an'brupto, are. ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Fron Ule London GazetteofFriday, earn 17. BANKRlurrs. Edward Messun, of Portaea, Hampshire, Brewer, March 28, at twelve, and April 2B, at half-past eleven, at the Court of Baokruptcy, London. Mr. W. Whit- more, official assignee, 2, Baslughall-street; and Messrs. Brigge and Son, solicitors, Lincolas-Inn- fields. George Clarke, of 94, Crawford-streot, Bryanston- ...

Bankrupts, &c

... anrupo, &c. From the Ladeon Gazette of Friday, March 17. , sANnuOPPS. Edward Messum, of Portsea, Hlampehire, Brewer, March 28, at twelve, and April 28, at half-past eleven, at the Court of Bankruptcy, London. Mr. W. Whit- more, official assignoe, 2, Basinghall-street; sad Mesrre. Briggs and Son, solicitors, Lincoln'S-Inn- ' fields. r George Clarke, of 04, Crawford-street, Bryanston- square, ...


... .~1ARKET INTELLIGENCE. LEEDS CORN MARKET, TUESDAY, MARCH 14TH.- The arrivals of Wheat and Beans to this day's market are larger than last week. Oats and Barley rather smaller. The demand for Wheat has been limited, fine qualities have scarcely.made last week's prices, other descriptions very dull, and Is. per quarter lower ; there is scarcely any demand for old. Barley has been slow sale at ...

Bankrupts, &c

... joanfrupto, Vjc. Fron tse Losndon Gazette of Frdeay, March 17. BANKtRUPTS. Edward Mesaum, of Portsea, Hampshire, Brewer,, March 28, at twelve, and April 28, at balf-pust eleven, at the Court of Bankruptcy, Londen. Mr. W. Whit- more, official assignee, 2, Basingball-street; and Messrs. Briggs and Son, solicitors, Lincoln's-Inn- fields. George Clarke, of 94, Crawford-street, Bryanston- I square, ...


... LEEDS CLOTH MAtiFaIrs-There was more busi- ness done at the Halls on Saturday and Taesday last -agleam of sunshine in mid-winter; we shall be glad if it continue, bat much more pleasure will be realized if we should be enabled to announce an in- crease in business, of which there is even yet very little doing. RICHMOND CORN MARKET, SATURDAY, MARCH 18&H-We had a tolerable supply of GraiR in our ...

Bankrupts, &c

... ,3bfiaurupl0, &C. Froat ti ondon; Gnzett of Friday, Alarcl 10. BANKRtUPrS. I Thomas Davies-, 55, Grosvenor-street, draper, March 18, at eleven; and April 25, at half-past eleven, at the Court of Bankruptcy, London. Mr. W. Whitmore, official assignee, 24 B.singhall-street; Mr. James, soll. citor, Baslnghall-street. Henry Clarke, late of WolveryflasptO, Staffordskire, and now of 13, George ...


... SHE1ELD. MEETING OF THE TRADES' DELEGATES. Mr. G. J. Harney's letter, published in the NZorthersn Star of the 11th ultimo, calling the atten- tion of the trades and rate payers to a circular t issued by the Poor Law Guardians, and signed Geo. Crossland, has not been without beneficial results. The letter alluded to having bean read at a trades' meeting, it was forthwith resolved to hold a ...


... DISTRESSING SHIPWRECKS.--LOSS OF I FOURTEEN LIVES. HARTLtPTOOL-THunSDAY, FeB 23.-It is our pain- ful duwy to relate one of the most melancholy occur- rences that have taken place near this port (Hartle- pool), for many years past. The brig X.L., Captain Hindes, belonging to London, from Antwtrp for Hartlepool, with a general cargo of merchandise, came on shore near this place at five o'clock ...


... BHEFFIEW. MEETING OF THE TRADES' DELEGATES. jr Mr. G, J. Harney's letter, published in the n Northern Star of the 11th ultimo, calling the atten- ep tion of the trades and rate payers to ai circular t issued by the Poor Law Guardians, and signed Gen. Crossland, has not been without beneficial results. PC The letter alluded to heaving been read at a trades' or Ineetitig. it was forthwith ...