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... POLICB INTELLIGENCE-SATURDAY. MANSION-HOUSE. CHARGE OP FOIIGcity.-Ayounigmnau,nanmedlVilliam1b Afttfedl Clark, was brought up in the custody of Daniel Forrester, the officer, charged with having committed a forgery on the banking-bouse of Smith, Payne, and Smiths. Mr. Tessier, clerk at Messrs. Smith, Payne, and Smiths' Banking-house, produceld a cheque for £24 2s. Ild., which purported to be ...


... LAW NOTICES-THIS DAY. | The Lord Chancellor will not sit at Lincoln'fi-inn, to-day. VICE-CHANCELLORS' COURTS, LINCOLN'S-INN-Sit at ten. Before Sir L. SHADWBLL. CAusis, &c.-Brlin v Knott and motion-Auther v Author (2) -Flight v Camac-Gardcier v MINrsal-Okkes v Stravliey-Thomosou v Atherton (2)-Attorney-GeneraI 4 Hardly (a) I.oopc , W-t- Manby v Westrnacott-Asicburnimna v Wilson-Roberts v ...

Singular Escape from the Queen's Bench Prison

... At Union Hall, on Tuesday, Mr. Chester, the Deputy Marshal of the Queen's Bench Prison, applied for a warrant against Mr. Frederick tudford, a gentleman of property, confined for debt, who made his escape from the gaol under the following remark- able circumstances:-Mr. Ludford had been an inmate of the above prison for about six months, and on Monday, February 20, lie woo missing from the ...


... LAW' I.NTI MilNo. C;URT OP BANKRUPTCY-I 4t4Ac 20. I*&.-eltkelavEy TucrsTT.-Thiofday.e . ae fixed for the final !djic'iedroam -ination of the ?? se' Cardigan and blaoL bottlernotoriesy, deorribed as a wir~lmbeerea aJt, and ?? of the.firnaof;Ilnctett, Gbrdon, and Co: rsnri g on ?? in the Pditzyp-. !&te partnership rwas dissolrd$ lt'h the eourseiofrlast year when.,it appeared that Gordoh ...


... THE MURDER 26 YEARS AGO.-The paragragh stating that a man named Holden recently deceased at Egypt, near Chowbent, Lancashire, had confessed before his death to two women that he was one of the perpetrators of the horrid murder at Pendleton in 1817, is entirely a fabrication, no such confession having been made. We have seen a lett or trem John Pemberton, the constable of the place, who, alter ...

Published: Saturday 04 March 1843
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1882 | Page: Page 12, 13 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE-TIUESDAY. CLERK hN WE LL. The case of a young female, named Caroline Haymard, came on for re-examinkation. At previous examinations this young woman stated that she had lately come from Jamaica, that she was niece to Captain Macpherson, of the British Queen; and that she was highly respectably con- nected. H yr story was so circumstautial and affecting that the sympathies ...


... EXTRAORDINARY CHARGE OF BI GAMY. [FROM Tlss HEREPORD T-IME8.1 MON MOiUTH POLICE COURT,-The case which we ap- pend arose from the following circumstances. The defend- ant, M rs. Wall, married on the lat of January, 180, a per- son animed Edward Dent, who sihe afterwards discovered was a married man; a separation accordingly ensued, and on the strength of this separation, she was induced to ...


... 1,4 IV INTELLIGENCE-MoNDAY. HOUTSE OF LORDS-APPE'AL.S. DIIUMMSOED ANNt) ANOTHEBR V. MUNRO. 'The house resumed the consideration of this case, which was only partially opened last weels. Sir C. Wetherell, Mr. Swaneton, and Mr. Anderson ap. peered for the appellant8; and Mr. Pemberton and Mr. Gordon for the respondent. This wats an appeal against a decree of the Court of Ses- sion, arising out ...


... PflLICE. MANSION HOUSE. The LOxD MAYOR having received a 51. note from the mate of the Erebus ship-ef-war, with a request that his Lordship o^ouid hand it over to the only survivor of the crew of the tjonqueror, his Lordship desired that the boy should appear at le Mansion-house for the purpose of receiving the amount.- The lad, who stated his name to be Axetsorfcoe, accordingly made his ...


... ]'is 'CAi III1,ii thle belle tot w ot 1,o1 nvati to thle Ilila Itoiii as Jercois KtiAell!,i s1 thle lobby Of the 'A-IL gavc ill )eellfoila tititik ito- to ,.,I ci e itid i ?? hensla tliot, toi it ?? lotet hir woy tale t e h llwrtiht that ataolit'lialf litst elt W1 t~t he olt~i tt tt 'Icet stat,,edha tu sniothdo FrohV tj~t thle 1pnistfll(, waostott ~it h woii~~~eol in sri ie ?? e~t1 i titg ...


... ASS17E lNTELLIGEN, . tix.tltr) CIRCUIT-sltttlWSvisYl MAntOSE 23. Mr. Tit5, Wiglittoan arrived here about three o'clock on 'Thors- . ;tfttrd, swherie Mr. Justice Erskitte will retnain until thre tt.,f tilda have termtinatedt; and, alttlotgh they excite no interest in P t .~~ I V Ineighltourhaod, it is probable that several ,I be ot-cuaie l in their disposal, and that hils lordship wvilt e.drt ...


... ASSIZE INTBLLIGPN&$ NSORTHERN CIRCUIT-Yonic, MtARCH 17. CIVIL SIDE, (Before Mir. Baron Parke and a Spoecial jury)] Ti'a sTERRIY AlND OTHERs V. LORD OG5ANtT1,5 Ths aasenntion to recover the balance or a bankIn~g account. Mr. Davidas and Mr. Crommpton for the Plalatiffs; Mr. Marlin and Mr. Walton for the defendant. Mr. Dundalk stated the caee for the plaintiff. lite said he appeared before them ...