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... TI B RAnT - VRaZETIS. The long-expected Journal of E'vents in Affghanistan, koept by Lady Sale, has at length arrived, and has been intrust. ed for publication to Mr. Murray, of Albemuarle-streat. When worthy men fall out, only one of thema may be faulty at first; but if strife continues long, commonly both become g'uilty.-Fieter. 0RA31TY.r Believe not each accueing tongue, As most weak ...

In the HOUSE of COMMONS last night, after the presentation of a great number of petitions against

... MIllE MORNAING CERO.OIC'LI. ] hLO N D O N: TIH URSDAY, APRIL 27, 1813. Ii ttre H-tflB (i of (om'-%oNS last night, after the pisenttatiim ot'a ogreat number of petitions against 11'. -X ie -i1 ,At . ..I. r - .0 . .. . . I . . the educution claiusers of tihe Fqtories Bil;, the Ite- titiOn of tihe Rev. Wi u.1.1t Bitowm-, the chaplain of K iiorShid glol, was OrdertlC to he printed ...


... (Continuedfrom our last.) P5ALMIE LVIX. Bre mercifull to ree, 0 God, bee merelfull to nie: For why? my Soul in all assaults shall ever trust in thee. And till these wicked stormes be past, which rise on every side: Under the shadow of thy wings my hopes shall alwayes bide. 2 I will therefore call to the Lord, who is most high alone, To God, who will his work in moe bring to perfection. 3 flee ...


... 2 Norma was performed last night ; Grisi, after a 4 two years' absence, appeared as the Druid priestess. it Site was most cordially welcomed, and her efforts, durintg the whole opera, were attenuled wvith on- ceasint applause. Thiere is none of her parts that s)te has more frequently performed, ar tlcat is more familiarly knowiv to the public thans that of Norma. It was not to be expected, ...


... LuILEIATUrIIE. KE~~vIN Gnovn ANn (itaItL Pocnts. BlyWila Marn Bente senl. O argow 1). Robhertson. Edfinb T.r ash Th Ietenal decorations anid exquisite lithogra- pbic embellishments of this beautiful volume, ren- hope ?? it a pet fect Vgem. 'The name of Kelvin Grove the atonce conjures up images of beauty and love, as- marl not sociateid as it is sivith the charms of song and the tified gentle ...


... Poems on Slavery. By Henry Wadsworth Long- fellow. Owen: Cambridge (Mass:ichnssets, ?? 1842. With this little volume, the work of an American: writer whose courage is equal to his intellect, we have received some papers on the present state of the slave question in the United States, to which we desire to direct the attention of our readers, It is but a necessary consequence of the trade in ...


... DRURY LANE. On seeing such a production as that of the opera of Sapphto, the first thing that strikes the mind of the spectator is its completeness. A glance at the libretto (excellently written by-the-bye; we suppose by Mr Serle) shows that on an antique anecdote a plot completely modern has been based; that one of the ordinary stories of love and suicide, like those which have been ...


... r( PI II hi R 1 Ba Co ch ch Co Pt Di Po, Di nil Dr LRI no La Br Re Oi ip It ti( a It Vi I'. 5 rl Bt VI bi ti A ~~SATURDAY.. audeputation, consistingr oJoslhtut Soltoletl,, Esq., M.P. ; Admirial Sir Edward Codrington, B2rt .; the fHonourable William Leslie Mlelville the Honour- able George Frederick Hot-auy t ; Wifloaing Marshall, s Ee M.P. ; B. B. WilliaEs s, Esq , ; and WilliaO; edferil, Esq. ...


... ?? !j _i ir d w) s. ?? I 1F i:*ri:7 ?? ?? ?? T 4,- . i ox y * ,'lw~reraa me'n ?? 3paeak'.witho0ut contradic- | ?? . yqit': h, ioc_1itt~ho dpt ?? ;j[- i, jVe o~rget ,iot.~,oaszily ?? which. we fkniw .Icast., 8Tha Ices'awc hev'eli,,h esjiy t,hse m~o~reeasily ,il passes t ,rougb.'.~ 9u,\re~oives shoul, infuse poewer into our act ions,.. NIoko MercUry,,VBa shoild hisve,.wiigs,, not only lp oar ...


... - - LONDON CHAT.TIST MONTHLY MAGAZINE I COM1MITTEE, CRAVEN HEAD, DRURY-LANE. This Committee held its weekly meeting on SaVurday evening last, at eight p.m.. Alr Thos. Carter in the chair, when the following address was agreed to, and ordered to be sent for insertion to the Nortlher7n Star ADDRESS. Thc tire has comne, brother Chavilats, when the puhliirtion Of a Monthly Nllogqz~ue is ...


... (From 1He Inquirer.) There are flowers for all fallcies, all feelings, nal horirs; All the seasons in tarn, as th, tlly, 8hetd their ilowers Fromn the loftiest reolirtairt , arod lowliest 0(1, They rise it, their t1eslry nnd sweets bolere Goild. Thou, botanist, letthl thy delights are is store, 'I the fields M.I A the woods, oel the mess and tlre mloor, Thou rosy'st tul them at will iln the ...


... APR IL. The equinoctial gales are lult'd to rest; The early singing birds unite their strains; And timid April, by the Sun caressd, Now, with her breath of Violets, walks the plains; And, when her Lord, like some enamour'd youth, Dwells on the changeful colours of her brow. She, like some Maid, heart-certain of his truth, Smiles through her tears for bliss to share his VOW. The days extend-in ...