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... JOHIN KNOX'S AllETRICAI, VERSIN OF THE PSALMS. N ?? (Coatinucdfrofli our' last.) EP S A 1 . M E TIL. SAVO Mee, 0 God, for thy Names sake, And by thy grace my cause defend : 2 oi, hleave my prayers which I make, And lot my words to thee ascend. 3 For strangers do against moo rise, And tyrants secek My Soul to spill T'rhey set not God before their eyes, 13Bt bent to please their wicked will. 4 ...

Original Poetry

... THE MOUNTAINS. OLt Erin's vales are beautiful, And pleasing to the sight; Her tangled dells and verdant glades Are sunny, green, and bright But oh l I love her mountains steep, Where all is wild and free, As the foaming headlong cataract, Leaping onward to the sea ! Firm, since creation's morning dawn'd, These noble fronts have stood; Unchang'd by earth's convulsive throee, By tempest, or by ...


... First in the wreath of beauty twine, A lovely flower that blows Where leafy groves their shade combine, And the tangling briar grows. ',he second with its snow-white head Seeks the sequester'd nook, Or where it may its beauties shed, The clear and purling brook. Next take a flower whose native soil In foreign clinims is found; Where still its wave the bounteous Nile Spreads o'er thelthirsty ...


... ?? E T IRY . LINEIS ON Tl'll BI11LE. Slt I RV. SCOTT. Witilili this al'ul volum111e lies T hie lll\steiyltlV i ft'.sterits; l Ilappiest tlley oif IUIllanllI Sa1e, *r, \l loin thecir U iol hals gir ten grace 1h lo reat i to eal, to Iolile, to plry, 'J'o lilt thO laltlh, to floret tl Wvy And(I I)btter h11ad tlie c liter l 111 b l, t 'Tlhlai read to dotllit; or rtrad to s8125. 1. Is there a ...


... I1TrERARY NOTICES. ni-it, or the Loindeon Choirivari. Part t1, lt Maritchrl t'iltishiedl at tile Ofdice, 1, Wellingtont sireit, Striadt I lllotlm -Wto is there that deies lint reaitd 1 r1mich t No one certieilsi WVhO loves to laugh, and cents ( tll care b'llintid hi. It miost ,ot honwever, be inferre{l frost tbhi that thitse pages are devoted io mrero jest aid ribaldrY, since this wvouhl be ...


... - I TATURE. - d Tue scoeti~sh fleirejs. A novel, In three vol9. [Newby. - o This novel Is written with spirit, and the Interest is well h kept up. We should suppose it to be the production of a n young writer, and if so, we have no doubt be-wJil do better Pt things. The plot contains marny improbabilities, and some hackneyed incidents; but in spite of these, the teader is carried on to the ...


... COURT OF COM1M3ON COUNCIL, -4.- rt Yeterda a cort Is feld for the despatch of business. ro r H~~~~El MAJESTY, L 7. Tire Lo~n MAYoRi informied the court that he had re- 3 c eivetla~ communication fromt the Secretary of State, an- flouncinig thes safe delivery o1ther MAnjusty and the auspicients at y birtk of' a princess (hear, hear]. Mr. AGLTON aidthat courtesy Lavi-ng invested the person ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT-April 22, IN RE THOAS ROLLS. Thomas Rolls was opposed by Mr. Nicholls, for John Baker, a butcher, residing inWalworth. He was supported by Mr. Cooke. From the statement of the opposing creditor Baker, it peared that the insolvent came to his shop in the month eFoctober 1842, and asked to be supplied with meat upon credit till Christmas, saying that he was a partner in ...


... COURT OF REJVIEBIV-WEEDESDAY. EXPARTE F'ORD IN RE LORD HUNTINvGTOWER. I The vihe: roce examination of witnesses to ascertain more i fully the iicts upon which the allegation of trading in this I b.n kruptcy was founded, commenced to-duy at thu opening of tho court at ten o'clock. The Attorney-General and Mr. Swanston, with Mr. Edwin James, appeared fcr tib banhrupt; Mr. Wilieild, Mir. Ftitroy ...


... A pablie meetiug Was held list night at the Baptist Chaoel, Hammersmith, to consider the educational clauses eH of tie Factories' Bill, and to decide on the propriety of peti- E tiouine' theHouse of Commons aeidust theiradoptionu. A C. 4IIszDL.Y, Eeq., M.P., wNs unanimoutsly celled to the . chair, end opened t ho busiuess of the meeting by assertiing pt t that the attempt to pass this bill ...


... :OYAZ~ e e e' aIr-- So~T J4,AlLL HW. - OYAL DIIBlw 51cJE_ .t,. EL&-- . ?? cattle, sheep, sinputy .m lug. jmplementi; jqc~inenced t! jW Iubh so et poemises on Tuesdahitl ?? edy bition was in many respects of first-rate character; eqal ?? I least to the very best of any that have preceded it. Im- '4 spr-oleliobt 1n thi-s~~ ' 'altit~e dapartments generally, but lucre particularly in brood stock; ...