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... The Rynl Scottish Society of Arts met in Marlany's Saloon, Prince's Street, on Monday 10th April-Jamei L'Amy. Enq. F.R.S.E. Preeident, in the chair. The following communications were madeo:- 1. Suggestions for the better Ventilation of Sailing Voessels and Steam Ships. By Robert Ritchie, Esq. C.E. Edinburgh. In this communication, which Air Ritchie illustrated by dingrann and models, he showed ...


... 2 Norma was performed last night ; Grisi, after a 4 two years' absence, appeared as the Druid priestess. it Site was most cordially welcomed, and her efforts, durintg the whole opera, were attenuled wvith on- ceasint applause. Thiere is none of her parts that s)te has more frequently performed, ar tlcat is more familiarly knowiv to the public thans that of Norma. It was not to be expected, ...


... LuILEIATUrIIE. KE~~vIN Gnovn ANn (itaItL Pocnts. BlyWila Marn Bente senl. O argow 1). Robhertson. Edfinb T.r ash Th Ietenal decorations anid exquisite lithogra- pbic embellishments of this beautiful volume, ren- hope ?? it a pet fect Vgem. 'The name of Kelvin Grove the atonce conjures up images of beauty and love, as- marl not sociateid as it is sivith the charms of song and the tified gentle ...


... ncpairmors EsqO. By R. F. Wit- for I ,r E.athar ,f Shispeare and bhi Friends, Londons: Henry Colburn. T e~~linfarowiably known to the public by have .Win writings, has here commenced a worh sols characte arnaely. 1 Livesof tine slime Tal ,Mtie ha ate, wt and folislahq heirs to thle British Throne, wih Bilh irtet Coarit and Camp of England from the tios 'tn tO tho niateenth century, and ...


... (Fro?) Mie Yorid of Folrshion.) inonnets will still rericain much the same csregards the zie of the briars * the only difference at present being that they are rather loner ?? higher. Some have ap- peared made it sky blu8 grns d'Afrirque, and decorated with rese-bilds, formingaFtraflft. cad placed upon a lappet oif lace caquille, or falled. There are some of a lighter style, eompsedi of white ...


... Tire MIrLER OFr DFAN tA our. Part 1. 12ilinba'rglr illt~re Juohn leinziel. its hei Ini this trew story the nuthor of thle1 GaberlutiZie's low tII Wallet propores; to himinsnf tire noble teask of hil dyce culcating and( enforcing sentiments of universal be- i'to a rincatC crevolence arid good will-not the passive sentinrievl cort fir tality which can weep over a tale of fictitious woe, ...


... LITERATVRE- .- - , APRIL FO0R J5'l' IS t UHLO NE I ,N~liTbII f0I ood. well kb Edied by Io par by the ou the I tta'l* svii an ,sn Pa0ng pe ';aa r is WItin DiTY i5 aboulesnding wandleos OberOP of a A fh aCensl' Huh ,w In ?? samerli -ir.u Lfh Sa it ?? ?? dethof the heets r 'sable P11r ed ?? delived by po spheuU eight Ye hsve a beh r ?? u large s jJ prafor of Dn nhY0 adventure ar the proceed ^9 e ...


... TIIFI -- ?? u-,. benefit ?Inll L.l~aa1o his oenv- eiiC ,wenm die ?? a, ho~ly ll ?? ti blt'e quen i n e Orntin s pedrYll- w pinar, : nd Cairr te te of the Alps. both e e~eli ~ hs ..a.aaj brilliafcY- ?? here were loull ing it S ?? 50d made his prop( Ie,5Ii'f 0 appetre retired. A qu oaoc Mr~a t°bihneC e endull the neth 1o H (snry1on ensnend an t be best eX Strl t0c owtiig letter dsn otlt to(r ...


... LITERtATURIE. FORIGESN QUARLTERSLY Revicw. April 18413. London: Chapman & Hail; anti John Mrenzies, Edinburgh. to This periodical ensues forward upon this occasion on in great strenglls, end the exertions of the publishers mni to procure contributions from the leading literary co' men of the day, are sufficiently apparent in every lop portion of the present number. The review of Iemmsrmann, ...


... At tho meeting of the Society onl Monday night. C. I. Wilson, Esq. read one of tlhe most interesting asd instructive papers vlijeli this Society has heet favoured withi for sone time past. Tlic subject Nvas, the state of ?? fine and useful arts in Coiti- nental Europe, niore especially it, Germany. Franc, ndil Italv. In this paper Mr \'Wilson paid a wyell-meritld anud eloquent compliment to ...


... DRURY LANE-MR KNOWLES'S NEW PLAY. 0 Tr Sheridan Knowles, who it were superfluous to nslay has long since established his dramatic fame, pro- 13y duced at this Theatre, om Monday night. a new serious five-act play, which, if it be not fully equal in point of poetry and effect to lris Hunchback, is d yet of tar too high a character to derogate from his well won laurels. It is entitled The ...


... N[EW PULBLICATIONS. Now issuing by W. E. 1'.is'rc, ' Chuhc;rh and Stato Gazette Officc, 312, Strand. London. The Church of England Quarterly Rteviewv for April. Contents-t Convocattion of the Church of' England-Lord Joint Manners onl Joly Days-Iaptistn and tie Blishops of i.ondoln atd Elxeter-Lord Shrews. bury's Aliraculots VirginIs-Ilishlop of Jerusalem aid the Jewis1h and Christian Churcles ...