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Bristol Mercury



Bristol, Bristol, England

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Bristol Mercury


... ZVOLZCO ZUTELLZGENCM. Coeurc~rL-Hg~f'ss, BRt trOL, SATURDAY. Jae ognadTomas MrIn, two pau.per heDyS, belong-. ing oteCitnuin were hagd soith. dsroying tw p Ir of oo.Awtnasted that be saw them with big sticko beat-r ieg the shoes to pieces. The magiatrates lined the prisoners Is. Od. each and costs for the damage, and in default of pay- ment to go to bridewsll for ten days. George Hughes, for ...


... INSOLVENT1 DEBTORSi' COUaRT John Greathead Harris Baq., one of the commissioners for the relief of insolvent debtors, held a court for this city, in the Guildhall, on Tuesday and Wednesday last. The cause list contained the names of twenty-nine petitioners. In nineteen cases notice of opposition had been given. In one the insolvent wae out of custody. Daniel Garland, described as a baker, of ...


... 3PFOLZX XZTELLZGENCE- idCO 'NeOIL.HeusB, BRIST'oOL, SOOt5RflA55 ir .There wvas n cease of importance before the coert this day. A MONDAY. le Magistrates present: Messrs. Me Bayne and Lunell. 1, Hugh Beard wos charged with stealing a book, the property o of Mrs. Jefferies of Br!dge-streat.- The lsrisoner. was stepped n with the property by P.C. 30 The complainant said it was bier le book and ...


... It is stated that the Queen has fixed the month of August for her visit to Ireland; and the Dublin Evening Post says that alterations for the reception of her Majesty have for some time been going on at the Viceregal Lodge in Phwenix Park. Prince Albert visited the Temple Church on Satnrday. As he was totally unattended by his suite, and was not expected, the porter refused him admission. ...


... Assrz Ir RELMZGENfCZ. EXEOUTION AT LINCoIN.-On Friday last Thomas is Johnston, aged 28, suffered the extreme penalty of the law for on the new drop at Lincoln Castle. The culprit had been in found guilty of the murder of Elizabeth Evison, an aged woman, residing at Croft. The concourse of spectators to witness his awful end could not have been less than 8000.7 .n- Doncaster Gazette, n- At the ...


... VOI.ZCE XNMFTAIZGENCE. CoU.vcL-HousE, BRISTOL, FRnID Y. Present: Mr. Howell Afary Watkins was charged with stealing a wooden bowl and coal box, the property of Joseph Knight. The prisoner was identified as having sold the articles, and the magistrate committed her for trial. David Bevan was charged with having a quantity of lead in his possession, supposed to have been stolen. P.C. 196 stated ...


... .POLXCr ZNTZLZDIGEMG-- . CotfaelLUtsE, 1BisIr'o, SArBsDAY. 'T here %vas no basiness before the court this day. AMoNDAY. Magistrates present: The Mayor, and Messrs. G. E. Sanders, Newmaan, and GeoreHID STEALING. 'fils otnoat exritement prevailed in the noighhoorhood of the c uncil-bouse this morning, ill ConSA~quertO a the apprehension of a womon, narned Collins, upon Pa charge 0f having stolen ...


... 7AIA% zrZNELIGENCE. MA.jEOrtD V. JAcoB;.-This wasan appeal from an ordetW of the Vice-Chancellor, refusing, on Wednesday last, an injunt tion to restrain the defendants from 'ploughing up some wa1t, lands inStomersetehire. The Lord Chancellor said it was a c in which the court couldnot interfere, dad dismissed the moOt with costs. TImE BRAINTREE CHURlCII-RATE CASE.-This case which came on for ...


... The inquiry into the circumstances of the above extraordinary case was resumed on Friday, at the Chequers Inn, Wrestling. worth, before Mr. Edward Eugles, coroner for Bedfordshire, and a respectablejury of parishioners. obn Danby, thatcher, lived next door to the deceased, and recollected that he and his wife fell out on the day after Michaelmas day; they were quar- relling for some time, and ...


... MONMOUTHSHlIRE ASSIZES. ,|EYXTRA4ORDINARY CASE-CllARGEof BIGAMY. .On Wednesday bi. Justice Wightmian took his seat in theI Nisi Prius Court. It having been arranged that his lordship should take the case of Eliza Ann Dent, alias Morgan, on a charge of bigamny, first that morning, the court was donsely crowded, as the greatest interest was felt in the issue of the trial, paurlic sympathy being ...


... POLICE ZNTEL:LZGtFcp ---A-AA-A ----- - COUNCIL-H7Ouss, BRISTOL, There was no casec of interest this day. MONDAY. Present: Messrs. George and G. B. Sanders. Thomas Griffiths and James Wright weecharged with hao, I. is quantity of lead and copper in their Possession, Suloo have been stolen. Police siergeant Phillips (24) ste'IPped the~ they were oltering the metal for sale at a niarine stare.h ...


... POLICE., 1 NOWZTLL~iEr: ; oua-H S, BRasTO., VATURDAY. Magistrates present: The Mayor, and Mr. HOW,,,. Sarah Ann Jones was charged with stealing two property of Cyrus Frankom. It appeared that tha eets, the employed by the complainaut to wash for him Pri saoner was sheets out, and instead of sending them all hiom, she had four two of them and the duplicates for the others. T he e retarned could ...