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Advertisements & Notices

... TO SOLTICITORS, OVERSEERS, &Cc. rJ'HE Authorized LIST OF VOTERS for each TDivision of the County, may be had in Sheets, Or neatly Bound, onl application at thle Office or this Paper. 67,-HIiIGH STRErT,-67, THREE DOORS BELOW BROADGATE, EXETER. El. BRAUND, WOOLLEN DRAPER AtID HATIrER, RESPECTFULLY attuotitncos to bis Friends and the RItibiic getierallv, the ARRIVAL of his NEW LPURC Ii SES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ZONES AND tllANCXS 1ETURN their thanks and grateful acknowledgments for the large share- of XAl' Public IPatronage they have received during the last Two Years, and beg respectfully to inform ?? thir numrous riends and the Pul'aii that Mr, F. has just returned from the Iiarket~s with en Extensive STOCK F GOO S eitable for the approaching Season, which they are enabled to offer at unprece- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE a OTHER EFFECTS. No. 9, Lower Sotttmerland Place. r1 'O le SO t, D by Auction by Mr. F. Cooic, oln MON I)AY next, the Ist day of MAtY, A lild ?? day, 4ll that ureat atod geaillt)e HIOUSEIOLD FURIN]TURE, Chitna, Glass, sod otber Etlects, ait Na. 9, Lower ?? I'lrco, lato :ccttpied by Dr. NVI'NTESCAs.t, of tire Scot, Grevs. CoLttistittg of a set of solikt rosewoud chairs, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INDESTRUCTIBLE TEETH AND PALATES. MiR. LEVANDER, SURGEON DENTIST, SOUTHERNHAY, ?? the Opjenisg to the BA RNF1ELD,) Exeter. W HILST the Profeigion of a Dentist is essentially M MIRCHANICAL, vet itH ?? ic dependent upon SusGIcIAL principles, and CErmICA, accuracy; these Mr. LEVANDER latters himself he has, by great practice, folly attained; and that his COMPOSITION TEETH are at once ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNRSEVEDSAE O GOCERY iA DND CO., .AILE INSTrUtcTED m-Y TrlE TEUSTRESS OF AU r. GEORGE SMART, To 5 L BY A U CT N . II lots to suit the Trade and Private Families, TIIUED0I end WEDNESDAY, next, the 25th and 26th of Arill1843, on tile PRE mIrSES, by the Bridge, at Bradford, f WOLE of the STOCK-IN-TRADE of Ar T ST, consisting of Tea, Cofiee, Sugar, Tobacco, 0sT, Soso Canldles, Pork, Beef, Spices, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRUE ECONOMY IN THE PUJRCHASE OF DRESS. 1HFE attention of Purchasers is called to the remarkably Low Prices at which CLOTHS, T DOESlKINS, CASSIMERES, BEAVERS, PILOTS, TWEEDS, VELVETS, SATINS, SILKS, and every material of Gentlemen's Attire, are offered at JOSEPH MA&MMONOD's% DOLPHIN-ST3REET, SPUSTOL,. ?? ?? attemptb of certain Slopselters to force their unfair system of Business into ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUSCAN HOUSE, 65, SOUTH STREET, 65, j~JRS. MORTIMORE begs to offer her grateful andl .1V sincere thanks for) thle contintlred piatronage9 She receives fronm the Noh~ilitY, the Ladles of the Ccouat anll Cliv, and her Friends fii gotterel and respectfoily hinferms theij thait she is jest RLTIJRNED froin LONDON, where shte has hand on Opiportanity of P'E.OOONALLY oceletiog an eXtell~IVO oalit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT rAWlLSS AND- THE PIUBLIC GENEZALLT. BRISTqV PORCELAIN, GLASS, AND STAFFORDSHIRE, ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT,I o 3, ST. SADVES'S ZAILTON BR TOL9 (ADJOINING TRAPNELL'S CABINET MANUFACTORY.) SOAfERTON, in reiterating her grateful thanks to her numerous Friends and the Public 1 fr the support and confidence already bestowed on her, feels a fresh stimulus for renewed osiertions on her part, 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... kT TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the IN PAR ITNERSIIIP lately subsistnig between us the under- o signed WI LLTAIA VERRIElt and JOHN HIAYWARD ns a, Nen spaper Ag-ents, Booksellers, and Stationers, in the City of ? Bristol. wvas this day (disolved by muotnal consent. All Debts due to and from the Partnership are to be received and paid respectively by Wat. VERUIEnt Dated this fifteenth j day of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... burgy Ok, of ORD W, I L T S. 00kC Orth B ZADFORDi ILS hte TO GROCERS. lhe Messrs. BRADLEY, ARNAR, & CO Was LL Br AVOTION, tad of April, by order of the Trustees of ds 'zoiDA r the 1gr. George Smart, his H; UTENSILS of TRADE, Carts, Horses, at on the Premises at Bradford : they comprise very c- &cnofe pepper, and Sugar Mills, Store Casks, Weighing iec hle, Iron WeIights, large Weighing Machine, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3flnitance Cotnpanic%. tilot LaONDON, ZiDZNBUiaG, AND DUZZaIN St=3 lated attd b AS5hANC= O2COMPANY, efore 3, CHkLOTTE-ROW, MANSION-HOUSE, AND f the - '55, CHANCERY-LANE, LONDON. tions TRUSTEES. thro- K. KIngsford, Esq., B. 111, Esq., J. Bidden, Esq. llient A More complete knowledge of the effects of ance, different systemsof LifeAssuranee enabledthis Company, .ases. in 1839, to introduce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / otived. TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that WIL- !LIAM TAYLOR, of the City of Bristol, Hallier and Publican, hath by Indenture, dated the 28th day of March last, assigned all his Estate and Effects unto WILLIAM COOrEn, Brewer, and HENRY VALLANCE, Brewer, both of Bristol afore- said, their Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, upon trust, for the equal benefit of all the Creditors of the said ...