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South West, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... 1110urane nc onpauie+ 5' The Yorkshi 1Fire & I~fe Assurance re s o Company. 1-Establis/h rk, 1824, and E111poWCred by Act ?? atentt. C A P I T A L, £500,000. kl PATReONS. e- The Archbishop of York Sir Francis Lawley, Bart. iu The Morquis of Londonderry Sir W. B. Cooke, Bart. Earl Fitzwillinm Sir W. A. Ingilby, Bart. ts. The Earl of Tyroonnel Sir Tatton Sykes, Bart. r- The Earl of Zetland Sir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SWANSEA, GLAMORG-ANSIIIRE., TO0 BE LET, OR AN UNEXPIRED LEASE OF FIFTEEN YEARS TO BE SOLD, UPON A LOW RENTAL, ~rHE YRETHISES, No. 33, CASTLE-STREET, Sw-ANsEA, containing it spacious Shop, with Two Bowl and one Flat Windows, Show-Room 37 feet long, rarlour, Dracving-Rloom, Four good Bedrooms, Three Attics, TitcenS ico. a ntemi Th imssae adapted for carrying on any Extensive Business, are in ono ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at OR' TH E PETZTZOENZN C-DITOR IN G. 3. WtORDOS' SAMIL3UPTCTS rI'HE Remainder of the Unsold BANKRUPT'S STOCK is again FURTHER REDUCED, the 1 Premises being Let. No regard whatever will be paid to Cost, as only a Limited Period is given to effect a Clearance. The Bemainder of the STOCK is now SELLING-OFF, at the further Reduction, on the PREMISES, 12, WINE-STBREET, consisting of Ladies' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GLyZib YUSXCAM IESTZVrA1,, FORO/E BENEFIT OF THE BRISTOL INFIRMARY,, AT THE VICTORIA ROOMS. fiN FRIDAY MORNING, April 21st, will ' be performed HandePs Oratorio, THE MESSIAH, wvith Mozart's Accompaniments, and in the EVENING, a GRAND MIISCELLANEOUS CONCEiRT, at the Victoria Rooms. PATRONs: TIlE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL THE MA.YOR. THE HIGH SHERIFF. 'The Members in Parliament-P,. W. S. MILES, ESQ., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' PjB1VATV CONsRACT, r0 Bli SOLD ALL that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or Ao eL that Garden, and Premises, situate and W D il ,joo TERRACE, Coronation-road, Bed- being tenure of captin Roberts, at the low yearly rental of lr apply (if by letter, pre-paid), to Mr. For frte Solicitor, 4, Small-strect, Bristol. O ,grDrIPOSED .O.'Br'F 7APRV E CEONTRACr. mlHE GOOD-WILL, STOCK, FIXTURES, T&o. of a first-.ate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ZONES ANiD PP.ANW!S 1)[ETUILN their thanks anti grateful'ackno~wledgment's for the large share of ~~ Lr ublics Patronage they have received during the last Two Years, and beg respectfully to inform their a e~lo5OUSF Frds and the Public that Mr. F.has just returmed from the Markets-with an ExteIo8ve STOK`F GOOD9Ssuitable for the approaching Season, which they are enabled to offer at unlprece- ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Imrm to to tic Itt. o BUTCHEEPERS, AND OTHERS. ° / TO BE LET:, AND ENTERED UPON IMMEDIATELY, WO Pieces of PASTURE GROUND, Sitlated at HOOK'S MILLS.-Apply to HENRY ,iONES. 36, nnd al(Brod~mead, Bristol. ' Tro BE ET., AND TNT1ERED UPON IMMEDIATELY, JOSSE Spacious and Capital BUSINESS J. FnEIIISES, being No. 22, in CLARE-STREET, Bristol, a 23pted for ?? any deseription of respectable trade. For ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ganteD. lIER MAJESTY's GAOL, BRISTOL, WVA Nr ED, aS TURt EY, a respectable FEMALE, A nbout 30 years of age, without ?? to be made at tlhe Prison between the hours of Ten and T'welvc. W A N ! Z ED, A GOVERNESS in a Gentleman's F11mily, in Guernsey. She must be qualified to instruct in a good -English education, and profess especijl proficiency in Piano fortc 1 tuition. A member of thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL rMaoUZIN G MViESSRS. ROBINSON & CO., 29, COLLEGE-GREEN. THE PROPRIETORS beg to announce that Ladies and Families have now an. UNEQUALLED T OpponTuNITY of Purchasing every description of FRENCHf and ENGLISH MILLINERY, suitable for the present aoce- sion (and for the; ensuing season), which, for Richuess, Fashion, and Elegance, and the Unparalleled Low Prices, were, until now, unknown I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SACRED AMUSIC. THE Comimittee of the BRISTOL CHORAL 6SOCIETY respectfully inforia their Friends and the rublic in general of Bristol, Clifton, and tleirVicinjities, tiat tieir ANXUAL CONCERU OXF SACRED XVSIC Will take place at the ASSEMBLY- ROOMS, PRINCE'S STREET, on WEDNESDAY, April 12th, 1843, When Nvill be performed a Selection fiom Handel's Oratorios of the MESSIAH aud SAMSON; and from the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e7AUTGRIES' EDUCaTioN nzLL.; Tit 'ft'ING Of the CATHOLICS of this Acity, held on Thursday last, at the Catholic School-Room, Saint James's Back, for the liiiPOsO of petitioning P'arliame~nt against thce Factories' Education Bill, 'Ill R1ev. P. O'1FARRIEL in the Chair, Finer,-That, as Catholics, we look upon Education as the blessing next in order to Religion ; but that reason forbids us to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;ACE WITH CHINA ! TEA EDUCED !! tOWQUA 'S & w1weOQUA'S Celebrated TEAS. BY APPOINTAM NT. yt ROCKSOPP, HOW, & CO. B 233, and 23x, HIGH-STEET, South- wark, London, Sole Importers of the above ) 8 bcelebrated TLAS, have the gratification to Pt, 'Eol ce to their Friends and the Public, that they have just Xe vY:I afreshconseignmentdirect from the celebrated Hong Me. C1iit11L, HOwQUA, which has ...