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Bristol, Bristol, England

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... pottrp. TEE SLAVE, SINGING AT MIDNIGET. [FROM LONGFILLOW'9 POEM3S ON SLAYrOY.] Louu be sang the psalm of David I He, a Negro and enslaved, Sang of Israel's victory- Sang of Zion, bright and free I In that hour when night is calmest, Sang be from the Hebrew Psalmist, In a voice so sweet and clear That I could not choose but hear. Songs of triumph and ascriptions, Such as reach'd the swarth ...


... MITERARY Vh1U3TZES. Montesquiet observes, of the orators of his time, that what they wanted in depttr they gave you in length. He that suffers his difference with his neighbour about the other world to harry him beyond the line of moderation in this, is the worse for his opinion, even though it be true.- William Penn. THE WAY OF THlE WORLD. I'm sick oflife I 'Tie one against the million, So ...


... lloctrY .- , V HYMN FOR THE NIGHT. 'T is night; but thy unaleeping eye, 0, lord, the world surveys! The darkness bilethlict from thee: Thou 99,e,8AVMYiy ways. 'T is night, and Danger hovers nigh In every baneful form; But, since my God surrounds my path, Why should I feel alarm? 'T is night, and stormy tempests rage And war against my peace; But on the whirlwind thou dost ride, And bid its ...


... ILterature. Canada, Nova &?o tiat, and New Brunswick. By James S. el Bnottingbiam.-Fisher and Son, London. hi Hlaving, on the firot publication of Mr. Buckinghamt's travels ati on the western continenlt, dwelt at somo length on his variod w qualifications, it is the less necessary to do so on the present of occasion. To emigrants iotending to settle in the Canadas, thio volume will have aL ...

The Fine Arts

... Iff bt Sing art%. 5RESCO PvZXNXxNG. P4 IN the second number of the Artists' Alagazine Mr. Rippingill l B1 has displayed great ability and power of observation in discuss- st ing the merits and demerits of the fresco style of painting, pro. posed by the Comomissioners to be adopted as the best nicans of a adorning the new Houses of Parliament. As the cost of this buildingb will considerably ...


... ,ZTEPZU.Rr VARZETXES- THE COTTAGE GARDEN. ai Yes I in the poor mon's garden grow li Far more than herbs and flowers- tr Kind thoughts, contentment, peace of mind, And joy for weary ?? Magazine. fr Dni. FIRANKLIN'S CODE Or MOdALS.-The following list it of moral virtues was drawn up by Dr. Franklin for the regula- tt tion of his life :-Ternperauce-Eat not to fulness; drink not o, to elevation. ...


... toottry. PEG OF LIMAVADDY. [FROM TITMAIUI1H'S IRISH SKETCH BOOK.] 'WUsers from Coleraine (Famed for lovely Kitty), Came a Cockney bound Unto Derry city; Weary was his soul, Shivering and sad he :Bump'd alonF the road Leads to Limavarddy. '31011teskis stretch'd around, Gloomy was their tinting, And the horse's hoors Made a dismal clinting; Wind, upon the heath, Howling Was and piping, 'On the ...


... -5oetrp. THE VOICE OF LIBBRTY. A SONG FON l THE FUTURE. Hec t aertint diretur. Tnits: came a voice like the rushing wind When it bursts o'er the mighty deep, And at the sound mankind aroae s Freo a long and spell hound sleep- As when around, by the toinpeet blind, The waves of ocean sweep. v Over Earth's continents it pass'd- d Over the wide-spread sea, b And its peal rang like a trumpet blast ...


... ZZTERART VAZZSETESU. Wise sayings often fall on barren ground; but a kind word is never thrown away. Curiosity is the kernel of the forbidden. fruit which still £ sticks in the throat of the natural man, sometimes to the danger of his chokiug-Feiter. I Ir,-ASsoRTDD MAicRIAGE.-Life has no wretchedness equal to an ill-assorted marriage-it is the sepuec/re of the heart,X haunted by the ghosts of ...