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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle


... TRADE REPORT, SATIII(UAY EVEN1Na-TALLOW.-ThIe matket closes with a vvry heavy appearance. St. Petersbnrg Ysellow Can- dIle is 42s fid per cwt on the spot, and 4'2s 9d to 4 Bs for the last three months. TRA.-Tbere are several public sales rdvertieed. Prices nre nornlazilly the same. The deliveries continue to be good; last week they amounted to 5dOOOO lbs. ''iiE MANUFACTUlRING DISTRICTS. ...

Published: Monday 29 May 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 528 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... MONEY MARKBE and CITY NEWS. THURSDAY. 'I'le Itllowinig notice, regtilatilg loans during the shutting, wias issued to-day by the Governor and Directors of the Bank of England:- '- The Governor and Company of the Bank of Eagland are ready, until further notice, to receive applications ftor loantt upou the deposit of approved bills of exchange TlOt bnving more than, 8ix montite to run, nn ...

Published: Friday 26 May 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1694 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON fXARKBTN-FRIDAY. CORN EXCHANGE, In this morning's mlarket the show of samples of English Wheat was, by nwo means large, yet the d(Ialind for that description of grain, arisinig fromt thc extreaies caution rlioifeslted by tbo millers and ethers in their purcinasco, was in a sery sluggish elate, and M1onday's quotatiolns were burely supported Scarcely siay bIusiness wvas transacted in ...

Published: Saturday 13 May 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1493 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHlPPING IN2BLLIG'BRNC. 0-4 LosNDON, MTAY 27.-Wind this day at nitoo lIght airs from thle tie iaenuthi~'lvld with rain tit timnes.-.Seveni pim, light breeze from S. to Ic1 HSW., anid tioudy Uit times.-It has rabited at ittiryali; throughoitt fIS fthu day.p I DnAL, MAY 20.--Mrild S.S.W. to S.V., fresh brece-e-Arvrivedi tilt. hJ rDiana1 frol Berblee, tolid Sir W. Scott ft'na'St. JIohnso, New ...

Published: Monday 29 May 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1684 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... l O 1)O.VT ?tADL REJPORT, T1'UF.DAY E'v aiNG,-SU (JARn-P2 huls Barhadoes wer e sold by inuI inu nt hlIghrtrh Ihii rittes. Good to line yellow fetched t;(3.i o otiS (id ; low to iniddlif~g tili 6Jit to t6i3. 'in Irodc holi-git fieelo, nud th!eir pucteases exo,-d M.O0 hidds kizid tiz!rces. Thu refine d marui twes firmt, (ie i12 Beote ijastnuces higher rute.i vere paid.3 Standard Lnmpo feted 77s ...

Published: Wednesday 17 May 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 864 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... MONtDAY lrVENl9Nf.-TY.A.-The sales wtere concludeld Hi to-day. Of the (i4,0iK) packages which passed the chalr, Hr about 2t,000 hod been Sold. Prices are Id to 2d lower thion in the former sale. (lood common Congou were sold te- day for cash at Id per lb. The following are the prices Co that were puaid, viz. :-.IHyson, good ord Tivaukay dat woody ye Is 3d to Is 31d, Aoknoi mid ra sir bnt ...

Published: Tuesday 02 May 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1266 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... aUN== AilfKAi'and CITY NBWS. FRI DAY. 'i'he English Funds aire looking uip, but there has tb been no business of' greet importance tranasacted to- pi da. Consols waere done ait 00,j for the Opening mt Closin 96~~ to *f, anid 951 to J for Money; Tink Stock, IS] the 'Three per Cents. Redu~edi 95 ; the Three-end-a-H-alf per Cents., IOIl the Three- to and-a-1Half per Cents. Reduced, 1IJl-; New ...

Published: Saturday 27 May 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1175 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... MONEY AMAR1(a' and GJTY N~flrS. SATURD)AY, Ilic politicians of tihe Stock Exchiangye look 1po1) I the speechies of Lords Beauniont and Ikennilmre, in Li 1 tihe 1touse of Lordis, against tho repeal agitation of r 5 Irelmiil, aSs l)nltiOUlirly Iiiiiportant; tild, while the I. I lunds were made wvorse, when the Duke of' Wellinig- c -ttoni aid Sir 11sbert Peel declared their determina- s I tion, ...

Published: Monday 22 May 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 2224 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... LON-DON TRADE REPORT. -- W SATU II IAY El t N1Nrl.-TALLOW.-St. 'et crsbur yel- w low n (wndie is 42s 9d to 4i3s per cwt, on the spot; and 43s 3d Wn to 43s td per cwt, sellers for the last three months. ,. T&A.-The quantity advertised for the 23d fast. will not di exceed 10,000 pacrkuges. The market in the naean time, al. though quiet, is firmu, and a further ducine tOt probable. at TllE ...

Published: Monday 22 May 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 524 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHJIPPING JA2TELLI(UNCE. Lo Nio)N, MiAY V-2.-Willd f it, kday at, ioin S.S. W., light W ,~e'9 and11 vlalillt-Seel~l Plm., light airs fr~oil S.W., andl coudy-lI )ills raiiied tuicll ill ' jiltervils tiiiliilgll~jii the rliy. IJEAL, MAl e lI0. -Arrivied tilt' bilarfol llri inilol ro. till'cliallitO5 N313 lonilt V'idlv, Edxpledition 1f1131 Ill for Blremlen. 1[I1U Sailedl till lillogetle 111r ...

Published: Tuesday 23 May 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1934 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce 


... MONEY MARKET and MY NEWS. WEDNESDAY. Thle State of Virginia lately imposed a tax of 2. per cent, on the fLndholder, for the benefit of tile State Treasury, to enable the Executive to provide for the interest of the Stnte Debt, s% hich amounts to aibout 7,0w,ooO of dollars, a very large proportion of which is held by the inhabitants of Great Britain; but it is important to observe that the act ...

Published: Thursday 11 May 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 2354 | Page: Page 5, 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... MWONRY MARKE' sad CITY NEWS, SATU IIDAY. Plie Stock Mnarkets prehelt no fieatulre of' no- velty. Anxiety for tile contents of tie Budget is tin(! levi ii'feel mu' opinions heing still greatly varitaine onl thesill) cet or the conversion of' the '1' ice-t d--ha-lft l~per Ccents. Some parties are coididleiit that tle attenipt wilI lhe made, andt others e(l'ally confide it that nothing will be ...

Published: Monday 08 May 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 2182 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce