... TIHE ANCIENT CONCERTS. The concert of yesterday evening wias the eighth and lest of the season. It was under the direction of PrinceALBERT, for the Earl of WEtSMORPLAND, who is at Berlin. The programme contained a profusion of good music-some of it rare as well as excellent-but the effect of several pieces was impaired by Inattention to arrangement, and others were not executed so well as ...


... -4 l)IORIAMA, Regenit's-]tink.-JUSTI OPEN El), AV it1l It NEW EXHIBITiION, representinlg the CATiHEDRAL tillO NOiTRE D~[AMLE, at i'lrlrs, w ith uffects of sunset and 11011 sligiht, I painoted by 3LI. Rurwux, and TllE BAIto!LICA O1l Si'. PAtIM, nwro Itoine, befre anii after its desetriiction by lire, planted by M. liouto o. opwiw from i 'len till Itoe COLOSSEUM, Regent'si ark-.*Openi ever5 clay ...


... POE TRY. ?? T--- e gtre 01r Cattfrlaraf 13Ci. From the gray Cathedral tower, HDIb ! the solemn tolling bell Speaks oflife's depairtinig hour. And thfit death has nipped a flow 'r It is a murtial's kenoll. Hushed nud calm is til arounld As it flooteth through the air Auid its deep asid holv sound Fills tbi, luind slith nes profound, Inivitinig it to prayer. When the resce of' nose wchii dwell ...


... A~SocIATr[oN FOR TIE PROlMOTION OF T'I'I, FINE ARTS. The annucl Ineeliag for dlistributing amotng the mem.- 00er ?? a woihe of act purchasedl by thle Comminte ?? this Association, viao held onl NiecI'llef in thea Asseitmii) Ronnim, when at numerous al' fash~ionable e(Oampc1 ;orre present. On the pltfor in there w cre a numbter of he meet i fluenotihil a nti respceciilbloo f our citizen.4, a ...


... [HE -rIEA'r PIE-CLOSE OFT '11E SEASON Thre winter seas'on of tihe '1'Ieatre Rsyrrl closed on Bloodlay evening, with ?lr' Murray', benefit, nod it was in every acceptationt of the word a benefit. Every vorner of the house from pit to upper ga!- lery was not only crowded but packed. The boxes ad pit were sir rraimned, before the performances commenced, that we found it impossible to get far- ...


... [rIRIlON THErh WotIII 0n o 1 rAsMitON.) CAn areXB ksowe especially disthigiiislhed for tdeii Miiiplicite. ,I itoiigSt fill PICIttiost is a cap, Ol rather a hillf Iinoilerrilif oJf bloode Snuli, su rroundid wi ldt ti edgingof bloinc, goltiermd into a shOrt kinId of roundedI loppet, Jusl lver Ilia car, where it is onua- ctiltcil swilti i rouinid serncait of litit rosee ii, Molls, wsilitout thei ...


... * . ONAL PSA1MISr. BY CIrns. D. Haebhtt., - - Lii ?? I~NUA1I!.1th We-- THF NATiONiAL PSALOMiI'. By Cubs.D.JlaeL-itV'.W:;ih~o-V Den I- ia former occasion Spoken in the fmost favourabloetirtiis Of tbis J evalusbls blletsaion of psalmody, whieb has Bilreldy.Tri5Ohed a cho a'second edition. The work, whiolh is patronisod byn . at o . by I t berofthsnobittydndoleorgy,isgotup with co Iirle bltiiai1 ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMBENTS. -.a IIER MAJESTY'S THEATRE-The Nobility, Stibscribers, and the public, nre respectfully informed that To-Nolt- tow E msNuaa (Sailtrday), June 0, will he performed, for the secoid thure in this country, Dolizetti's celebrated Opera, LINDA 1)1 CIlIAMOUNI, as performned with the greatest success at the Italian Opera, at Paris and Vieinna. Linda, Madame I'ersanl,; Maddalenn, ...


... zjIT81c.- , t. 4 Louis S1oHR's celebrated Violin Schoo. Tranelated roM the orgJfnal, by JoHeN Bras3oP. LCocks and Co, There are many books of instruction for the violin, drawn up by a succession of great. masters of the instru- ment, from thle days Of GaBAINIAN Y and TAB4TINi down to the present time. But the older works of this kind are not suited to the modern style of violin playing; and, ...


... TIHE WORDS OF FAITH. FROM SCHILLER. Drei WVorte nenn' ich euch inhaltsthwer. Xrzil.F:D in three words a solemn meaning lies, And though mon's lips those words oftimes impart, 'Yet not, from outward things do they arise, And lie who knows them learns tliem from his heart. Nan would of every v irtue be bereaved, If these three words should be more believed. Man is created free, and he is free, ...


... . 'Vottry. THE LATE DISCOVERY. Sun stood where hills were Ibigh and green, Where flowvers were sweet an wild. Whero ne'er before her steps had bson, The city's toiling child; But even tile glorious sprieg that shed Its sunshine o'er her now. Could ne'er restore the spring time fled From that young heart and brow. Sire saw the happy hbalet homes, In valleys fair and free; And heard, among the ...


... FA AIRS FOR NEX'T WEEK.. - Z'1?e 3.-Carmarthen. Iuratgweea, Utto, FA11fi ItU1~ u ± r Ai2 w IU~tt Mermore- h( SATURDAY, Jijez 3,-Carrmarthenflu irsigreeIn, Uto etof ton-Hampewacd, Appleby, Booth. Ma t. Match, UYY ,, MI Skipton, etaesb abank Wiobech. Isle ?? Ely) la SUNDAY, E4-lalaomeb, EJorleay Heath, ne artbog-rrth, Rauge, To Witham.MborePt MONDAY, 5.-Aithome 'Dave try, Mnal Wodide t IIale o ...