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Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL CLARENCE 1VICTUALLING YARD, NENR GoSP05(T- .8th .Junie 18431 N OTICEs s lireibi given -hThat o0 ?? M e 22nd tIIstaurt,-I sihll be - etdy to icceive Tender's lie sr'ritinq staled ip, ard tteet for 1,500 QUARTERS of fiVEAT, to weigh 60 pousds per bushel; overweight to be paid for; half' to he de. livered in a fortnight from the day of Contract, and the renmaineli in a fortnight afteriardd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RADOLIFF1r IN.FIRIMARY, OXFORD. 7 HE Anniversary Meeting of the Governors Eill be T hflden on Tuesday the 27th instant, when a SERMON wvill be preached in the morning at ST. MAIRYv's Cfurciu, by the Right Reverend the BisnoP of Gl.ASaOWv (Dr. Ru$SrSLL.) 'rhe Governors are desired to meet at the RadcliffeLibrary, at half-past Ten o'clock; Service will begin at Eleven. After the Service a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BROKER'S STOCK, THAME, OXOAM' T. O l E S O L D B.%. A U C TlI O-N, -L By Mrt. R. NO!W-3ANID, On Tuesday next the Gth of June. 1843,-Tlie entire STOCK of Mr. James Bonner, broker, of' Tlianle, who is declining the business consisting of good, new, and second-hand four-post and tent bedsteads and furniture, night conveniences, toilet tables, looking glasses, mahogany side-bohrd, Windsor and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ApeIaonis iiaing 'anyteliitri: t1 odeinaatd upon 17 'CHARI ES NEWMAN, iate of Horsepith, in the county iof Oxford, ;gentl man. deceased, are -requestd to forward the !particulars thiereof, without delay, to Mr. Thomas Taman, of COrapper's-row. Summer Town, St. Giles's, Oxford, one of the Executors aefing under the Will of the deceased, or to Mr. George Rackstrow, solicitor, Oxford; and all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UANO constantly on Sale. Apply to the Importers, G11.13s, B3itiuz1r, and Co. 28, Orchard-street; orat GEORGE and JAiis Busis's Warehouse, Bald in-street, Bristol, where it may be seen. TITHE COMMISSION.-NOTICE. HE rithel Commissioners for Englaid and Wales ?? give Notice, that a Copy of the Draft of Apportion- mgnt of tbe Rent-Charge agread to be paid in lieu otf lithes in the parish of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... == -I bqu t WEST SUSSEX ASSOCIATION, | For tire Encorrxaqcrsmenotof MIeriloriousS and Industrious I Apricultural Labourers. DI r ,IHE GENERAL MAEETING will take place on Tuesday, 13th inst., at Goodwood. The SHEA.1n r Ilq0 MIATCH will commence at ten o'clock. The DIsTsrIUTOlf of the PREtmilltiis will take place alter Dinner, which will be laid in the Tennis Court, at two o'clock ; Ihis Grace ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sons PortseaL Islairil IiOrticultural Society. Stjon T HE FIRST SHOW for ?? present SEASON, 4uch will be held on Wednesday, the 21st of June ased inst., in the Lawn of the Rev. G. H. Livesay, Castle and Road, bouthsea. ayor Admission to the Public, on payment of Is. each, gh'S 'between the hours of two and five o'clock. in the after. the nloon. ves- By the kind permission of Colonel INichel, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o T MAITHOUSE. 0 be -L TAand entered upon M Milainlmacs next TL -A MALTHIOUSE, in the parish of Buscot, bapable ol wetting hbout ten quarters, and with it a decent House, with good garden ahad 1ic-lard.-For rent and particulars apply to Mr. Weekford, Busect. _ tln1X be LET, for a term of years, and ent-erdd tipon I ?? GAME and RIGIHT of SPORTING over 1500 A-ems of Land, well stocked with Game, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHAPLAIN.-KSZU9!tfordHduseof Correction. OTCE is- hereby given, that her Majesty's Justices - * f the Pence for tlje County of Chester wvilij at the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for ?? of Chester, to be holden at Nether Knutsford, in and for the said county, on MoMday tle M26th'.day of June next coming, proceed to the FTEC l IONof a CHAPLAIN to the House of Correction, at Nether ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIGH STREET, OXFORD, T o be LET, and may be entei-ed upon immediately, -A good DWEL.LING HOUSE and PREMISES, situate in tile High-street, Oxford, calculated either for a lodging house, private family, or any profession. and the rent ?? to Mr. T. Mallam, auctioneer, High-street, Oxftrd. HIGH STREET, OXFORD. O be LET, and may be entered upon at Michaelmas 1next,-A front SHOP, WAREHOUS ES, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... reed, __RCATOR 'ardeglYO ]~ ITnextTHE KIN G'nO tS ROO >0TiID, adti l. ne fin'm]beleld an TEDN;,, high insicadi of' Mhuiayeonou ofher coronaeio5' tileO Tlle Queen's Bierthay Ball w ill be 1held on Thursday Jard to teudet his aiat Sincere Eml.,Al `e kno dudrint g to 1,'eFienfl5toerthe liberal LC, B Supiport -he has receive during ears I'miis assures them, that it will be bs colestant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .TIC . AB3INGDON WOOL FAIR.! tOTICE %is hereby givejs, that this ANNUAL FA IR N .will be holden on MONDAY the THI1RD of JULY next, -Mr.JOHN BADCOCK, } wards. D. E. MOLONY, Hon. Sec..X N. B. The usual OnDiNAR'v.will be provided in the Council Chanber (by permission of the Worsbipful the Mayor) at Two o'clock precisely. The Oxford Bible Depository, J. L. WHEELER's, BOOKSELLEUR, 106, HIGH STREET, ...