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Morning Chronicle


... TIHE ANCIENT CONCERTS. The concert of yesterday evening wias the eighth and lest of the season. It was under the direction of PrinceALBERT, for the Earl of WEtSMORPLAND, who is at Berlin. The programme contained a profusion of good music-some of it rare as well as excellent-but the effect of several pieces was impaired by Inattention to arrangement, and others were not executed so well as ...


... Pfll'Cl'ESS'S THIJEATRE. ;4- I-,~ -.,.t. . - - LI.t uiglibt, itter the &-isir rAplore and tbieAlgel of ic e A! tie (both of wJyhc Rh receiv6d great and deserved applause) at uiew nlelodrnina was produced, called Tile 'c(ich lishcelwcm . It onsists of the usual melodramatic iuere- c cutsi compouided secwilccdtcn arteoi. There is a jolly tui;lr, blui; heicrty, end hospitable, wvith a shrewish ...


... li- ol),YAL AD)ELAID1E GALLERY, Luwthl(- iirciniv, Strtitti-1Thit spitotid Exhijbliioli, Olwei daily fronit Etivoil ILu Pi it-, ittd fruatit Scu to 'lueveit it, Ih Priitiit'in, comptlrises upwvitrtlu of 4,00l mtodel.,, sruilpiureq, puil tiings, cuiriosiiiiou,&c~'. thul Rurhkji Hrittiitl- cult, Aiotu-Drtumatic Dissoulving Viewst, (tit 1Mi1oroscujpc,13urnit g Li-it, &I-, I comtic ...


... -4 l)IORIAMA, Regenit's-]tink.-JUSTI OPEN El), AV it1l It NEW EXHIBITiION, representinlg the CATiHEDRAL tillO NOiTRE D~[AMLE, at i'lrlrs, w ith uffects of sunset and 11011 sligiht, I painoted by 3LI. Rurwux, and TllE BAIto!LICA O1l Si'. PAtIM, nwro Itoine, befre anii after its desetriiction by lire, planted by M. liouto o. opwiw from i 'len till Itoe COLOSSEUM, Regent'si ark-.*Openi ever5 clay ...


... THE ITALIA N OPERA. D011 P08eqeale, the youngest born of DoNIZL'TTI'S numerout progeny, appeared laet night tit her Majesty'si 1 Theatre, ytith Eas much success as at the Theatre Italieni a( From the Eltair d' Ateiore we formed the opinion that tj DONtIZBTTI'S Vein is the light and comtiorsitber tbha the wv serious hard impassioned;- and this opera confirms it, a, The dramia, like the Ees ir- ...


... LITERAT7JVtE, George Sr17y/n and hifs Contmcrporarcs,, with Aftetnofrs and ex .Vetce. By JOHN HUNEA0B1 JESE. , (Londeu: Bentley, 2 vole., Svo., pp. W2. VC The nne of George Selwyn is well known to the gt readers ot Joe Miller. His somewhat pointless jests fo .have lorg- hnd currency in society, and found admission Into be every collection of witticims. Who is unacquainted with wi hli puun ...


... BENEliT CONCERTS. . . _ 0 The concerts of this description are drawing near to a d close for the present season. They have been lese numerous e than heretofore. Most of the emineut professors, indeed, who usually give benefit concerte, either have done so or are about to do so; but the number of concerts giveu by ob- scure persons, who have no pretensions to thrust themselves in this way ...


... PUBLI C AMUSEMENTS. _-t A-o DIORAMA, Regent's-park.-JUST OPENED), with a F~ W EX II~fION, representing tili CATIJltUD IAL OIF NOT~RE DAME, at Paris, with effects of Sunset and mnootiliglil, painted by lii. leonoux; und TiHE DASILICA OF ST. PAUL, niiir Rome, before and tifter Its destruction by lire, pabited by Air. Boeuton. Open frornt en till Five. HER MAJESTY'S T` HEATRE.-F ifTle Nobility, ...


... In the Pressure of wore momentous matter, we have hi- therto left unnoticed the appearance tbis season of Monsieur BOouppg at the French Theatre, an omission for which we have to make an apology both to the publio and to that highly-gifted performer. He hae already been in London a fortnight, playing fia the popular vaudevilles which at- tracted the world of fashion and taste last year; and ...


... PUBLIC AMIJUSEMENTS. COLO~hSSLEIJM, IlegV1It'S Pnrk--Open every tiny tiro To 'ltiill wo '-[hIl GRANDi PANORlAMA of LONDOIN itt ill ITU f'isibwiti llatetie3-11 St'A LOUON of A ITS, 11ewly' deioratedl, uonit filtaiitig 'weeks it iitielett setd itioderti a leiolrs u-lltith ttinagle's P'uielret of flit! ir--tfl ol N''ie.Cetseiteti'-ws Crtitigis- Aitrlti' (treftt, flel Id'Emi Sil~et 3liiti witit ...


... PUBLIC) AMUSEMENTS. 1)101AMA, Regent's-park.-JUST OPENED), Ith it NEW EXHIBITION, representing tWe CATHEDRAL OF NOVAE DAME., at iParts, Ivtl etlects of rnoset and moonligit, painted bev M. te1iou;ll d u TILE BIASILICA Oil SiT. PAUL, ziear Itomei, before and fIter Its destructiou by. fire, painlted by Air. BoUtlI. Olivia froul T'osn till ltive. COLO ;SSE UM, Regent's Park.-Open every day from ...


... ;' DRtIRY-LANRE'THEA 77E. Dir. IMACIIEADYS mirnagentent of this- theatre terail- nated ]ast night, when 'he made his last appearance for a long period before a London audience, in tlhe clharacteri of t Mleahf. Thle announcemnert of this fact bore i a i-l~ii- cholly interest, whieh could not feil of' attracting it crowded house ; and !in truth tbe bencesie o f boxes, pit, and gall~ry wcre ...