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Advertisements & Notices

... SEMI-GRAND PIANO FORTE FOR SALE. ] 5() be SOLD, eoasiternbly under the regular price, a 1 remarkably fine-toned PATENT SEML.GRAND PIANO FORTE, (By Collard and Collard,) May be seao t at Mr. PIr,13ROWVS, 2c;1, HIfig.steret, Exet;r, who is nowr RECEIVING FROM LONDON some very suporior GRAND SQUARlES or COLLARD'S *5WITHI TtIattt. ,YErr P.lTE.VT l REPEATER ACTION, Which has just heen applied to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P. DORE (FRO31 BUJnT'5, LONDON, TInOU5En MAKRER TO THE jfLEADING CAVALRY REGINIENTS) CArl~S thc attention of the Gentlemen com- t posing the Yeomanry Corps, :nd Equestrians generally, who are particular in thir TROUSERs to favour hil Wuith trial, as, from many years experience, hie flatters himself to be able to give satisfaction, as well as Ease, Elegance, and Comfort in this article of Dress ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GUERNSEY COWS. TUST IMPORTED directfrom the ISLAND, a lot of prime GUERNSEY COWS, forwardin Calf, tobe seen at tho PLYMOUTH INN, St. Thomas. Jule 21st, 18,43. A ,TR. HUSSEY begs to inform his Friends that he will 1 1 shortly OFFER for SALE, (of which due Notice will ho given,) Mr. GOULD'S ANNNUA L SHOW of IMPROVED NO''ryiNGHANI RAMS, whieb are Bred from the celebrated Flock of Mr. Lvaos. Dated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7 R ItEDUCED TO ls. 6d. PEPR POUND. GMWUXNZ &1LnW-ROO0T, .FDREPARED by the Native Converts at the .1. Missionary Stations in the South Sea Islands; first intro- duced into this Country by the ?? lamented R1ev. John WVilliams, Missionasy, and now forwarded to England by his son, who rcsides in the Islands, and consigned direct to A. S. Plumbe, 3, Alic-place, Great Alie-strect, Whiteclapel, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -1[ -alro b-P auction* EXTENSIVE S SAME eDT .OOO LE P ?? REY, RBRY BAD -AL DY CLOTHES, 4. s. B BRADLEY, BARNARD, & Co. ARE INSTRLUCTED TO0 SELL BY PUB LIC AUCTION, On the retEO[ss, No. 12, BRIDGE-STRrET, Bristol, on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, anid ARIDAY, the 2Btl, 29th, and 30th days ofJune, J1840, TIE following EXTENSSIVE STOCK, . coccaisting of f BROAD AND NARROW CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DOE SKINS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEA HITH CEHNA! TEA REDUCED ! ! NOWA'5 & IVZOWQUA'S Celebrated TtaS, BnY APPOINTMENT. s .£ v ROCESOPP, EIOW, &CO. t il k ~~233,11and 234, U.Gx.-ST~nEE r Southl- 7wak, London, Sole Importers of tlle above celebrated TEAS, have thle gratification to ansnounnce to their Friends and the Public, that they have just received a frcesh consignment direct from the eolebrated Hong Merchant, ITowQUA, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRADE, COMMERCtE, to. Sonl' slight liipe'rtalee oftllore firuilless itud contileico hies bl)ct ttbst'ved in tilt, getteral ittittit' titarkit timing the few days which have passed teitl[lmt a vo(ltiitttiitinl of the roiny teeathoI', whicih Iall previonliy cintusd tplre- Ilt''isietts to e erjaidly sptedtinig oel thle stiliett of file httrvst of the veal. General bhesittess wvas very ilch ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d n - - n S sUwaErmLX, ASrON-:NDER.-x.TrE, AND e WANCUMtZ ST'CLTEU. RAl.WAY, TENDERS FOR LOANS. e THE Directors are prepared to GRANT MORT- -TIL GAGES, under the powers of their Act of Parliament, for LOANS of MONEY, in Sams of not less than £200 each, and for periods of Three, Five, or Seven Years, at the option of the Lender, Interest, at the rate of Five per Cent. per Annum, will be paid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLIST HONITON, DEVON. Il5O be LET, by Tender, for a Term of seven years, I from Michaelmas next, all that Messuage and Farm called AXHAYS, containing about 52 acres, situate in the parish of Clist Honiton, Devon, and now in the occupation of Mrs. Elizabetb Bricknell. The property consist of Arabla, Meadow, Orchard, and Pasture Land, with a good Farm House, and convenient out- buildings. For ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M S ?? PA TENT'. To Landed !lroprletors, earmners, Grazlers, Nurserymen, .Arioittects, 11311lders, 1Manigrants, ANI) OTHiII1b. F MoNEILL & CO., Paltentees of IMPIROVED F0 AtTEINT ASP1JALTrED FELT, beg to draw attention to their superior and durable manufacture ti for fRoorixO., which. is isows 50omtensivoly usedl inlil 1L Of Slates, Tiles, Thatch, &c., for Houses, Cottages, Outbuildings, Vcran ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i~to to be Lt ViT I} I)EDXATE . rOSSESSION , l I OU E and SHOP, No. 6, SA INT HEOJTIN der,!aRDE, now hi the occupation of F. L. LWorti rkerer of wnil particulars may be obtained. STABLE and COACH-HOUSE, in Dove- stret. I, particulars inquire at No. 3, Dove-streot, is 8, old M[arket-street, Bristol. ,SIRABLEi cOUNTRY RESIDENCE. 'f 0 BEz LEr,1 Detaceled COTTAGE and GARDEN, derlghtfl)y sted, ...