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Morning Chronicle


... Pfll'Cl'ESS'S THIJEATRE. ;4- I-,~ -.,.t. . - - LI.t uiglibt, itter the &-isir rAplore and tbieAlgel of ic e A! tie (both of wJyhc Rh receiv6d great and deserved applause) at uiew nlelodrnina was produced, called Tile 'c(ich lishcelwcm . It onsists of the usual melodramatic iuere- c cutsi compouided secwilccdtcn arteoi. There is a jolly tui;lr, blui; heicrty, end hospitable, wvith a shrewish ...


... LITERAT7JVtE, George Sr17y/n and hifs Contmcrporarcs,, with Aftetnofrs and ex .Vetce. By JOHN HUNEA0B1 JESE. , (Londeu: Bentley, 2 vole., Svo., pp. W2. VC The nne of George Selwyn is well known to the gt readers ot Joe Miller. His somewhat pointless jests fo .have lorg- hnd currency in society, and found admission Into be every collection of witticims. Who is unacquainted with wi hli puun ...


... BENEliT CONCERTS. . . _ 0 The concerts of this description are drawing near to a d close for the present season. They have been lese numerous e than heretofore. Most of the emineut professors, indeed, who usually give benefit concerte, either have done so or are about to do so; but the number of concerts giveu by ob- scure persons, who have no pretensions to thrust themselves in this way ...


... MluR. CIPRIANIJ POT'TE'R'S CONCET7'. Mr. POTTFtt'S annual concert took place yesterday mirning, in thle 7llaiover-square Riooums. This dioin- u. aislhetl Musician never forgets what is due to bid l:hiraeltPr a8s s artist, and, in his concert, never ltitle to -ive. the lovers of clasiael. music a treatinferior only (dilI not moch) to theconcurts of the PhilharmonieSociety. At toe concert of ...


... PUBLIC AALUSEMNTS.- tIER MIAJESTY'S THEATRE.-The Nobillty, ubsecrl bers, a ed the Publie am r peept-Mly Informed, thatTo-rmzonciow EvErxiNo, Thursday, Juno 15,itbeinganextrtalcht, not Included itt the Subecriptlion, w1ll be performned (for the lat time) Moxartis ehvf *d'mnrro, IL l)ON GiOVANNI. Doena Anna, Madame ...


... VEST KENT FLORAL AND IORTIFUll- TUBAL SOCIETY. 'Ih'e ecoud exbibitiou of'tbl8 soclety took place yestorday brt et Vanbuigh-houso, Maize-hill, Greenwich. hi Several marquees were erected in the ground, and tile thi flowers and vegetables were chassifi'd and taeteiully ar- orr reaged within them. The show of flowers was brilliant ard ni diveroified, comprising all kinds, both of' hot-bouse and W ...


... PUrBLIC AAMFUESMNTS A P-) I A T oT IA ATTC fl o AEIIIAL NAVIGA'LI ON.-RlOYAL POLY 'IEC NII C INSTITiUTIO.Y,-A LEC'UR'C oil ttlsP sabject, tIda siratesi bIv Modsls oif Several kiwis, which el eette tillisvinsoys by MIECHIANICAL FORCE alone, Isdlivre at Two o'clock daily, aIndl onl Monday, Wednies day, and Friday Evenings, at Eiglt o'clock. 'I'he Exhilbition of the Colossal Electrical IMachine, ...


... AMI~ BENEDIC7`S CONCERT. Thisi coneert, which itook paIteh yesterday morning in the Odierat colicPrt-roorn, was asort tofroiceert-monstre. It was, el'HORto e COLMAN tle younger says of his fat oiugils geetlionina, Like three sirgle concerts roll'd into one. Titersl wrs trreC condUctors, MeaNSrt i. GAguu8s, BENn- DICTand IjAFl.E, Fe.nd theprogramme coutained thirty- bvo pieces of music. ...


... PUBLIC AMU8IEMNmS. COLOSSEUM, Ile ent' sPark. Open eovery, dity t ifrom 'reun till 8ix.-Tlhe ('Idla\P1 PANORA iMA of LONDON in 1;ll ito pristioe bhonoly.-Th'e SALOON ol'A'ilTS, newly decorated, cool- t fulinilg workon of anorlot and itodern Sculpture il0th ]loIingle's 1PieUlre of tilo Deailh of Nelson, Thu 1e I'ivi Cottugo-Jlet. ti lilt l- S ilver Mine-Wuterfotll wifli bltunltai it oryYcw ...


... LITERA TURE, Thee Life of Sir David Wilkie; with his Jousnalr, Totrs, ned Critical Reeearks off IFor7ea of At ; and a selection from his Corresponxeured. By ALLAN CUNNINGIIAAL. 3 VOIS. [John Murray. 1843, Tihe name of Wilkie is one of which his country and his age may be justly proud. In him we have one of those rare instances, which history delights to record, of a genius for the arts of ...


... AERIAL NAVIGATION.-ROYAL PO0LY- TpCHNIC INSTITI)TION.-A LECTURE ol r thin subjlct, jili- struted by VrodolS Of sMve~ul kinds, hichLel elevate tirerasirieo byf MECHANICAL FORCE alone, 16 delivered at Two o'clock dully, tand on Monday, Wdnresday, rind Friday Evenings, ait Eiglht o'cloek. 'rhe Exhibitioni of tihe Colossal Electrlosl Machine, tire Diver, Dlinbg Bull, New Dissolving Views, arid ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMIENTS. HIER AAJESTY'S THEATRE.-ROSSI NI'S STABIA' MA'TER.-Tlhe Nobillity, F'rtrorta of the Opera, aud the I'llblic, are reopectfutly informed, that one Grand Performoancee of hIII celeibrated Work will take trlace at tier Majefty'i 'Theatre, Tillsn EvEt suti, Mloodny Juiie tIl, supportedl by the roliowin' Ma rdemtotrtele Moltfirii , Sigoor Mario, Signor Labtarhe, Signor F1. ...