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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser




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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... LEEDS CORN MARKET, JUNE 27.-The arrivals of grain to this day's market are small. The weather has been very fine since last Tuesday, but this morning very cold and cloudy. Wheat has been in better demand, and last week's prices fully supported. Oats and Beans rather more enquired for; prices firm. THE AVERAGE PRICES OF WHEAT, FOR THE WEEK ENDING JUNE 27, 1843. Wheat. Barny. Oats. Rye. Beans. ...

Bankrupts, &c

... ;Uanhrupto, &e. From the London Gazettc of Friday, July 13. BANKRuPtrs. James Percival, jun., Whitcebapel-road, soap maker, to surrender July 26, at balf-past one, August 25, at half-past twelve, at the Court of Baukruptcy. Solicitor, Mr. Snrr, Lombard-street; official assignee, Mr. Whit-; more, Baginghall-street. I James Mills, jun., Acton, Suffolk, carpenter, July °6, at one ocleck, Aug. 20, ...


... LEEDS CORN MARuET, TUESDAY, JULY 4TH.-The arrivals of grain to this day's market are small. There has been a good demand for Wheat at 2s per qr. higher. Oats and Beans have been more en. quired for, and have made rather more money. The weather was cold up to Friday but fine; since, much warmer and a few showers. THE AVERAGi PRICES OP WHEAT, TOR THE WEEK ENDING JULY 4, 1843. Wheat. Barley. - ...


... WE detail' tem of have p whole aad or tion of which predat supert with aw of rasi workir fore s0 tinuall they m tales t by the the do amd am mor is are tb the ul We ggol d North add a naime( the il that :t 4- E upon u ssner, Georg G and 1n did ne hish Bel to sa3 great deal o could that I starvi atteni remen ~ eme theS be. by M' admit the la could been I have confli DaVi( treati used heard him ...

Bankrupts, &c

... Zanttrupto,, ?-v. From tih Lofidon Gazette of Friday, Jine 23. It BAtNItII1US'S. John Mee, Noxthamptoinipire baker, to surrender July 7, at half-past one, Augi 4, at hiaf-past twelve, at ll the Bankrupt's Court. Soliciars, Mlessrs. Fox and It Britain, Ba nghall-strcot; and Mcr. Hunnybun, Hun- c tiagdan; ofocial assigoeo, .Mr. Wttitnwra, f3asinghall- UO street. 0 Thomas Hobbs, Nettlebed, ...


... MAbRKET INTELLIGENCE. LONDON CORN EXCHANGE, MONDAY, JULY 3RD.- The stands being scantily Eupplied, English Wheat was brisk, at an advance on last Monday's quota- tions of from Is to 2sper quarter. The best qualities of Foreignl Wheat commanded Is per quarter more money. The value of other kinds was supported. Barley at fuil prices. Superfine Ware Malt was a turn higher ; in other kinds only a ...

Bankrupts, &c

... 33alluvIp1t, &iC. From the London Gazette of FridaY, Jn@ 20. BANK5RUPrTS. Henry Andrews and Charles Twining, Peckham, Surrey, brewers, to surrender July 28, at two, August 29, e at half-past one, at the Court of Bankruptcy. Solicitor, h Ir. Roberts, Bride-court, Blackfriars; official assignee, B Mr. Wbitmore, Basinlghall-street. b William White, jun., Alderogate.street, chemist, & July 28, at ...

Bankrupts, &c

... wantrupto, &C. Froma the London Gazetie of Fridtf, July 6. of BANKRUPT5, E, Jumes Young, Shirley, Hampshire, builder, to sur- render July 18, at half-past ten o'clock, August i8, at eleven, at the Court of Bankruptcy. Solicitor, Mr. Cuff, Half-moon-street, agent to Mr. Hatfield, South- ampton; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basingball- street. James William Slatter, Oxford, bootmaker, July ...


... LIVERPOOL C0asN MARKET. Ml4nav. TrryTv 17.- The week's imports of Grain, Flour and Oatmeal, are of moderate amount. The weather has continued fine, but short deliveries from the home grower have given an upward tendency in all the leading markets in the kingdom. The trade here has continued to show much firmness, and, upon a fair demand, our prices have steadily advanced.. Wheat must be quoted ...


... MANCHESTER COnsN MARtET, SATURDAY, JULY 8. -During the week a steady demand for Flour of all descriptions has taken off the fresh supplies of this article on arrival, and, the trade being but light in stock, factors were enabled to establish a further improvement in value, particularly on choice marks ?? superfine whites, some quantity of the latter description having realized 41s per sack. ...


... it LONDON SMITHFIELD CATTLE MARKET, MONDAY, Swt JuN 26.-Notwithstanding we have to report the I a arrival of a fall average time-of-year supply of beasts er up to our market to-day, there was from the fact of lea the attendance of both London and country dealers lal -but especially that of the latter, who purchased extensively for various localities' Ibeing large, amid 995 the dead markets ...


... o LIVERPOOL CORN MARKET, MONDAY, JULY 17.- l The week's imports of Grain, Flour, and Oatmeal, ,e are of moderate amount. The weather has continued iefine, but short deliveries from the home grower have given an upward tendency in all the leading markets ; in the kingdom. The trade here has continued to id show much firmness, and, upon a fair demand, our ,t prices have steadily advanced. Wheat ...