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Advertisements & Notices

... N1. I I. .1 ?. I' A\llb'iirri 1IIII'N IHA LfWAY (!OMll'NN`,S NN I I Ilt~~~~ LTIii' .,illIr i A i i I I -b i II- t'.i'i. Awla ai (i , ilioilI, i i I'1 ti N t int hII II Zlt A. ['iii. !tTires ''If 1111 I ,I II h ANliol'Af1 vil ENJIII ti. It11I. 'L olir tI I Ai Is' 'Ii lIl 'tl, ti taEr¶piu V IN s If i AI Nv ZI: I r i lkAIt ItIIIDj ItI S.XI II I I 'IA 1. I. *' 1 i I 11FN 1f flt S il: iN HI- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HALF MOON COMMERClAL INN ,TEIGNOUI 1-JRy QUICK, (Late Clerk for 3I2 Irears offit' Po rst ofieEelt. 1 EGS to offer his most grateful thanli to Colfer'Eeill El Gentlermes, and the, public in genleranl, for the MIAd and liberal suppoirt whichlihe has receivoll since lie lasa taken tii the above Hoirso, mrini asssreste that every exertion will always be malle so promoote their cosofort ani ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hitt COU1NTY OF BANFF. I F IC it PROPERTY AND INCODIEI TAX. F iSO6 wTOicE IS HEREBYu GIVEN, That the COMMIS- 'rly. twi IyM ISSIONF.RS, for thlinCounty, undertiri' PROPERTY and in t INC5'rlE TAX ACT, will meet within tire P50P0Ii5Tv' TAX OFFICE, F il- .1, 9HIIighi Street, Ban if, On 'f RSDrAY tlro 18th day of J uly current, at F InaI 12 O'clock iroon, for' tire prurpose of lrearirrg AlppernlO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TITHE COMMUTATION NOTICE. THE Tithe Commissioners for Eingland and Wales hereby give Notice, that on the Seventeenth dav' of JULY next, they will either 'by themselv'es, or by an assistant Commissioner,. hold a meeting for the pulpose of fixing, by a supplemental awmarcl the period at 'hich the 1Rent-cchargo, to be paid inl 'ietn of the Tithes of: the Parish of tNLYSCYNAAIRX, in the County of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dissolution of Par¢nerlhip I T HE PARTNERSHIIP hitherto subsisting between T WILLIAM THOMSON, CHARLES FINLAY, and WILLIAM LAIRD FINLAY, trading under the Firm of THOLMSONS & FINLAYS, was I)lssolved on the 19th April last, by the retirement of WILLIAM THOMSON from Trade. CHARLES FINLAY and WILLIAM LAIRD FINLAY, (the remaining Partners), purpose to carry on business in the same Concern, under ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE-Signor I` 1UZZI respectfully informs the Nobility, Subscribers to the Opera, his Friends, and the Public, that his BENEFIT will take place on THURSDAY next, the 13th of July, 1843 when will begrformed (for the lasttime) Rossini's Opera, LA GAZiALADRA. haracterS by Madame Grisi, Madame Brambilla, Signor Mario, Signor FOrna. sari, and Signor Lablache. After which,the second ...

Published: Sunday 09 July 1843
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3009 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... C GRIMSHAW and Co. 10, Gores Piazzas, C. Liverpool, are the sole Agents for Second Cabin alaa Steerage Passengers by the OLD or BBLACK BALL Line of Packet Ships, from Liverpool for New York, sailingpunctually on the 7th and 19ih of each Month; they have also other first-rate Americas Ships for New York, on the lst, 13th, or 25th of each month, and occasionally to PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4IAAstuoa-In the note on the orders of architecture, last week, tbo word not oroitiltin rehipeotin Ionia, and should be otok -k out' withl the pen. iIonia, thoungh It la Ini As.-Alinor, was a colony of Grcece. cation from Bi11eg3gate would ho of the highest The. e%=44m~tl the Mail, Aye do not deal in ?? against I, either, man or, womn Poseibly our abstinence may-arise In 'J -pat fom Avntof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORD3SHIRE LAWV SOCIETY/. Ii.1 E next &Jveeting- ot' the Members of this Sodiety -r A. -will be held at the Mitre Inn, Oxford, on Thursdey the ¶IL' 13th day of' J uly instant, at Five o'clock. Wit] B3URFORD CHURCH CHOIR. N Sunday tlse 16th day of July the ANNUAL O SERMION in aid of the CHOIR of tiho Parish Church gofT Burford 'aill be pi'eaifiled by the Rei' J. Looziwouo, Re'tor of offic, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I I-CLASSICAL, MAT-HEMATICAL, AND COM- KERCIAL EDUCATION. M~,R. W. M. FISHER wl EOE i to .LACADEMY. 39, Great Gog-ict i OSA.teS Id n this Establisrniefit young Gentlemen STO Instructed 131 the th ?? agaes Mathtematics, Commerce. and 241 General Literature, so So to quaif ?? ?? I15b5.All the d ames arm practised in French ConversatIon. and have the Sciences Of Astroot h5xitY Electroty, alvanim, ...


... ORY SCHOOL, Mfor at limited otamberof YoUNG.GENTLEMEN,. 1 will IIE.oa'E oin Alonday, the 24th July. tl ST. .JOiN'S STREET, CHICHESTER.. LADIES' BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, 27, Union Street, I'Ortsea- Ns 1`1H E AIlISSES OW1EN gratefully acknowledge th I the cintinued stalport of their F rientla and thle and tic Public. anti beg to announce thc ?? ofthe tillte above.Estahlishmenart on Monday thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... #to be SOtIl b AUIWON, By Mr. COL HESTER, At the Coach and Horses inn, Irsswich, on Tuesday, the sttdayofAuguSt, 1843, at Four o clockin the afternoon. IN THREE LOTS, (Unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract,) A Most DESIRABLE FARM, situate in theparishesof . A. WALDRINGFIELD and MARTLuSHAm on the banks of the river Deben, and about three miles from Wood- bridge' comprising a convenient ...