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Advertisements & Notices

... =ENU GUANO. TOOLE AND MACKEY 1cow largely supplied with the above valuag which can be engaged genuineandwi e son advantageou terms in original pa ges ji in ll'l s stone weight. Besides its vanlutwhen Crops, it is much used for top dressing, zef° rt prfodctive Manure for Grasses, and improver Cattle after a few days prefer such to any other. ?? experiment No. 16.) .~,e ealtloladwtret 24th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F I, 'F'I ,'? 'Fl' FIF F 'Fl 11 'F'F' Iii- I ' \I,{ II'F F ' ' ' F' F '''' 'F'''' F F IF, F FF'F FIF' F' F 'F I F l.'F1)IF 'F I' I F 'F' IIIF' F' F '''F' F' FF1 F.' F IF ,F F ' F '. Fr F''. [F 'N .1' F IF F I .,'. 1FF:' F' :. I' F ''. F F I'' F F, F ''''F 11FF F ' F F ' F FF1 F1' IF'' IF F F '?F'F Ii' F '. F ' F F ' F II F F? F F F F F 'F F F' ' F'' ' F F F', 'IF F F ' F ' IF F F ??I'' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I It II'tEI IREPORIT' id the LINION flANK Ftita ittif s. r.-t i,.r~ ~ ~. -for-or , --- 'u .to i,, -Fit- JH I% a rid, f-f - ft ,i 'Nit! Sf ftitt i'' tot li lot' br-il LI.. ii,'fi t It'toot if f ft fito ftoio, it l Itgit'trrt ''I niia f v ILtL-fi, it,'11 fL i t s , if tIn it I, it t ifitt it ithift fi tt ,rtit t ', Idit ifa rts tom i oat IIt' fHl Ilmmlim 'I IC o ttiur it'r'. t Iitr'ttf I , i Iil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HALF MOON COMMERClAL INN ,TEIGNOUI 1-JRy QUICK, (Late Clerk for 3I2 Irears offit' Po rst ofieEelt. 1 EGS to offer his most grateful thanli to Colfer'Eeill El Gentlermes, and the, public in genleranl, for the MIAd and liberal suppoirt whichlihe has receivoll since lie lasa taken tii the above Hoirso, mrini asssreste that every exertion will always be malle so promoote their cosofort ani ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aNICITOLS' DEPOT AND BAZAAR, BIIJDGR,STR1EE7T, EXETER. 11VERY description of HOUSEHOLD G~OODS and E FININITUREkept constantly onl Sale, consisting of' SUITE.; OF DRAWENG-ROO6M FURNITURE, sttjl. Sweno-tack ptartern Itosewed Chmairs ?? iorntiti ditto; 'TrnnbnIvar plimern Willot Chairs, 0loay inumber, ltunnnd Cantre T loiotlntI tll S-ia lund Card TPables to, ccri espond; Mil'F-lionieres; Cachles; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. AIERIAL NAlAIN~RYLPOLY- F.CIINIC(, INSTITUTION.--A LECTURE onl this ihjOWNliia I rood by Motidet of seveal binds, which eleva te siionelt~ liy' iECiiANtl'Ai FORCE atone, is derliveredi t Two, orclock daily, .ed oil Monday, Widniraday, aind Friday Mi 'ninga, 'at Eighitocok in addition to itt,, itpiular LActufiw usoully dillypoeril Ti' Exhibition or huta (olo iast Elecerlcl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R 0TA UTSN WAREhOUSE,' C 0, FntNCE STREET. so, 6G & Ct . -repeci fully intimasite, that, I fr t mke room for their TAR- tair - ,S er ?? GOmmeaded a SALEp on SCI ¶-- 9tohe d for TEN DA-S, of oft TI urda last, the hei contr- l,1 Dy lairg aried Stock of RIt h at ett0 alit SILIKS, BALZARINES, Quo 11II USLIN ANI)E LAINS ES, and ten, all ?? ttusrntded of purchaitlig these PEI 0d furethibi G~tv at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBnLICATIONS. sl1t. tittijAtIdI -NEW WORK. ,ltIiiut ien'ill ha p~itlttait. ..: 1 ELiPS to ENC LIS GRM AI rEs S K ti~fr ~og Chlitldretin iuttlilb xtntg loo ~,,d G.11,URA AM. W nl i tohi' itin rcttnner~~~~ iltllril [ , it titt. i. tt'iti i letnuI it to ilet nl ito1 study, N I' etiiro filtIntl i. 'st's tititW,,i i ll I1I. slttiiltbietltlitm NI,[I I I e AN t.' . N lo. 1 O K It I.It' tot lititI i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l1R. HUSSRY begs to inform his Friends that ho LN1 will offer for SALE bv Auction, in Exeter Faih, oel Wednesday next, tle 19th July, precisely at I I o'clock, 10 IMPROVED OXFORDSHIRE RAMS, Ptroperty of :\lr. Joiii GouI., of Poltimore; bred from thc celebrated Flock of C. Large, Esq. The above Rams shear about 201lbs. of Wool each. Dated Waybrook, near Exeter, l2th.July, 1843, SUPERIO1t ...