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26 July 1843 (6)


Aberdeen Press and Journal


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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... SlIPPMNG lNTETLLIGENCE. A UVDA iii'~ r ' Aioinoavi -.-Iriy III, tilterplriie, Watsont. Biaifl.-.1!). A oderson, Spuy; Sir W i lair; Wallace, Husbaond, 0o1 t;Ohc. -20 urnd Rover, Philip, Chaiolemtrwn ; Jo~hn, (l4oper, Dundnee ; Belmonot, Shop- 4on, Gfiro;gt mouth lla)frp'., N1 enort', ~eitirheipfl ii rhiy. Wood, AMoia Abehotianio, Itlo~lair, Londron Doillha, ((vach, Gla~oa; nr Diligence, Ru ...


... in retall, -- ., I SMITHFIELD CATTLE MARKET, July 17. St Notwithstanding we have to report the arrival of italy n moderate timem of-year supply, the beef trade, from the unfavourablestate of the weather for slaughtering, and the thin atteedance of provincial dealers, was in a very sluggish etate. However, the fnest Scots sold .Lt prirrs about equal to those obtained on this day ...


... Od ABIERDEFlIN CORN IMARIKET. 64 MAsntctT BletLotNaus, July 2t- There was a numerous attendance At filmarket to-day, antu a good many samples of oats offering, but very sid little hushieisa done. Oats, bear, and barley, touch the same as last week. 1. Potato O a ts,..per quarter.. Ils Gd to l~s OGd 11 Commuon oats * . do. llis OGd to 19s 6d a Bear. 5? lb per bushel ?? do. .. .20 GdO to Fis ...


... WOOL '1.ARE.T. IaINVERlNESSi SHELP11 AND) WOOL FIR~l. T. (VFroni the Iniorness Coiorie'r.i Tioe A initiai Marktel for the stile of olheopi nod wool of the nor1thern - coijnties, was0 110w 11010 ii't 110011. rbion0ii momliillly conlilliOciii; tI, oii Tihursdaey, it was Friday evenilig biefore Oily sales took piece, 0 ld fi0 the' gireater pert, of tue busiciess wae tr:,eenotedI oi Satuirday. ...


... RNlTNn ON UAnfnAv T,41'P WEE'.K ENDING ON MONDAY 1tJT, I MPO( TS, ilfi . ?? care Eau (le Ciologne, 12 hampers Sell OW1 Water, P. Willianisfis. 182 Innis a ned 4 bales Flax, a1imle, Cruden, & Co. 120i mats slax, Richiards & Co, 2 tloss C(In0ills leys, M.11son, & Co. S2 Chees, AV, Mlne & . .Sos. 44 do. Slewart & (hivs. 331lo. A. DaV(id s0ol, R5i(, SI (h) lohnsel. :ti8 do. Jamles Prsser & Co ...

London adn Provincial Grain Markets

... London and Provincial Grain Markets. CORN EXCEIANGE. MssVDAY, July 17. L taut week, the arrivals of all gruiss tsp tn our mafrket were on a very inuderate ucale. Fresh oin. today we received ain increased supply of whsnt fromt Fnss~, but a litnlledl quautity from Kent and Sufrnlk. in tke etirly part oftheisoda. the Ifsctors dernanded a considerable advance in tke prices of Euglish wheat noted ...