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South West, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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... Vodr?. THE SONG OF THEl EXILE. F~naswcLL-faieweill the last blue hill of English ground I view; Ere yet it fades, 0, let me still That sad delight renew ! Perchance no after-time to me Will that sweet scene restore,- Perchance I ne'er again shall see My loved-my native shore I To distant lands I now must fly, And seek a refuge there; Ah I better 't wovre at home to die Than live in wealth ...


... X.ZTflZARY vArnETflz?. HoNES3 FuornE;-If a mnan has a right to be proud of anything, it is of a good action, done ad it ought to be, without any base interest larking at the bottomn of it.-Ster-ne. LOVE OF Coueeruy.-Ae Abernathy said the parks of London were its lunge, so our mountains, forests, and moor. lands are the lungs of the whole country. It is there we drink ill fromn all things ...


... X?ETrflARY VAREETIIIB. Flirtation jot a woman is equivalont to libertinism in a man; it is the manlifostetion of tile saume loose principles, only eestroain- ed by the usage of the world fromd developing itself in a similar SEA SeeseNxES.-Tl1 MIAteodssie d'Inzdtaetrie states, that a girdle worn. round the body above the hoovels--that is, over the epigastruos-will prevent Sea sickness. it is ...


... GRAN~D CONCERT. On Thursday a graned concert was given tit the thueatre, in the coerse of which the far-famed violinist, Signor Ce'millo] Sivori, appeared for the first time before a Bristol audience. It is, perhaps, superfluous to say that he showed himself a master of his instrument. His achievements in the machan. icon of art are wonderful, and those achievements are crowned by those rare ...


... 4?ott1*p. ASPIRATIONS. I would he strong: Strong in itel majesty of menwtal pewet'; Steadtilst alike velstn tempeosts o'er me lower, Or ilattercrs round me throng. I wvould he bravo: Brave in the fearless rmight of truthfid thouxght, 'lo burst the chain aroured the fetter'd vwrought, A\nd free tho injured slave. I wvould he freo: Free as tbe eagle lisough1 side lbravess rus'totg- Free as the ...


... J?otttij. O, WHEREFORE ASSER;T YE THAT ENFGLISRHENL HATE ? [BcY ROBEIST STORY.] 0. wherefore assert ye thot Englishmen hate, That Cambrian and Scot look with coldneoe on you ? W~e are proud of our name, oulr distinction, our state But there boats not a heart but gives Erin its due. We love your green land, and we love your chaste daughters; Of year bards, as our owvn, we have cherish'd the ...


... Vo0ttrV!J. Wh b or Ca aughB1t beyond the present see,- Whoelo ngdinulsmcl eyes the light of reason isliads, Whos# makes themselves all boadmen, bu, orfe: ThgUs bis lot whol fainiw voold make maon great, TO he the partner of a higher estate. To he for ever scorn'd for virtuous deeds- To be condemu'd whoa rmost his thoughts are pure- To he the victim doozn'd to toil and blood, Yet stilt the ...


... 1?TERA1?Y VARIETXES. Thle rate of mankind Would perish, did they cease to aid each other. Fromt the time that the mother binds the child's head, till the Iomemeut that some kind assistant wipes the death- d amp from the brow of the dying, we cannot exist without mutual hells. All, therefore, that need aid, have a right to ask it of their ftslowv-mor tels; eno one who holds the powver of grant- ...


... ?L I 1; C r a t it r ?+ Acnsworf I's Mlagazine for Jlugarsf.-COlnilgrl~am & Co., LOndon. deal o~f ingniyi xiie n producin g greble reowlts 00n school. Trho Bankrupt'd on ie oa tor ~of thed taeril revenge. taken by a young man on a erbn lhd bad maceden bie father a basskrupt. The incidents wolda be ef tcedagleyi repulsive, wvere they not so unreal, and thle Ier of the tale i a mnout ...


... 1U?T?RA?Y VaRU?TXflS. Lady l>ulwcr says, in the mnotto for her new novel, Wlo- manl's fate lies in a doted 'twist heaven antI earth. Thit accounits, we presume, for woman's desire to reign. An article ont the Litcrature of the Negro, inl ties Mafgttsia for November, states-it is a significant act,~ wbich, has seen strwng~ely overlooked, thattle three words iao^, Slemz, and Juplkec; mean, ...