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Advertisements & Notices

... Tl{l- PIQUA PLANT. ItR. E\-.NS lh st made ia new andl valuable disuoverayr . Vlflliltwlirll s ?? t i ets T-,anldlass sacctlered in ?? it to :i hi-,h tats (f perfection. It is a beasistifll Beverage, suoperior to Ti-a for bsealtl and Ec-stoiy ; it s, snore ?? three times the Strength at salf the It forams a rich, nsitritiotas, aromatic, and delicious beverage; i unlike Tea, It does not iaj are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL, EXETER; TN compliance with NUMEROUS APPLICATIONS, I. MADAME GRISI Has the honor to announco that she will givo another EVENING CONCER7, On FRIDAY the 26th instant, To cofmmence at HrALF-PAST EIGHT o'CLOCK, oN WHICH OCCASION SItE WILL tiBE ASSISTED BY SIGNOR MARIO, SIGNOR BRIZZI, MR. LAVENU, AND SIGNOR PILOTTI. Boxes, ?? Upper Boxes, 3s.; Pit, 2s.; Gallery, Is. 6d.-Box Play, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST, IRISIH LINEN, AND CAXRPET WA.REHOUSE, 2G6, - HIGH STlRI EET, EXETER, 266i J. TONAR p ESPECTFULLY solicits the attention of his Friends aniS the Public, to his Superior STOCK of 4-4 and 7-8 UNDRESSED GRASS BLEACHFIED IRISH LINENS, ,vIic. he ran partiolalrly reconoroned, halinl been AImnufactured for his Houme, and being determined to maintain tile Character is IittLblisIImert liss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?aIe? b? ?tictf oh, DESLE LE FREEHOLD VILLAS, BMOND.PARK, CLI???N. sO? BY A?TIOI?, 1' 0 ?. MesOtS. FARGUS & SON, 1121011C1AL - ROOAfS, CORN- STREET, on M the Cd> tlte 17th August instant, at One o'clock in thc TIIUIIS[) ile5? disposed of in tile mean time by i'rix-ate Afiern?55 (? dOfllrOC), ii (fec or Two Lots, ? may be agreed on at the lime ef ? LL those TWO Newly-Erected Freestone- fr5ited ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ? ?ttctfon, A GE.\'UI? AND UNRESERVED SALE OF iS Q??R5 EAIII? l'AINTINGS, IN FINE CONDITION, 1' -'7IED uI'ITE ELEGANT GILT FRAMES. d SW1MOL.\ ?Jr. Ij?j? IlLS the heltelir to notify, that he sheill submit ro'? SAL' B? A UC'?ZOZJ, .ecl'IYAUC'I'ION MART, No. IC, CORN- the eel ,m?t01 5nTIIUIISDAY, ?? 24th August, 1543, n ? CollettiOn of about FIFTY MARINE rAINTINGS the whole of which are thu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LINEAN DRAPEMS. BUSINESS PRE'MISES TO IET. Ttbe LETt an Established BUSINESS hl IL by extenrsiv'e Viliriges, Iii tire Casts inty Soeirrrat it coirti'eienti Dwsellirrg fHouse, klod,rrioe Shlop Ferontarge sirrir Platot Glta's, arid Fixtuires complete. No Stack rnemi his tahoel Address, Mr. T. S. SHARtLAND, Froree. AN ADVANTAGEOUS OPPORTUNITY FOR1 A PIOUS FAMILY. T be SOLD, a comfortable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... isEA W ESTERN W1YTAY. NWOTICE IS fHER.EBY- GIVEN, that the n 11 lext HIALF-YEARLY GENERAL MlEETINfG of' the ?? of this Company will be boeld, pursuant to the Act of .Parliament, in Bristol,' at' the BRISTOL STATIONf, on THURSDAYthe 17th of Augest nexct, at Twelve o'clock, for the general purposes of business. Anld notice is also hereby given, that immediately after the said Half yearly General ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEry's Aperiesat Antibilious Pills. THiESE Pill arc formed solely of Vegoetable IL atter, an are recommended as a valuabic family aperi- ellt medicine, Their action on tihe boevels is mild and eiiica- cicus; they most effectually remove billions and other obstruc- tions,.pains and giddincss of the head and sick head-ache, flatulence and heartburn, dropsical alrcctions, ands unnatural ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ILEMNI.' I'S AND DRUCGGISTS. A. AS(IT ofth PH1AR7I1ACEUT1CAL Asoi 'taat ci her itt '[own or Country. Highly respootflble reltreneose conr Ito girca. Letteis adtdressedl (prt.ptal~l) to A. B1. loire of thle Editor of this Pipor, will bto iottiidiately attotolod to. REMc OVAL1. To the Nohbility, Gen try, Clerily, anl the Residents generaotty of the Counly ifl Devon. MONDAYS %,ND TUESDAYS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEN~iINE TEA, COFFEE, AND GR.OCERY WAREHougE 63, RED CLIFF-HILL, l3RISTOL . IxTILTIKA CLARK respeetftilly informs his Friends and the Public thtat the Alterations of l ?? lrcmibes, in conformity with thle general Improvement of REocLIFE-iH5L, arc now completed, and eor~dially con- gratlaltes lhis Pa~trons onl their being no longer inconvenienced by the previous awkward approachl to his House. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SPORTSMEN AND OTHER? 5- A LA?RGE ASSORTMENT OP SUPERIOR STUB-TWIST SINGLE ?? DOUBLE ?A??EL PERCUSSION GUNS, ROM the first Manufact.tu'ers in the Kingdom, warranted Tower-proof, and to shoot close and F strong, are now Selling AT FULL FORTY PER CENT. ENDER ANT OTIIEII HOUSE IN TIlE TRADE, AT C. WILLIAMS'S DEPOT, 24, REDCLIFF-STREET. i?.n. These GUNS will he found equal to any Manufactured, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P ORTA'BLE MANURES, VtIZ.:- ; BdONE GUANO, GYPSUMI, NITR.ATEt ,VF OA, SEED-CAK;E, and various other M'lanures. ; AGRICULTURAL IMPLEM~ENTS, ;Viz.:s-Liquid Manure Carts, Hlay Making M1ach1ines, Corns .Crulshers, Chain H~arrowvs, Thrashing M~aclfimes, Dressitig Man- chinles, Creesklill's Patent Cl0d l2o1lers, and other valulable Imlpleenents, may be procured fromn Messrs. I-I. & TV. PROCT'012, ...