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... 3A2q?LRUPTCy COURT. MONDAY. ?? Mfr. fosnns7issiotner Stephen.) IN5 Ha HARFOItD, DAVIES, AND CO.-On his Honour taking his seat, Mr. Palmer said he wished to offer an explanation with re* freoelce to an observation made by binm lost week, and whicih had been repsorted-and he wias bound, in justice to the s eperter, to oay moot correctly resorted-its a public paper. To these whob were acquainted ...


... CORNIVALL. CORNWALL, ASSIZES. Nri. Justice Coleridge arlrived in Bodmini onl Thursday last, aiid imimtediately procceeied to spoil the climiiiIssion. His Lorlabip afierwards attended Divine Service. Mr. J3stice E rskhie arrived tlter iii thle clily. Blsinuess coimmeniced ol Friday morniog-Mr. JslticD Ioleridge presidinig on the Crowi,, and Mr. .Jstica Erskilne en ,he Civil Sile. There were ...


... ?A??&U?TCY COUZLT? MISONDAY. :(Before Air. GCmomissioners Seplie.)J Ito H.ovoonD, Davies, AN:D Co.-The claimn of Mr. Samuel liar- feed Lucy wias renewed. Air. Stone supported the claimn, and it was opposed by Mr. Palmzer. A conver sation ar ose between Messrs. Palmer and Ston~e ye- spectiag an agreement which was made betwveen Mr. Lurly and other partners of the lirm, as to whether it could be ...


... 3Z?U?TCT COUR'1'. MONDAY. Hr MrocsssNr.-Mr. Commissioner Stephen Ittiving appointed this as the day oa ,vhiah he aliosid dative. his jsd0ieeut in ye- I gard to tbc application of this baokrept for his cortificate, Mr. Carlisle, one of the assignees, addressed the court, otatiog that he ondorotead his 1-lossour, at the last meeting, to ?? ?? a desire to have mode some inquiries of him be (being ...


... VIBIT OF THE COURT TO BRlGHTON.-It Inav niowr ?? said to have been finally determined by Her AlaMesty (and therefore, all speculation on tho sutject imay be set at rest,) not to proceed this summer to Walmer Castle. The eox tremely confined nature of tile acconmeodation in the interior of the Castle for the Sovereign and the Prince, and their respective suites, ttmay be mentioned as the chief ...


... assIz? ZNT1?LLIG?NC?. DuoucAs! Assezus.-At these assizes Joseph Atkinson m pleaded guilty to illegally solemnizing a marriage at Berwick- of upon-Tweed, between William Browvnand Catherine Cosser. T The prisoner, it appeared, resided at Lamberton toll-bar, oL which is withins the Scottish border, and about four miles th north from Berwick. He has been in the habit of officiating cc there as ...


... ?ZST?L SU?M?R ASSZZE. In our last wve announced the arrival of Mr. ,usticu Cole. ridge in our city, and thu opening of the commission at the Guildhall. The trials coumisoenced on Saturday, at the Coopers' lhail, K~ing-street.' The cause-list contained the names of 40 eaecs, of which number thrce were sot down for special juries. In M~arqumclc v. Mines and others, Tlarquicki o. llarlms, Lowe v. ...


... 00??ELLZGENCE. Co LNCILHOUSR, BRISTOL, SATURDAY. prescott Messrs. Ricketta and Howell. alegidrates oley was dned Is. and costa for using afloat Harriet St?5?5? towards pulice-conatable dl, who wasdaag- boy to the statiefl.hOUSO for playing marbles in it? stee? water?a charged with wandering aboat Peter-atreet, Willi?m0510?0 residence, was eautiancd and discharged. ?? remaadC? until Monday on ...


... FOLIOS ZNTBLIaEGENG? COO! OJCOL?HOOJSE, BRS TOO, SATUR DAY. 0?ratrO prescott The Mayor, next Messrs. Iticketto and ??aed Kay, George Tosgood, John Williams, Jas. Beeso, Western, anti Joseph Willililits, Oitt wretehod-lookitig men, Jails dwitli being found asleep under a limokilo, in Lime. a-err cborg?1 all said they had no money, and no lsd'lns bile1? TheY ivere cautioned and disoharged. to f? ...


... THE COUET &v. The Queen and Prince Albert attended divine service en Sunday morning, in the Chapel Royal, Buckingham Palace. The Hon. and Rev. Charles Leslie Courtenay officiated, and preached the sermon, taking his text from Galatians, chap. iv., verses 4 and 5. HsRoyal Highness Prince Albert has kindly contribut- ViSnr OF TIlE QUEEN TO T11E Nawv Housas OF P.staacA- ECNT.-On Saturday, at half ...


... 3RZSTOL ? ASSZZ?. WEDNESDAY. fOONTINUIOD FIIOM 0011 THIRD 't'AOEifl Golds V. Harmon ?? Mr. sergeant Bompas and Mr. Prideaux were for the plaintiff; Mr. Cockborn ? Mr. Butt for the dei'ence. Mr. prideaux opened the pleadings.-4ohn Collie was the plaintiff; and Ed?verd Herman, the treasurer for the time being of the Sun Fire Isienrance Company, the defendant The declaration stated that the goods ...


... T?W COURT, &c. W\INDSOR, S7au7.s1ac,.-Tlhia morning the Queen and Prince Albert, and the ladies and gentlemen of the royal suite and the househlold, attended divine service within the castle. The Ifonourable and Rev. Charles Leslie Courtenay officiated, and preached the sermon from the 5th chapter of the 1st Epistle of St. John, and the 4th and 5th verses. Sir Robert Peel arrived at the ...