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South West, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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... I'-ORsNBURY D)AH-.LIA SHOW. The last floricultural eslilbitiun for the present seaeon, of 'til the Thorenbury Society, tool; place on W~ednlesday last, in the ruine of the ancient castle, inl that towvn. The day woea one in of the finest that the seasou has aff'orded, and the attendance . was, by far, more numer ous tnan on any previous o casonth and included nil the rank, fashion, and beauty ...


... It £ t a tn v £+ Y ~ ~ ~ ~~~a ?? a n'ew tale by afrs. Groe Tentitiod Alimeoror the Ssai ting Dogs of the Belgie fron. etiler ad i' foillow;oled b o I. .of a sericO of papers svbich pro. toe bed os greet intereet, cansintitig of reininisoeefles of Sit m S otbe of d abtisncontenmpoitlries. The aneedetet are gojod XValterSo t The^ foillowing m ay serve at SpeCimtenS and sluinerost. jniulted ...

The Drama

... ?ie ?tama, Qa Monday evening, Mr. Creswiclc, who has, we underatatnd, been engaged for the remainder of the aeason, appeared as ,i, Edward illortii~er in Colman's clever play of the ?? Chest, and the house, althougzh by no means as fall as we could WISh to hove aeon it, preeented a decided improvement on the beggarly account of empty boxes, which threw a damp over the per. Mvl. Croewiok's ...


... THE FIO.TN 10-BY THr; REV. F. AS. FAIER,. A lady a party of ?? made, And she plann'd i her schleme right well; And, early and late, this party lili'd The head of the demoisalle. It rain'd all day, and it rain'd all night, It rain'd when morning broke; It rain'd w hen the maiden wvent tn sleep, And it rain'd when she awoke. Peevish and fretful the maiden grew, WVhen the hoer of neon was gene; ...


... BUISTOL, SUUEMTBErR FAIR. I ur arinuai Septembher fai' cooninenced yesterday-the -sheep andi cattle being exhibited es irsual- in the Cattle- nmarket, 'and the horses at Teniple-gate. 'The foli'i on ithG whole was well supplied, but the businless was very dull. Hons815.-There wvas .a better sliow of horses than last Veer, and among the animals exhibited wvere many of an useo. i'el and some of ...


... Z1I?WZ?ZA3Y ?ARZETZES. CRUELTY TO AW C5.&UTIVE.-Last Monday thore was at court a sea captain who bad boon made a prisoner at Algiers. Hie was complaining hoDW oruelly be bad been usod, They asked, how?1 Wihy, he said, you see Ilam not strong, and could do no hard labour, so they put me to hatch eggs ; but his greatest grievance wvas, that whon ho had hatched a brood thoy took away his ...


... THE BANKS OF THlE WYYE. LOT others seek wvealthl and gain titles, for me 'Tis enough that I know miyself happy and free: 'T Uras thus I extcleim'd, nor hoodedet reply, As I roam d yestereto on the Banks of the EVye. F~or 0, what is splendour, aud what is renonv But a glass that departs and a trump that is blowvnl They woke not in moe nor a wish nor a sigh As I ream'd yostereve on the Banks of ...


... CoNGE,:l Rae. A concert of more than ordinary pretensions was given ast the Theatre, on Thursday evening, on which occasion the celebrated Grisi, together with Signor Brizzi and ur. Johsn Parry, made their appearance. The airs anid concerted pieces were selected fr om thle pr oductions of Roushl, Ilellini, and Donizetti, but principally fronm those of the latter-probably from the opportunities ...


... WASHZONB 1OR S3PTEMn?,R. Dresses of clear materials have been made of a plain trans. parent organdy and baregcs satinees, with the single tiack and sleeves hosillonisse from the top to the elbow, the corsage fuel and 1 occeur. In tis a redingote style the cersage JTosephine is much appreved; it is half high behind and open in front en c ur to the waist;X the corsage at ao Jlcrace resemblea ...


... A paerson vilre tells yoa of lhc fazulto of' othlers, ititendts to c tell o then's of yourl fonilt r. to tov a cule ho ic you hlsen. S PetIVLtuow 01' 'iIE PuiettixO E.-Alt thib~g0 duily cohen. 1 laltod liowar/dsoor felt thalt a poeeeaie was wior th somne sacritico. e As tbe tutte Loinl Soireen reed to obsecrve, Peers are helped tl first to jisob'--A ilseao'nnth's Jlnrgeig~ri . t. Igt'tYE VCE ...

The Drama

... ?Fe D?ama. Mrs. M'Cready opened ocr theatre for the nousl September seasonon Monday last, with a determination, 55 we understand, to carry on the campaign with vigoar. Tbe corps drasnssliqste comprises many of the established favoserites, among whom we may particularly notice Mr. Chute, Mr. Angel, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Mulford, &c. Mr. C. Perkins resumeo the duties of stage- manager, which office he ...

The Fine Arts

... EXHFIBITION OF PA&INTINGS, BY TEIE OLD MIASTERIS. C Contli~eeed fro sffs fee^lat. To the loes et subjects, and, to a sulperficial comprehension, the m ost barren, tho Great Maoters gave loftiness and fruitfulness. The large oye of Genius saw in the ocean- nesoes of present objects their oapabilitics of treatmemnt from their relations to some grand past or future. - Clharles Laimb. Xn our ...