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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle


... SHIPPING INTBILLIGRBNCb. LONtDOF, SErPT. 8.-Wind this day at itoon easterly, light breezes audffne. Seven p.m. E. to S.B., fresh breeae and ane. DEALb, SEpt>.7.-WInd E.S.E., light air8.-Satilee the Percta for Ceylon, Portland for St. John's, Nev Drotwick; John Wieklifltb o. Pombar or SEJT. r °Bi7.-Wind N.E. to S.S.E.-Satled the Mary for the Sonth Seas, and Vernon for M~adeira. OPPs DovERa SEr. ...

Published: Saturday 09 September 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 923 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIPPING INTBLLIGRNCB. LoNDnON, SErr. 18.-Wihld thi day at. noon southerly, light airs arid cloudy. DEAL, SErw. IG.-Wind SE., light ahrs, 17. E., calm-Arrived itle Rowena from Gamibie, SlIarrta front Jamlarica, Eurolpnn from New Orlanls, Awnn lom St, John's, New BItunswick; Commodore fronm Quebec, Pearl from Ceylon, and Rhine from Miratalehi. 8al1ed the Tasmania for Hobart Town, Mary Alice fur ...

Published: Tuesday 19 September 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1493 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MfONEY MARIKETe Qud CI i3I.iS WEDNESDAY, The English funds opened heavy to-rint,, an,, the Consols wvere quoted 941, oeN ing to the fall in tl French rentes; but this low tuotation ha ilno brought some buyers for-ward, the ni;arket recov ctb in the afternoon, (Consols bsing last quoted 04g to for M.loner, an 9-5 to t 'for the. Accoint; Ne Three-and-a-Half ler Cents., 102k: E:xachuer Bills, at ...

Published: Thursday 28 September 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1759 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... BtRNINON AM, WEDNESDAY, AuG. 30.-Tbe following , is ia copy of a Ietter frorn Lord.'Vesterru to Mr. R. Spooner, i on the subject of the late mseting:- * Fellix-lHall, Aug. 23 To the Chairman of the Mee:ting of the Blrmiuiighm 4 Chamber of Coumerce, asssmbledI at the Wetoiloo Rooms, on the Ia6th of August. Sir--I have read with great interest the a-rount of thepioceediingeof the meetinig at ...

Published: Friday 01 September 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1774 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIppINa 1NT2BLLIGBENC. Loarnoac, AUGa. 31.-Wind this day at noon, light eatterly Pi15 and fitne.-Seven p.m., moderate breeze from E. to S.E., anod fine. DEAL, Auo. 30.-Wind a~m. W.; p.m. N.E.-Arrived the Aqee. fromt Jamaica, Louise from Bremen for Phniladelpltia. Sailed the Indian for Launcestont,Dont Quixote for Rio, Thomas Hull for Cuba, Pearl for Montreal, Malvina fOrNewfoundland, ...

Published: Friday 01 September 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 2378 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... FRIDAY EVENi IN -SutoAet.-There were cot anypub- lie eales of British Plantation to-day. The trade have bought about 2,000 Wbds and tier~es this week Itt firm prices. In refined goods there Is not any olteration. f Standard lumps re 74sto 74,sOl per cwt, and 73s for broavn giocery ; S00 biigs AM.iuritlus fold at 58 to 61Je for middling yellow, bdog forme'r rnels; 500 begs Bengal 'elred fair ...

Published: Saturday 16 September 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 966 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON MARKBTS-FRIDAY. CORN EXCHANGE. There has been only n moderate arrival of English l'hest to oar market tiis week. At this morning's market the shoA of t6Oi'NS was by no mnans large, yet a fair clearance was effected at Me'ay's decline. Tlre whole of tile fOrelgia Wheat in bond has been resleaed thi week, at the duty of I14 per qr, A steady businesm was dtilig in it at full prices. For ...

Published: Saturday 16 September 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1226 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... rf.Ill ANTI CORN LAW LtEAGUE . 1_,,teretsy eveninlg the Anti-Corn-law eArgue held its grit monthly mceting for the season, in Covent-garden 'ear The vest space was crowded In every corner half Wilhoer before thes time for commencing the business. ,kgrist number of ladles were presenit. Among the gen- tIfeioln on the stags, we t'oticetd-Georire WilCon, Eoq., rebirwlen; Richard Coblen, Es94., ...

Published: Friday 29 September 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 20549 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MONEY MARKEJ1T and CITY NEWS. WEDNESDAY. By the Hibernia steamer, arrived at Liverpool, v advices were received this afternoun to the 31st ult. n inclusive, being 15dayslater from New York. The d rates of exchange had advanced, bills on London beingr readily sold at 9*, and Paris at 6.25. The stocki market continued firm and even buoyant, r although unaffected by any foreign investment. ...

Published: Thursday 14 September 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1189 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... MONEY MARIKE'JYanid CITY NE WS FRIDAT.. t] lie Foll)owing correspondepctI has lssed between Messrs. Lizardi and Co., ogents for thc Mlexican government, aud the conimittce of South Aniericall bondholders, rcgarding the alleged secret issue ot mnew Bonds and thle piayflient of lOs. in the pound of the O'ctober dividend. The only remark sve calln msnke upon this subject at present is, that we ...

Published: Saturday 23 September 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 4210 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON AlA RKE1i-MON DAY. -- CORN EXCHANGE. Silica tile di y Neiilcnierbepor iellbeen de In all parts of Englani icr scecuing hie ercl~ whi s th nurrNsil of nll grain rrp) to our mildwt, 'ii ll lie xofleptiorn or Irish (latr, of NVlii'll upwvardis of 5i2,tiO quarlers ;mace orini' lo isand-havo inrevo fn a rnsnideratc scale. Fresh lip to-dlsy, file receipt' of English Wheati were by no Inraan, ...

Published: Tuesday 19 September 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 2556 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MONEY MARKET anwd CITY NEWS. TIHURSDAYi Triere has been rather a better demannd for Money on the Stock Exchange, the rates for short periods, oln the security of foreign bonds, being from 3 to I per cent. Out of doors, on cormmercial paper thle a rates vnry from 2i to 3 per cent. It is now said thatthe Bank of England has igrerd to give the Chancellor ot the Exchequer n loan of XG2,to0tyOt,0, ...

Published: Friday 29 September 1843
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1550 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce