... I (FROM% A CoaRPSPONDENT.) The court of arbitrators at Colooney, county Sligo, held its first meeting on Mlonday, the 23d instant. The arbitra- tors u ere William Kelly, Canp-hill, Martin Madden, jun., and Patrick MITucker, Esqrg. The court opened at one o'clock, when, at the desire of his brother arbiters, the chair was taken by William Kelly, Esq. E. W. O'Mahony, Esq., also occupied a seat ...


... SURREY ADJOURNED SESSIONS-WRIDNESDAY. A LAOY 8iI0PLIrfER,-Mary Davis, aged 37, a good-looking female, of respiectable connections, was indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 22d of September last, in Southwark, a piece of silk, the property of Messrs. Olney, silk-mercers.-Mr. Charnook appeared for the defence. The case was a very clear one against the prisoner. It ap- peared that on the day ...


... |EETING OF XEIDDLSEX. I TRAI2'rS- Yesterday a meetin of th Justicea °hecUktwefllgreen dlesex took place at the Sessions House, C`.K -salt Adams for the transaction of county business. Mr. :e2` in the chair. t on After some routine busiuses of the House of Corfeb. was brought up, *t The CHAIRMAN intimated that a memorial from the 8d Marylebone vestry, on the increase of expenditure ° the county ...


... COURT OF .BANKRUPTCY-WHlDxrNSDAY. IN' Rfl ThO.\tAS HOLLANSD. The bankrupt In tills case had carried irn an e2tunsive business, notainally us a wine merchant, bot in reality as a bill-broker and discounter. rhO aoroupt of relitus and liabilities were stated li hIs schedule as being £6,400, Whidle this troscit nero onl y about £1,500, and noarly haltf of thi slim ass composed of bad debts arid ...


... POLICE IIV TELLIGBNCE-WZDNB8DAY. THAMES POLICE. Robert Rlobinsorn Atercsan(r, a middle-aged man, who is very re- spectably conneeted, aid has beeta for many years its the ale and beer trnde, was brought before Mr. Broderipl, on remnRnd, charged mwith embezzling various suma of money to the amount of £100, which ho had received for and onl account of his employers, Messrs. Strong, Larchin, and ...


... MeONDcAY. These sessions coosmencce at tice Guildhall, Westminster, on Monday, before Mr. Sergeant Adams, clhaireace, an,-. a bench of ?? calendar contained the names of orly 17 prisoners, 12 of whom were charged with felony. ItARnAnaors TncPAM'crST OF A CtIco.-1fary Taylor-, a middle-aged woman of Bullen-court, Straocd, pleaded guilty to ace indictcraent charging leer with assaulting lier ...

The late Fatal Accidents on the Croydon Railway

... The late Fatal Accidents On the Croydon Railway. CORONER'S INQUEST.-ANOTHER MAN KILLED AT NEW CROSS. Onl Thursday, at three o'clock, Mr. Payne, city coroner, held anl inquost in the board-room of Guy's Hospital, en view of the body of Jasper Hillyard, aged twenty-three, late an engine-driver ire the employ of the Lendon and Dover Rail- way Company, who was killed on Tuesday night last under ...


... FRIXDAY, SEPT. 29.-Before Sir John Fife.-Ann Tim- mons and Catherine Docherty, notorious girls, were charged with stealing some herrings from the shop of ?? Pyle, Blaekett-street, about eight o'clock last night, and were each committed to the house of cor- rection for 14 ?? Mulligan John Liddell, and William Richardson, were brought up by P.C. 74, the former two were charged with stealing caps ...

Anglesey Quarter Sessions

... ==ee ?? ?? Quarter Sessions. e The Michaelmns Quartcr Scssions, for the t County of Anglesey, wvere held at licaillaris, in N I the County Hall, on the morning of Tucesday last, a 0 before William Bulkeley Hughes, Esq., Ml.P., t Chairman; the Right lIon. Lord Vivian, the lion. r T. 0. Stanley, M.P., Sir RIB. WV. Bullecley, 1 Bart., MI.P., Colonci James Hughes, theltev. I J. W. Trevor, the Rev. ...


... POLICE INTEBLLIGENCE-TuEsDAY. BOWt-bTIU ET.. Mr. Stafford, of Buckinglium-street, Strind, 6olicitor, t waitrd upon Mr. Jardine to complain of the gross miscon- duct of one of thc wvatrnt officer o!' the ciiirt, in tskit-g into custody, npon a bueih wairi'ut, a person cf the name ois Kidilun, under the following eiransrstanve,.:- ln coneequente of l dispute which hlid for some time ex- ieted, ...


... SHERFlF'S' COURT-TuisDAY. [flfoure 5r. Urlrd'r-ShlerifB' llrrhel 'aid a Special Jsry.J Tlili 4lVEEN V. aILts. 'this wasn a tit of extent issuing front the' oo it of Ecelqlmer, directing a J, to to inquire what gnod', chattelr, Iandtr, an-l tentemeants, tocttlter vith the value thereof, were in fie poiesegslort f Thonmas Hilsoll Oilt-, sia-4e Coach tll,[ orirlliblhA pro.prIetor, tOn the '271h ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. ?? ;I EXCHIANGE.COURT OFFICE. ,and, -A, CASE FRa THE Horsen GUAnns.-Considerable een- ieguio `atibn existed about this office yesterday in coneequence of Ret he following case, which was set down for hearing at, one eno'clock ;for * b ioth nn Henry Marsh and Cornet Charles ?? Co~te, t' bth o the3rd Dragoon Guards, were summoned to answer the cgimplaint'of Harriet ...