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Advertisements & Notices

... i11E BURTON and STAPENHILL FARMERS' Il P~%RIE SOCIETY, will hold their TIIIRD) ANNUAL CATTLE SHOW, AT BURTON-ON-Tl'RENT, On THURSDAY, the 26th day of October, 1843. PATRON AND PRESIDENT, The 'Most Honorable the MARQUIS of ANGLESEY. rICE-PPESIDENTS, HENRY CLAY, Esq. MICHAEL THOMAS BASS, Esq. WILLIAM WORTHINGTON, Esq. The Soeiety beg leave to offer their thanks to those gentlemen who sent the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . .- C to u a I'y o J'.il et lt ll C /t, I. - - NOTICE lS IlllEiIY f 'rl ;'EY ?? ?? tli A l)J ~ttr N lu tyl (; EN E Rl.\L lt-1 l t- I 'Elt SESSIONS il' the Peace foir thue eitsiltl il'I- erion ethI( ll il bec h ld lt die Ctit iih ( N Ioi in 11)1.0 c. i oilY, 01 tim slAY tle Dt10 doily ol Oc''lm 1icnext, alld the ?? C-oimimiittec, til)- poilitel to audit aill d ecocllts, xvill IllcCt for tlhat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ol3 l ((ii.MAI STEAMV PACKETS direct ot Il an he WEST INDIES, from Southampton, at on the '2d nvid 17th of eoach easati, coaiesing To M xjco, itloth Amecrica, &c. The farea hive Leen )eo ,, Dr* 1I ascertained, with a'll other particulars, by II p'licatiOn at thle Oeimpaiiyle Oflice, 665, )toorf;;te-_ t bt' a e secured as heretoforu, and parcels el'2 .~ f~.e steishitps no0 longer touch at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F|ARMS TO BE LET. 'I'lbss till be Iet, witil 3jItryt lit Wititunday Iotxt, 7 Ii II. t~ill I A ?? tihe Ewr,%,r[r of B1L.QUtIAINu , T ill tih l'eiliiti if INvOtiatyii antl CHsAPIR, of fiAIOICI1. , FtAIDI (If AQlIittIMtTHiIlESt, e!alktitig of A. 11, I. Aralble, -,5 0- 13 I) 12 Imlorlateasunrre. 01n I ttjttoiveatlle l'tt.1 re, Iti 0 3(1 W'ttit Pllstlrv, lot) 3 1(j l ?? 82 t) :i2 2i T lhAIIM rf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... red VARMOUTH AND NORWICH RAILWAY.- lot- - 50 Oa 70 of these SHARES. on SALE; £ 20 each Share, of ugh which £1 0o paid up. Line will be opened noe t June.-Apply to gell R. B. WATSON & CO. 19th October, 1843. No. 7, BoND-STREEST, Lmens- een WHO WANT TO BUY REETH MINING COMPANY SHARES. MANCHRSTEXR AND BIRMINGHAM RAIIAWAY DO. land BULL AND SELBY DO. DO. her SFTFIlFIILD AND MANCHESTER . DO. (Old) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CA-LENDA 'rOR THE WLEKC. OCTOBER 15. tu\rnAy--Eighteeont. after Trinity.-Miforn- ing Lestons: Ezekiel xx.; Luke i. v, 39.-Evening: Eze- n, kiel xxiv.; Galatians ?? rises, 39m. past 6; sets, * r 21m. past 5,-Last dapyof the HebrewFeastof Tabernacles e in commemoration of the passage through the Wilderness. _ -Virgil born, o.c. 70.-Kosciuszki died, 1817.-General 'sDiego Leon shot at Madrid, 184 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALE LICENCE CE1LTIFICATI-31, FOR T11lE COUNTY OP AlEIlDPEN. 'bfl)'lict IS ITERIEBY G IVEN, That, in terms of the Act N, ot Y.;Ihi laelit, i9, Gee. IV., Cap). 68, all P'ersons wish ing to obtain A Ll~ tICENCE CERtTIFICATES, for the ensuing iialf-Yonr, ii~'ow is h, thle Clerk of thle Peolce, o' ?? Dlepute. residing in tho Dlisticsst w !thle Hlouse to be Liconved Is situated, on or beforo the h ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... premi0m to be Ret. la LODGINGS, WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. COa T O BE LET, FURNZISHED, CIl IN TIHE MOST SALUBRIOUS PART OF CLIFTON, A DRAWING-ROOM, with 1, 2, or 3 BED- A.1t ROOMS. Any Ladies or Gentlemen wishing a quiet, Cle re-pectable houme, will find this a desirable efolspta ity, thero -Pies 6 cildren or- ether ledgrss. Further particulars may be obtained by addressing a note, with real name, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N E V N U T S. 5B Bq3s New MESSINA NUTS; 20 Bays )VALLNUTS. FOR SALB. , J. 1EH UR 144O. r I DonegalI-QiIav 20th Oct. 1843. (5 70, DONEGALL-STREET. ROBINSON most respectfully announces to the V fJ Ladies ot' Belfast, and Public gellerally, that she has returlied from London, with tho Winter Fashions in She as also sleetetd a good assortment of the ug ges ; all of' *whichl will be sold cheap:- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ _ 311 urance 6 mnpalhtie. PREEDASOTNS' AND GENERAL 3ralYE a, ASSURANCE COMPANY, ty 11, l1aterloo-Place, Pall-Mall, Londone. r BUSINESS transacted in allthe branclhes antd Ls t es for all objects of Life Assurance, Endowments, and An- i nuities, mad to secure contingeent Reversions, &c. Loans granted. Information and Prospectuses furnished by the undermentioned sn Agents, or by JOSEPH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TC) FURNISHING IHONLUONl}Ej{5 ^1ANTED to APPRENTICE, a Vouth, now in 1' Irhis I 5th year, where there is a good-established busiiness: a rnoderat~e premium will be given. Addlress, pre-paid, M~r. Newman, Hall Farm, Heston, Dl ilddesex. TO AUCTIONEERS. W TANTED, by a Young Muar,,-A Situation as r IN.DOOR CULERK to an Auctioneer, either or not wbere ithe l'abinet Bulsinlev iN attached,'so that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATERLOO COGNAC BRLAN4DY DISTILtERV. ILLIAtI YOUNG FELL and CO. beg to V acqnaint the public that they have succeeded beyond their most guij Oexpeetati-SOs in producing a Branldy so near the Cognac, that it ,ienost jospossible to distinguish between them. W. Y. F. and Co.'s sis ller having passed mans years in making up the gansine birandY in ht) e defies competition in this contsv. Price, 39s ...