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... l KXIGSTO*NARBITRATIONCOURT-YFTltAD. TiPhe arbitrators for the district of Kingetown sat yester. at. 'their court, Rumley Avenue. The court wva . S.- or'owvded by the respectable inhabitants of the town, and by orl'to the suitors with their friends, and the greatest harmony sPar, prevailed amongst litigants. and others assembled. The ienral mist extri rtdlcrylfature abotit the arbitration ...


... ; The Michaselnsas Quarter Sessions cofinenced on Adnday last, atthe Court House. The calendar was ratler a heavy one, ther'o being above seveqty cases, bui none of a very serious nature. Thbeimgistrates on the bench weri-T. P. Addisoh; Esq., chlirman; J. Master, Esq.4, J. Biairstow, Eeq., W. Mar. slbil, tsq., Rev. C. E. Kendall, Col. Auaten,''W. Calrow, Esq., T. Eastwood, Esq., and 4. F. ...


... These sessions, by adjournment from Knareebro', were at bo hld at the Court-House, Leeds, on Wednesday last, before the M Yfollowing Bench of Magistrates :-EoesIuNoa Dr~issoNs, Esq., M.P., w - Doncaster Ichairniau); lien. Edwin Lascellee, Harewond; Rev. PI of James Armoitage Rhodes, Roundhey, near Leeds ; John Plumsbe t* Temapest, Esq., Tong Hailf, near Leeds; John Ilyllyd, Esq., Culton, at ?? ...


... POL1.N p sf,t ?? ' U~t ANtD CD!], T OK U O .. * ASI ?? 31IFR1Y AGAA)N.TT~G~ANs4tp Up-~ I~oaseE ~ rday Me~ssrs:4MD'ocoj~h, ?? J. no Close, with whom was Mr. J. M. Cantwell, as solcitor ' h tt Richard Barrett, Iisq., proprietor of 'the Pilot newspaper, elf, W U 8tgerndeifttrstneLMre -Kr .Mageei.thes.presiding e, magistrate, under the following circumstances. Several the gentlemen were ...


... ]3ERKS1IRE SESSIONS. The General Quairtcr Sessions of tile Peace for this county commenced at Abingdon on Monday last, before Robert Palmer, Esq. hl.P. Chairman, and a full Bhooch of tMagistrates, when, after disposing of tile ordinary business of the county, the Court was ?? to the following morning at nine o cloek, for the trial of prisoners. In addition to toe calendar, there vere three ...


... OLIOR IN2'ERLLIGRNCB-FRIDAY. UNION-HMALL. MI. .Uorse, the crlanist, of lKennington-lane, nttended voluntarily hefore Mr. Tradl, to auswer the charge of admInistering a narcotic draught to Emma Munton, a young fConale eighteen years of age, in thle service of Mr. Wood, of l'riaces-streei, Kennington, and then violating her person. Tihe inquiry eScited a considerabic degree of Interest, and ...


... StpFOtK MICttAtLMAS StSSIONS. BEaOLES, Monday, Oct. 16, 1843. Before John Kerrich, Esq., (in the absence of Sir Thomas Gooch Bart.,) C. Steward, Esq., Rev. Dr. Owen, C. Clarke, H. Owen, E. M. Love, &c. The CHAIRMAN, in his charge to the Grand Jury, expres- sing great satisfaction at finding so numerous and respect- able an attendance, and said that, although therewas a Iougealendar, there were ...


... g RP;r\Rjj\BLE DISCOVEt ] Fp]RtrDsEERSt [ ~ BEABKA3LE IS~O ~ r to-u last wveek, I ~Th ?? wvas forwarded to-us last week, gh folwirlF ?? wat of space.) but was emlitted is conseluenoe ofwno pc. It will be remembered that a short time sine a paarp appeared in thle newspapers otating that the remains of two human skeletotte had been discovered by some men engaged in digging the ?? Of soale new ...


... wl, MUR. O'CONNELL, AND OTHERS HELD TO BAIL. Dubdlin, Oclol.'r 14. The prosecutions have commenced. The events about to be narrmted have occurred amlidst the greatest excitement amoilgat the population of Dublin during this day. We have lied to-day a foretaste of tremendous popular excitement during the approachisig the ternm, and Heaven only knows silen or how it will terminate. Moast o- Sol ...


... GLOUCESTERSHIRE QUARTER SESSIONS. [Coeetinuedfrons 2ndpeage.] WEDNESDAY.-Before Mr. Sergeant Ludlow. IVilliama Phelps, aged 50, was found guilty of stealing at Rodmarton, a sieve, the property of R. Kelminster, and a previous conviction having been proved against him, he was sentenced to seven years' transportation. Johns Carter, 16, Edwin Hobbs, 19, William Overbury, 18, and William Hobbs, 18 ...


... b'e1BITJKRATION COURTS, SWESTMEATH. f-(nm A CORRESPONDENT.) I - t FlflI A ,VtfulL t.sfl.Lfl} Collinstown, October 19th, 1843. ,he aruitrators met on Tuesday, the 17th of Oc- th at Tore, a place venerable for its antiquities, and, 0nr amous for learning that it was called ' Thu Vallie once SI' it returned a member to the Irish house of In , n but is now a monument of the blighting effects of ...


... GLOUOESTERSIHIRS SESSIONS. These sessions commenced on Tuesday, when the court was engaged in transacting the financial business of the county. l There was a full attendance of justices, among whom we noticed the Noble Lord Lieutenant of the County, Earl Fitzhardinge, Hon. GrantleyBerkeley, AT.P., Hol. Captain Berkeley, LTP. for Gloucester, and several magistrates of lthe Cheltenhamn district. ...