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Advertisements & Notices

... fgVEATlE ROYAL, DUBLI. | A ppearance of Mr. and Mrs. KEAl!. *pRESfENT EVENING, ,Novemiber 25, will be prfiormed the Tragedy of - frill ~ THE GjAMESTER. Mer Keocn 9tukely, Mr. Cahiraft; LewsonPI sellegi ?? ?Irs. Bevrrley,- Mrs. Kean; Cb,2tIgle . I ff er'; Ijacv, Aliss Pervssoi. i( ud w;ith, for the first Lime these Beven ys, the ,,ical Fari e i L(CK AND KEY., , Cheer1?, MIr. T. Bishop; Captait ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .It IW8tttishaln, BetWeen Bildeston and Needham Market, Sqftlk. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. S. FENTON, lpon the Premises, on Thursday, November 8th, 1843, Without the least reserve, A LL the Crops of Corn, Hay, Stover, Live and Dead Farling Stock, Dairy and Brewing Uitesils, House. d Furnriture, andf other Effects of Mlr. JOHN KING, the whole of which vill appear in Catalogues duly circu. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINTER FASIRONS. R~nS. BOWVEN, inl returning her gratefui thank: Mt to tlie Nobility, Glentry, and Ladies of Ohippin Norton and tilie neigliboarh od, for tlse very liberal silpport she has so. long 4ijoyed, begs to informn them she is now in I ondon selecting th b most fashionable materials for MILLINERY, DRESSES, CLOAK.9, FURS, &c. &c. suited for the present season. She -purposes opening-lier ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VORX HOTEL, New Bridge-Street, Ludgate- f' Hill, LONDON, for the Accommodation of Families and Single Gentlemen. THes. QUABITHRIMANSIC, Nephew of the late Mr. LOVEGROYE In ofi'ering his grateful Thanks to the Gentry and Public, bes to inform them e. at he has considerably increased the Size of1 the House, by additional BED RoOMS, SMsOKING ROOM, &C. He respectfully solicits a continuance of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )mne day ONE FOR CREDITORS.-RE COWEN. SA all- Tue Creditors who hv xctda Indenture or COWEN, of Warrinrgton and of Wigan, both in the County or Lanicaster. Factor, may receive a Second and FIna Diien the thel Pounldon application to Mr. WM., KRLSALL, Mer- chnLedso; or M. JOSaPs RANSsAY, 5)1 Iigh-Street, Man- low chiester, on or aler- thre 26anft aofant. itor ill1 November, 144._ 0! T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LUINJJUIN ALLIANCE MA,8RINE A~ ANCE COMIpAjjy S BOARD Op DIRECTORS PRESIDENTS. John Irving, Esq.,]M.P. Sir Mloses'Monteq r Samuez Gerney, Esq. L. N. RothschifiEldor DIRECTORS. James Alexander, Esq. Lodis Lucas, Esq G. H. Barnett, Esq. Thomas atrnI 01XaadE T RmhicardsonE, Bnamin hen, eq. A. N. Roheid, Edward Fletcher, Esq. sad Smith, Esc. Jamnes Holford, Esq, Joseph Somes'Esq J. P. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINTER FAS$:IONS. TAtYLOR, Juanr., begs leave to announce to his Friends and the Public, that he has now 0 Ocompleted his Selection of LONDON, MANCHESTER, AND SCOTCH GOODS, AnD Suited to tbe present Season. consisting of C AsfGPITDCACH1MERES, CO BURG CLO THS, DE LAINES MRINOES, And au Endless Variety of the Newest Designs in SHA.WLS. R. T., having on this occasion made unusually large ...

Advertisements & Notices

... it FRENCH SILK VELVET BONNETS, 21s. y 0BSERVE !-Every.Novelty in BONNETS and CAPS, selected from the fist Parisian Magasins des Modes. AT THE MOST MODERATE PRICES! l rAGETVARIETY 0OV' BLOND DRESS8 ?? FASHIONABLE BONNET SHAPES 10id. LADIES' MATERIALS MADE Up, . WINTER STRAWS AND CHIPS as usual, in every price and Style, from is. 6d., upwards. ROBI3NSON ALND CO.. 29, CO-,XXGE:-G3%rEN, (WcxT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VE TO o'cloc ?? 03 Aftrernoonry o'loeekn hel on Atuesdytn 1Ao'lo7c* AftTFIE , sq, ial the Choairbur bs followaing aresluions wer Gopotassed i.pst2o'le itnrso tire Commnt ahe dulae hwo o'cluck Hpastsaget as. the lsleyo of this oouh frte ey he mpartFromyd, anidignifie matnr nine whichliek hafper-ona arre tiretuies ofl ?? t o ffice on'ctlock.eeimi if Theirs eo hrins ?? anti itiepentet cnduct ...

Advertisements & Notices

... edt VOEltteELECTION of' COU NClL1.ORsf il, IT f ll EN itt tenntoof the. Acttof P'arliamecnt, 31 antd -i, \ illilltti V., ealp. 7;, eititaled Ani Act to .Aiturmitd Amenttd ?? lAoS f~r tilte ilctiion uf thle Malgistratvs tttd Countloiitrs of tule Roytti Itttrlits itt uOtitttd. 'fbe 'ronwN-Cf.titt5 of Abterdee'n btuely ltitt, tjittt tilt,' ELEC- LON of SEVEN 4COUNCIi1,Lt)tCS for tlite lIi'Y of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FASHIONS,p 10N ItON11OUSE ?'IILLIN ERY ESTABLIShMENT, a 5,IROtN-GATIE, DERBY. ,the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, atid inhabitants of lry ttits victinity' that his 11ILIANERS have just rtc I hnk LO)NDON, where they have selected fronm IIv1 ti~st lioses Ot' Fashion, a CR OWCE and ELEG ANT A-QU13-W~IE~NT otf MILLINERY in all its branches, Including 'HYTMANTLES., CLOAKS, CARDINALS, &c. Whisshel ?? be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r 0() be had at No, 1, 1) 0 N E G A L L-SQtUAR TL EAST, BELFAST, NEW MIISTJONARtY RtE'AVAIII 1)OOL &C. in 25 Surts all ditrorent-ilnastrated ivitwh Cutis, Price Is. MAI~)AGA;SCAi AtNI) TS lAR{TYRS, withl Cots, (il slen \WIIA'T' llAVE I ?? Do W\ITll AISSIONS? illus- cea tratettd with Ten Engriaavings of the teath el] Gods, Is. GIlIS MISS;IONARY MEEITING, witiCuts, 3d ] MISSIONARY HY.MlN BIOOKS, ...