
... RA~, - I THE~. M RAL OF THIS MILD CHRISTMAS.' Another year i9 nearly gone, Avnd COtritm5s comes again, tse passhig time, - l ntO twith icy tread, in snowy nantle wrapt, t A* he was wont to steal Upon the seene.. The vra blod coursees l his throbbitag veins - ili forehead wvears no rigid aspect now To oh ii the poor with' cold severity, - And smiles arouid hbs thin lips playing, cheer, 's . ...


... voetip. A CHRISTMAS HYMN. Uav sv. a; :. Dvalcnfl. Whet Christ from Heaven, his pure abode. Descended to our sinful clime. It was IoI in the summer Imontlis, But in the dreary winter time. No silken coush recelved him then, In a rude manger low he IYa,- 8nt seraph guardians stood around, And angels hymn d his natal day. O'er Bethlehem's delds a lambent light . Ere morning dawned vras seen to ...


... patt.rp. - SO N NE T. CLOSE, close the book-the book of the old year I Enough I 've read- -enough recorded there i Sorrow, and death, and sin, on many a page (In dismal characters) mine eye engage. Bright names now carved on monumental stone- Names of the wise, the kind, the good, the gay,- Who were my joy on the year's primal day, Here, as my loved associates are shown. And thou, old year, ...


... foctrtv. ON READING SOME LINES IN THE LIFE OF LORD BYRON.) BAsD, in thy rich and cinseoi rhyme The groas of Poesy are shrined: They shall be valued long as time One lover of the muse shall find. But to this simple page belong The records of anection past; Not the vain breath of Fiction's song, But words on Reason's basis cast. A soul like thine, 't were woman's joy, And woman's triumph, to ...


... I _ _ _FASH.IONA I;L G-C . I WINDSOR, MONDAY--Thefollowing areepU toarv at the Castle this evening, On a iitt ?? to arrivo coneort ?? Portman, the Bishop Of Oxfor Sir Henry Wheat]e, a t ?? oaln. depa rt fln ai Edun Burk te R ight, Is. Vis o tecountyM] Attorney-Genleral of'the Duchy Of Corwal ViO1 e- bourne and Lord and Lady leasuvale took their departure front the Castle to-day. r ftecberatora ...


... DRURY LANE. Mr Balfe's new opera of the Bohemian Girl, brought oat on Monday, is by far the most me- ritorious production of the present season, and will add to the fame of the composer, and that greatly. There is more vigour and freshness in the music than in most of his former compositions;' there are several melodies, which, if they do not evince high creative genius, show an escape from ...


... ?? - ?? I-.w . - -. - - - ?? - ~- - - - - - - - - - v- - BIRDS. Ansutr to Eliza Cook'spoem on Bids, Published in the Northen Slar of Nov. 11the, 1843. Birds ! birds! ye are troublesome things With your keen prying eyes and your swiftilying Wings Where shall we wander or where shall we dwell, Troublesome things I that ye come not as well ? Ye build in our chimniesa-the funnels ye choke, Till ...


... I WINDSOR, MONDiY EvFNING.-A most extraordinary and curious collection of Chinese guns and swords, which were captured from the enemy during the late war in China, by Commander W. H. Hall, at that time captain of the Nemesis, iron-steamer, and now the commander of the Royal Victoria and Albert yaeht, arrived at the Castle this morning, from the East India Company's warehouses, in the city, ...


... RUterature. I NEW YEARS' DAY. i1e Another yearis numbered with the past, - With all its storms and sunshine, smiles and tears. 'e The dim veil of the future round it cast, :e Another following in its path, appears- is We hail it with a joyous welcoming, :e With feasting, and with revelry, unknowing :e The griefs, the disr.ppointmentes, it may bring le To many a heart with fervent hopes now ...


... TIHE MAGAZINES FOR DECE MBER. lBlackweood has no political article this month. The nearest approach to anything of the kind is a paper en- titled Notes on a Tour of the Disturbed Districts in Wales, which gives a graphic account of some of the dark scenes of outrage recently enacted there. To the Fine Arts two articles are devoted-one, ably written, on Fuseli's Lectures at the Royal Academy ...


... FASHIONS FOR DEC~?MER. ?? the loeon eand Paris LalTh's' Magazine of rashieesj Velvets, satins, and all the richer materials of dress are now fashionable; the make varies but li'tle. High dresses continue to be nmuch worn, a la Puritaine, anid redingotes are the favourite styles of negliges; for deni-toilettes the sor- sages are lower, with berthes revers of the same material. A new style of ...


... MreMOIRS OF Ron=Et WILLIAM ELLISTON, COME- DIAi By GEo. RAYMoND, Esq. With Illus- trations by GEO. CRaUISHANH. IMortimer, Ade- ?? memoirs, which have so long and often amused the readers of one of our most fa- vourite periodicals, have been collected into one volune, and as a whole, bid fair to rival the interest they had excited when in monthly papers. The lMemoirs of Elliston exhibit no ...