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... FASHION FOR DE E- ?? . .. a,, of ?? g Ill.: I - . - le had (From the London and Paj is ladies' Mapezine of FashlU0t.) n con- Velvets, sating, and all the ricber matcrials of drecs are now ie was fashionable; themake varies but little. Iligh dtese.S 0,Onfinuo oe and to he mtuch orn, a la puritaine, and rediogotes are the ?? ourite styles for negligrs * for derni.toilettes the corsage are ...

Literary Notice

... Iifteraray NottEe. YOUNG EB AND Is LITTLr LIBRARY: a Batch of Christmai nNew-Year, and Birth-Day Gift Books, for Children.-W. S. Orr, London. ADAM TUE GARDENER.-By C. C. CLAnKE. PRINCrss NARINA. Do. do. PEIIsEVERANCE. Do. do. If we have any jealousy in our composition (and there is some portion of virtue in the acknowledgment of a fault), it is that which we entertain for the blessed con- ...


... It is TALESoTN D CoWrBR crS Byt ?? BOwedrOft f latmte Colonia ofagitrate. In 3vols. London: Saundersand6Otley.-AItei r8 r. in terms of ordinary commendation that we would convteY ae t r-ploion ofthis work, for its meoits are Altogether of an unusual inolneto think species of publication. Im s author possesses a id singular power of enopoining the imabination of his readers; his eold and ...

Literary Notice

... : I iterarp Notice. MARITELI, a Tragedy in Five Acts. Henry Bailey, 158, - - New Bohd-street, London. ONE of the most striking features of this bookmaking age is dramatic compositfon. Scarcely a week passes without the announcement of some new lamentable tragedy, or unactable. five act poem. Now to write a good drama is perhaps the most difficult achievement of the pen; yet men of mediocre ...


... To tde EDITORS of the MIANCHESTER TIMEFS. SilS :-It is some time since I have had the pleasure of appearing in The Times. If the following small piece be thought worthy, its insertion will much oblige your correspondent:- LAUGH AND GROW FAT. Laugh and grow fat is a good old rule, Taught to the world in a good old school: When sorrow comes, ne'er deign to sigh, Bat bid the breezes waft him by ...


... PUBLIC MEETING -TO 1PIIOMOTE POPULAR ~ ?? EDUCATION.: _ On Wednesday evening a public meeting vas held in, Grosvenor-street Chapel, Piccadilly, of the friends of the extension of to receive the report of the deputation lately appointed to attend the' conference -in London, and also for the purpose of devising means to effect a greater increase of day-schools in Manchester ...


... - 7i ' ?? I A i, i o ; wT g , ?? -. I ?? , ,, Il; ''Tbe' /twnelintlntianniversary ?? he, L 'oondbn Mechgnlgs',' 'fnsti(thion waseelebratedi0n Tea~ed~y night reek,-by, a con-. 't raidve jhat every geat was filled. Mj f , ?? b icedri'nq c'lle, u r dilditt ig ladinb eeter, `,ere 'eeptn y o.verheard high ?? d 41 repenthbt Benedict' 'p e'eIiined-) I-'m determined to have filne quiet week, withi ...


... a T-HEA.tROYARoA ,- - .I1~ : IT fE .:i. -1 7 The fshionable night- was respectably atttendclc The play was Gisippus, which was much more carefully and ably represented than on former occasions. It is a fine dramatic poem, evidencing the highly-cultivated and pow- erful mind of the lamented author, but from the barren- ness of the plot, and the scholastic coldness which per- vades many of the ...


... I 1. - St aD(DjI' R o ORIOINAL AND SELECTED- OmlISTMIAS. i:Y ?? B M . 3D. WILSON. istmas 1 what inem ries from the fount of time Dust thbo call up within the mining mind I The loved I the lost I by death or distant clime, For ever sundered,' (in the heart enshrined 1) Som who were wont to deok weiths mystic bough, Somd deaer smiles ourheaarth wy are they absent now? In every house there stands ...


... ?1? .1 ?? d ?.?jzi ? i M IT b .1. W , , -.1 . 9? 4,i . ? i ? I. 4 4. A I ! .? I:; : o DY M15S PAUDOE. As it burst o'er the midnight ?? ?? AnVd the 1i&blnlag filcker'd by ? X was buriled in slumber sweet; NJtX4Ai4iAcioli ?? sunshine; ?? ?? - With flowers about my feet. . Can It ?? IIN, ?? did eotb6et. ?? The roar of theo*MdiPJAI-brdtb', -1. t.h As it scatter'd the rent leaves fat'hnd ...


... US SH(H! WRECKED TAR&b ^O oA5KF Drna;LUMB, the ec Loud winds are rearing o'er the sea, I~ , White breakers thm npon the lee, * Eilue lightning gleams along the sky, flys e Uptutrn'd, bceholtieach dszzl-d eye l UnQ H larkmessmsiees to the boatswin'scal !- E o Now, now, boys, nowr mske ready eil I Or ; Ourforemesst 'etphnft'ting to the deckr; mo ; et 'd cut tbe aiyardyclar the wreck r wo ...


... SMITHFIELD CLUB-ANNUAL CATTLE SHOW. There was nn Tuesday night a private view v e this vast mcna- i gerle of form stick, as it is arranged for exhibition, in the Horse In Bozaar Bak-r-strest. The Globk states that even to tbose who In are little versed in the pioints anid technical beauties (if we may oall them so).of Cattle, this exhibition is a very ourious and in- n, terceting one, and not ...