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Advertisements & Notices

... ~9OR GO~ RHUMATISM, 'AND - ?? RH T TIOGOUT. simco's GOUT-AND RHEUMA7IC P L L are. a certain and safe remedy; they re t the nerves, give tone to the atom ?? ~stiT whole system. No other mne- ny dc be compared to thse excellent pills, as they pre' to vent he disorder from attacking the stomach or head and dhave restored thousands from pain and misery to health and ;d ?? by A, Willoughby' and Co. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BSTAJJLIBIIID 1093 THR LABT ETHER ?EAIlS. fl ROFE S?O?R SWUDGUSHYG?EIAR I? BEllE ?ILLS, &e.-The celebrated CORDLAL BALII = eF)iEOCA? *a* ?With each hoxef Frefessarilwedour'eliygeieit NonePus, pric 3d., aad -is. Gd. perbex?, lsgtveneltracts fronatbe&CTEI Agfereer containing observations antI hints of Im?OtdtO5OO to these snirering from the Injudlolous use of lslercury, ? The celebiatad CORDIAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LA'MRRT ONDB3BILITY, NEBVO06NERS, AND ALL DIMORDERS ARIS3ING FROM3 PXCESS, &C. Just published, the Tenth Edition, in a seated envelope, price 2.Cid., or sent free by potfor 3 6d., C FLF-PRESERVATION; a popu rar Essay on the Concealed 0 Capsos of Premature Decay, Looal and Constitutional Weak. nez sand Nervous Debility. terminating in Indigestion, Lowness a of Spirits Mental Irritabillty, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -wARCLAYS' DR. BATEMAN'S PEC-. f LWTORA L DROPS.-Tijsn-medicine has lcng been held in the highest estimation for all rseumnatic anod chronic corn- )f plaints, in pains of the limits, bones, and joints, and in violesit I colds. It has been in repute now upwards of a century, and 'r the great quantity sold annually is the best proof of its h efficacy ; parties who have once used it seldom ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mette g.I hall be paid to the treasurer. A. HIT.~-ROMi of our corrospoirdents will smille when we tell the~he riuireneortwo Ilemmonson objeotsto ?? I th-fir p rcequires lite When it Iseen tirot our pamper Orrn- h wans sii eulumna of Free Trado proctedinlgs anod tbtrat a columns of ,Council pracoedltnge. it Iis pretty evident thtat nine Columns of other matetre mutef fe omnitteit whieb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... veseltfortheeigt~h line being. two Zt We like anal ab= tness and irre Its itn titliie:W lteitnes but thin Om Ae five feet.iil-nthsbatfl d.wihW Toe DEATIE OF, KrrON xeLI thise Labeaatiful eede. whiob1I be found in Our prntripapr, BakrLabbse eh self. ?? tlevernesnr ?? ?? CSTE XI AILI B.-No0t sufficiently corroet. n ae cssarily longE for the obvious moral.In Bjaullniall O TILE CuOtrucai. C. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Uadcir ttr Mat~gna r7a of Mr. JOERT0of TONIGHT .Mr. CARTER'SLAST NIGHT* : MNOPARK~itand ?? end .ORSOlN . 1 ?? Etanwa'riainnts i ?? Mr. CAUTEII will appear with his WILD ANIMALS. Oii MONDAY EVENING NEXT, December 18tb, :.wili be produeed a NEW LOCAL DOMESTIC DRAMA, I of. interde interestl, from a tzsubject Iately dramatizied in all the ,prlnci~iatl, Theatres, and: which had an uninterrupted, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOLLS ARISING ftolmi the MARKETS £ -T- and FAIRS HELD in the TOWVN of SALFORD sI TO BE LET.-TO BE LET BY 'PICKET; at the Town Mill, Salford, on Friday evening, the 22d of Decenm.. ber instant, at seven o'clock, by order of the comnmissioners of police, for one yers, ?? Ist January next, the whole of t he TO LL`S ?? 1 th e Markets and Fairs held in tbe townII of Salfdbe.jrexhl~g the Cattle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A BAL:L A WILL BBE nELD IN, THE XEXCUANUGE OOus, On Thursday, the4t1A January, 1844, l vinsoE =m xATROIoVaG oil w'E3 Wo5suPI |. iE I'ME MAYOR. - IIE Proceeds will' be applied in aid of the FUND for l the Erection of a NEW BUILDING for the PRES- l TON INSTITUTIoh FOR THE DIFFUSION OF- lh XNOWLEDGE. th LADY'S TICXET, 4s.; GENTLEMAN 8 TLCEBT, it!. Fuither Particulars iest weelek' g ROBERT PARKER, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JJFAi U.. -t, ASVV. Lo CFILHZVEN.- o be SOLD, by L La accounnt. Ii mmlll, compac ?? the northe bat Ibre e mle of the town of Kinret 9i0US upon it, and presents, atnas It onlstasof twenty imperial sores. OeXCIpt an acre or ai w ?? to planted, retire from active bsolneov. andS oc surce 'If a small fa, Cm in one of the n laud, ih. pesmrt fforduti10 Inri ?? be I igd tor efght 'ndrod guiuh a I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Illi -- Tn, flRE WINTER SEASON, tho most ?? time for the human I constitution, especially for those sllo tore ubjoct to 4eth- - matic Affections, Coughs, Colde, and other Diseases of the Bthoo e ssiferino from the above nffliicting, complaints, ndr CHtURCH'S COUG1I DROPS vill be found invaluable. sai The boot proof in suppoot of their ctiioacY is the great rcpssta- c.tion they have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NoT U NON, RIY. , NOTICE ISHERE]ry GIVEN, EHAT the Books In which' Traqsfarsi' of Shares of this 5 Companyoasr ed, wil'beclosed from Wed-+ nesday, the 27th December inst to {Sagurdaythe 6tb' January next inclusive; and that the Dividrnd for the half- year ending 31st December, willbe paid to tha ProprietOrs who may be registered in the said books on that day., I I By order of the Directors. 1 ...