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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


... FASHIONS FOR DEC~?MER. ?? the loeon eand Paris LalTh's' Magazine of rashieesj Velvets, satins, and all the richer materials of dress are now fashionable; the make varies but li'tle. High dresses continue to be nmuch worn, a la Puritaine, anid redingotes are the favourite styles of negliges; for deni-toilettes the sor- sages are lower, with berthes revers of the same material. A new style of ...


... MreMOIRS OF Ron=Et WILLIAM ELLISTON, COME- DIAi By GEo. RAYMoND, Esq. With Illus- trations by GEO. CRaUISHANH. IMortimer, Ade- ?? memoirs, which have so long and often amused the readers of one of our most fa- vourite periodicals, have been collected into one volune, and as a whole, bid fair to rival the interest they had excited when in monthly papers. The lMemoirs of Elliston exhibit no ...


... TAmLE OF TIn COtLONIES ; Oil, Tilt DENOt OF All EotronoA~\ B> Cu narsIXf' ?? 3 soN1~ Seautdors' and 0t1ey V-IWe mnigh11:t almoot faled witat fetui% O teportioins of this excencu ilyly interesting wourk thant we bilu iuladcertenitt trt-l1 li 110W versionl of the a truerfdi mry unnailrtv s' - Roubinoson Crusoe :it is lull of the Searle1 exeltmo detail atid kuind spirit. The object of the ...


... FPIARLS FOR STRENGINa. REFLECTIONS ON THE CLOSE OF THE YEAR. The year recedes, another circle flies 3 To join the unnumbered myriads of the plst, To render to th' Eternal its accnulit And have the fearful reoords of its being Enrolled amtiong the archives of eternity ! The sun may rise again-the crimson mtrn, Cr'avning with ruddy glowy tlte eastern heights, Mfay breathe its fragrance o'er a ...


... SO-NG OF 1'EACE. BY ROBERT GILLFILLAN. Awake the song of peace, Let nations join the strain; The nearc of bloed and pomp of war We will not have again. Let fruit-trees crown our fields, Aned flowers our valleys fair; And on our mountain steep the songs Of happy swaains be there. Too long the man of blood lath ruled Wvitbout control Nor widow's tear, noor orphan's sighs, Could touch his iron ...


... RIUBLZC AMITSEMENTS. ASTLEY'S ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE. Las, Iiylt '.ctoo the C.,oistnoia Hntlrays.-Pnoridtlae and Monagor, lie. W. BooTY'. -S x TUSDA~y coil1 doctoie WheIrek., Ito ?? M~ilitary pc rei0 f MURhAT. TIHE SOLDIEIRtF FRANCE on th Ge'neral, Prince, arid Kinftiith Sneers of the Circle, andl a favuonite Afnn~t-nn. -c Inl C-i~rtanee sith the Cunortieeia rlemotrr at the Itox-offree, fee temsi ...


... LITE;RATlURURE. WoenAX's WORTHr; on, HINTS To RAISE TEiB FEMALE CIIARCTER. Clarke ' Co., Old Bailey.- Amidst the number of works that have of late years emanated from the lpress upon the subject of female character, we will venture to predict that the one before us will stand yrominent. The les- sons it inculcates, the moral it teaches in every pace, and the beneficial results that must hievit ...

Stations of the British Army on the First of [ill] 1843

... Stations of the Eritish Army on the First of I ?? 183S. [FUSS! TILE UNITED SERVICE aIAGAZIEE. [Where ?? places are, mentlolted, Usle last-earned is that at which the Deisdt of the Ilegrinentitso stationed.] let Life Guards-Windsor. 41st Foot.-Canterbury. 2nid ?? Park. 42nst don-M all, I. siCWiglst. Royal Hle-se Guards - Hyde Ds. [Reserve batlt.]-Malta. Earle. 43rd do.-Itentreol; Cashel. 1st ...


... PUnLztc Av'USE4ENT, ASTLE'S! ROiYAL AMPHITHEATA 2 OF ARTS. r iytit a- d NMantose, M- W. Batty. Tr'uasiupbt Sacecst of the itletdtl Christams Holiday Fetes, at this teatle ?? W'estsinster Brielts is tow oopen oN 1OPlNDAkY (New Yost's Nigh'), uaiequalod entertainmentt of srin ctv, 051 e.Tects, etnanteneipl at Hiair-past Sis with, 3sth time, the N1ftitarY Prech Siectacie of MURAT, T}IE SOLDIER ^F ...

Smithfield Club.—Annual Cattle Show

... Smithfieid Club.-Annual1 Cattle Showr. On.Tuesdiay thayewas a pric'ate view of tlris vast menagerio] of fendf stock, as it is arranged for exhibition, in the Horse Beasar, Baker-street. Even to those who are little versed in the points and technical beattties (if we osay rail them so) of cattle, this exhibitioin is a, very curious and intecesrting one, arid net the least pleasant poction of it ...


... THEATROCALS. The art itself is nature.-SHAKScesco.. Danuas-LxAN.-The Deedl isa Lore, woith The Behmesane -Girl, coesrnero tiseir career at this house. We have no announce renpectiag Charles Tees, and therefore presiume Idla Burn asln relinquished his original fintention of dra- matic eetertainmects-iaoy, there has been a report circu- latest, that es~en the Chritmstis pantomnime to LO be ...

Literary and Musical Entertainments

... Literary alnd MVusical Entertainments. Onl Moeday evening, Mr. IV. Carpenter added another to bis varied entertaironents at the Western Literary Institution, Leicester Squaie, by an ilnustrated discourso on Hebrew Poetry and Hleod, and the favoearable judginent pronounced ip-n1 Isis taleotsand exertiorsshvalargcalnd highllyrespectable adtsietrce,- w-m fullywairanted by the intrinsic merit ...