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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... ARIS andi ORLEANS RAILWAY.-The HALF-YEARLY DIVIDEND, due nt raris in Janiary next. at the rate of If. per Share, will be PAIl) to such of the holders wvho nay wirhto receive it in London,onor afterthe~d ofJaniary, between the hours of Eleven and Two, at tile Coslntiog-houic of Mr. JULIUS BORDIER, No. 3, A:stin-frlars, at tile exchangeof 25f. 70c. per £ sterling, less I per cent. commission. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS.--The DUBLIN RE- VIEW, No. XXX.-Advertisements fer insertion in No. 30 of Tito Dublin Review, should be sent to the publishers on or before the 2-'d instant, and Bills on or before the 2Gthi-C. Dolman, GI, New Bond-street. T0 FARMERS.-NEW AGRICULTURAL T PAPERt-On the Gth of January will be published the first number of the AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE, price Od. stamped to go free by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ftCLnd 1TALY-HAVRE-)E-GRACE. ,r ,,Iie sopt WESTERN STEAM1-PACKFT COMPANY'S cilplendid ships GRAND TURK mnd SOUTH WESTERN ie try 30sahmpton, for HAVRE-DE-OtIACE, every Miean- sa tart *d It and Friday, dlnriligDecember, its ollonnvs:-Mutotlay, 'o evin;Wednesday, Dec. 13t. at Two afternoon; per ~ a llnf~pst Four afternoon. p~ili Itoneab's It.;fore cabln, Ills. ;chrrialges, £3,; horses, Pi~'~L~SE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONB. HE QUARTERLY REVIEW, N. T is published This Day. John Murray, Albenmarle-strcrt, MAJOR HARRIS'S NEW WORi ON On Thursday, the 26th, 3 vols. rve., map nstill , td p; VHEHIGHLANDS of A~THIOPIA; ht, ; T H u Accont of Eighteen Months' Residviie of a tnsr E to tho Christian Court of Shea. By Major C. wI.IIA i of Wild Sports of Southern Africa, i'ortralis or Attic051 G Animals, &Cc. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P)ACKETIS for AUSTiRALIA.-The~ (Al- SANLON, 7M) tons, Captain CnIARLSINOItT11, Willi F30ldot (,l tin rh lt of March next, for SYDNEY, 511d bv the sipsonthe lot of each month amqcl t nI tile 10th of each month tor FORT V0~~ strictptinctualt~iy, They are llfrtns ipand 7,1t' wi ,1'tcndid Acgo,iitnoelntiosfl ircabtinpaoenigers, (97 1:'~r' ditay With lthe stock, is provided, at thle re- 11 f.CI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I~E61LAR PACKETS forAUSTRALIA.-Thei, RPt A SAO 70tons, Captain CRAIILSWORTII, ttill DopeDt~iord on thre Ist of Sisech next, for biYD)NEY; lying n tt rbird I3s s1b, North Qtitiy, London Dlocks; andiisill be followed in irs'tu~ o thltt GI' each month for SYDNEY, uit the I11th ~jrcbtuoti fo PRTPHILLIP, with strict punctuality. They 5~ ~ hips andhare full poiopes wilts esplendid acconimo-. ~siehs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =AMAC1A LOAN.-The COUPONS on this td I LOAN, faling due in London on thH let Jananry, 1844, S will be PAID 01 and ailer that day, between the hours of eleven and two, by Messrs. Thomson, hianiey, and Co., at their Counting- h house, 7, Minclig-lane. The Coupons, wits a list of their numbers, must be left for nxamination or,e day previously. PlBLIC AMUSNMEZVTS. II SACRED CONCERT.-ROYAL ADELAIDE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,pri?,, -EGUARPACKET SHIlP.- '~ hMA, siarralled to clear on the lut January, or caim Pt I'elac-taculb, the aislecididi new brig DART, it. 112 tons register, thoroughly copper-fisteruct kI~ TV. Ntis I oN, Cousifirander; lyisig In thre Londion .. c'scciis built expressly for this trade, with sotcafty, comfort, asid convenience of iia pl-a' 5 a a raised quarter-dock iii Inches uigh, * .. aiciso ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sb~ OYAL MAIL STEAM PACKETS direct to I.JAIIEIRA (and the WEST InDIES, from 8outhinnipton, at R I ,on thec 2d and 17th of each month, conveying ,d 1' fl, ) a,xc South America. &x, The faces have been ord ire asce1rtained, with tall other particulars, by ptaR~t IcPircotiati [tire! COUttetfily'el OffiCe, 65, 2leorgate. berths, cray be secured RH heretofore, antd parcels ut' E. CHAPPELL, Rec. fl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .1A.41 to CALCUTA, MADRAS, CEYLON yci vlf EGYPT, Jannory I.-The Peninsular and It nNssgto Comupnan's Steam Ship BENTINCE, 01~.,` 1iunouriable East Indira Comrpany's steamer, frain Srtez, &, hbthle 2J2d of January. Passoetgers will bet booked through rClae inluding expense of transit through Egypt), ft~ 11 he coiceved to Alexaindria in the Cotnpuny's steam ti starting from Southampton on thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMNEN7S. THEATRE ROYAL DRURY-LANE.-THIS EVBNir.0 will be performed the new Grand Opera entitled THE BiOHEM5INN GIRL. Count Arnheim, M1r. Borrani; Florestelnti r. llixtdsn Thaddeur, Mr. W Hiarrisol ; Devilshoof, Mr. Stretton Arline, MIiss RSainforth ; Queen of the Gipsies, liss Betts. To concludewith THE DEVILIN LOVE. Arimanes, Mr. O'Bryan; Count Frederic, Mons. Carey; theDevil in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -0TICE to SHIIPPERS.-For MADRAS aind fW( TTT,1-Th Ito1ALACCA will receive Measurement 'A -aL~l I Adis DOcha unttli Friday, the 22d Iust., and not iF. GREEN stOll CO., 64, Cornhilt. T'l LA MAIL PACKETS for SYDNEY, 4 :'a. j ailhi.~~Sttipertasscrngers, and others ore r,- IIa,to. tihat ticl ondersigeed )Itving complateldarrange. a~ea a f~ja~C o iosermient. lbr the MONTHLY TiRANS. a t:,r L, -i' ...