Advertisements & Notices

... J;; F LTRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. N bgg respectfullY to announce that ler `. 6r and last appearance but five of herself and qlq' VI~ra ll a'~TUESDAY, December 12, l|1lS ol lvl.wch socasion they will Appear in two commence with the Play of oef~l~l~1'STRANGER. gerM Ar. Kean; Count Wintersen, Mr. P. Th' gtraat Steinfort Mr. H. Cooke; Francis, Air. P eter Ir. Baler; Solomon, Mr. Barrett; .e; Du3f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. CLLARITYSBE:RMON-S' ISundaY. the loth DecombeF, 1843, a, BiGH MXSS' . 7 will be celebrated in tho Catbolie Chapel of S4Ut' l'ilfrid, in this town, and a SERMON Preached by 'the e Ri3 Y WALMSLEY, of the Church of St. Igeaius. The Service will commettce at Eleveta o'clock. , In the Evening, a DISCOURSE will be deliveredbythe 5leerend itICHARD NOR]RIS, at the same Chapyel, .whn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCHANT SEAMEN'S FU1 , A IEETING of the Owners and Mas;6ofVeselsI A belonging to the Port of BefsIl b ed on WEDNESDAY, the 27th lust. at ElkEVE o'clock in the TOWN-HALL, to Elect 15 'I'ruste for the Ma.R nagement of this Fund for the ensuing year, pursuant to t the Act 3 and 4 Wm. IV. cap. 52. Belfast, 14th Dec. 1843. 000 f MERCHIAN''T SEAMEN'S FIJUNDi T HE M ASTERS and WNERS of Mer cant Ves. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOIlPI'llIN XNN, l'REvST)N ST'IREET, TO LET, FREE, 'c11w 1hstn all / repw,ilra dlous, in the City, fri, n'alyons taid Omnlittsses. TIE Comforts of thc atiove INN is well lmnon by L thc ittitttofustO Vioitors fromj all palrts of the We-esterll Culattivs oltl ha, been most Cadratitaieoty carriedl In bI the 1rsenst Oeiipid'e a wti tar Ftioilv for ta-ariv 11,1hlt it ctciry. 1 Ci, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE MAWT WZRE. bij. HARRIS & SON beg to return ?? ersncere thanks to those kind Friends and Neigh- iw ho so promptly and energetically came forward to lend hei do the oC5 n of t5l calamitous fire on Wednesday wr aidg olst, by *vhose assistance a large amount of Property jas been preserved. 'tt Mr. BIletYsley, irr, Arnold, and to Mr.Inspector Bosworth, they feel greatly indebted. *o Messrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n.Fortsi'aaosstis dL I rttese 3Bankh far Sia'in~s. a V N Jl'1E O1rI'CE o\f this ?? Tvi1I be 'e obenl onl M\ 0 N D A Vt the ?? and on el 'I UEbDAY the tweoztp-si~tl of D~ecember (lMonday ut being Chriottnae~day), and on each succeedingr ossO- tte DAY. ?? 12) tO 2 o'clock, as usual, fbr the Receipit he andl Psymentof~l~ney.-Attendotlace *vill be given at .re the Office on 1 IIDAY E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARIS andi ORLEANS RAILWAY.-The HALF-YEARLY DIVIDEND, due nt raris in Janiary next. at the rate of If. per Share, will be PAIl) to such of the holders wvho nay wirhto receive it in London,onor afterthe~d ofJaniary, between the hours of Eleven and Two, at tile Coslntiog-houic of Mr. JULIUS BORDIER, No. 3, A:stin-frlars, at tile exchangeof 25f. 70c. per £ sterling, less I per cent. commission. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... __jZ~ !!ipinfgp ot icto. ie ADABERDEEN AND HULL, THE ABEERDEEN STEAN NAVIGATION TCOMPANYAS Splen d id and Fast Saiing Clipper sch~olners tDoneAN PARAGON & ABERDOIAN Are dispatched fromO h Enad of. the. Line ] hE1IY WEDNESDAY, during the~ Withdaj:waj of the Steamer. Su Sperior Ac ?? ,tdtson for' soe. r s. Fares and Freights 'Very low. Further.1Particulars learned on appl iionati to JAMES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sb~ OYAL MAIL STEAM PACKETS direct to I.JAIIEIRA (and the WEST InDIES, from 8outhinnipton, at R I ,on thec 2d and 17th of each month, conveying ,d 1' fl, ) a,xc South America. &x, The faces have been ord ire asce1rtained, with tall other particulars, by ptaR~t IcPircotiati [tire! COUttetfily'el OffiCe, 65, 2leorgate. berths, cray be secured RH heretofore, antd parcels ut' E. CHAPPELL, Rec. fl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .1A.41 to CALCUTA, MADRAS, CEYLON yci vlf EGYPT, Jannory I.-The Peninsular and It nNssgto Comupnan's Steam Ship BENTINCE, 01~.,` 1iunouriable East Indira Comrpany's steamer, frain Srtez, &, hbthle 2J2d of January. Passoetgers will bet booked through rClae inluding expense of transit through Egypt), ft~ 11 he coiceved to Alexaindria in the Cotnpuny's steam ti starting from Southampton on thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d PATRONIZED) BY HIIR lMAJESTY'S j STATIONERY OFb ICE. an III3,ORRElL'S REGISTRATIO)N INR, Fh DXeranufactureed for tbe use of Registrars of Births, Deaths, arid l,1arritiges,, and warranted wade with galls. JY This Ink has receired its present reputation fromu the P-results of chemical tests, made under authority5 se tslid whlolesale at the Manufactory, No. 149, Fleet. be street, London * arnl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A ptjgLf!fC 175F1'i.TG Wvfi,f. BIM IIEL) IN OIL MioNDAI 1 Evening, the lo;t yf Jill1. 184, FOR TIlE P'I'RPOSE OF 'Pita followilig Persons will take part in thc pro ecylng The Rev. Dr. Dn~rw, The RcM.JAMES Molr;Ax T'he Rev. Dr. COOKE, hile Relv Mr. Iil.l-al; I The Rev. Dr. EDOAR, The Rtev. Air. CATHrt &C. &,C. The Chair will he takcell, bY tile RW-v. 'f'O 11A Vicar, at llalf-past SEVEN ocl. ck. ...