Advertisements & Notices

... ;BL RO V E'S SECOND & LAST /GRAND CONCERT NEW MUSIC HALL, 4OaNDAY, ?? 1843. 3.GROVH has the honour to an. ro BA tbat he will give his SECOND and °0n1e,) EVENING CONCERT TO- ; lT9 DECExMBR, in the NEW Music VOCALISTS. |15LES WILLIAMS AND Ma WVILLIMS, Tgr INSTRUMENTALISTS. ;rio9oncello-Arl LINDLEY. Forte-Nl FRJANXK MORI. MASTER RICHARD BLAGROVE. 1q.~ln1in BLAGRoVE. A4Ccoipanyist-Ma WILLIAMS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EBTABLIBBRD FORt THE LAST FITEN YEARlS. le pROFBSSOR 8WiEDUlt.i ,YEBALM a-HERB tILLS, &o.-.That cielebratedl CORDLAL to ** With eech bomf P ofas.n,orwedarsyei)feb l kY price 2& 9d. said 4a. 6d. gee box. is given extracto from the secret A we Adviser ;UZIaingn bebervalfl, ri and bl11ts of 1mort5)e to SI Bethose guffring frorn tbe injudiciouns tse (it Atercury, &c., 110. r h celebrated CORDIAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RE eLIFFHILL, BRISTOL. POn AAE BY PVIVArZE CONTRACT, Nwlyv-built MEssUAGE orTENEMENT, Two COTTAtGES, and PRE1ISES at Redoliff-hill, oc- capiedby Mr.J~anpRynoldo For pae bttircullamh jannd to) treat for purchase, apply to TrHOAlwS HAMLIN, Solicitor, 12edhill, Wrington; or at his Office, Wsite Lioa, Thomas-street, Bristol, on Thursdays. OLVESTQ - FRE EHOLD LAND FOR SALE. FSAL BY PRIVATE CONTRACr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T i iw YAL, D UBLIN. e but Three of Mr. and Mrs. KEAN, App, rlEAsENT THURSDAY, December 1,3 cill be performed, in compliance with jI catins and rmost positively for the last time, the t¶D ysgcdy °TE GAMESTER. r Kean; Stikely, AMr. Caleraft; Lewson, ,ris, 'jernis jr Duff; Bates, Mr F. Cooke; 'Kir. Chote, jWn, ; Mrs. Beverley, Mrs. Kean; Di Chalmers; Lucy, Miss Penson. itglhde ,vth the Farce of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AMMrtEMN STEMLE CflA0119 TsO 0031 OIT UPION THlURSIJAY, 14TrII 1ECB?.l1ilill, 18,13. Capt. BIARCLAY of' Ury. Count L1LLE'. F. (v. CAMPBIELL, Esq. of Troup. First nace. of TnIRiT'Y SOVEitEItil , atidled to a SWEEP'.V I ?? ES of Tern Soiveasioss each. lialf-forfeit, Four 311105 itjo ait 1tonting Country, as newir thte town of Ableeti It n thue giiit ol'procuretl- (GutllstictIt Rders.) M r \V. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1l ?? and L~iken leNCW4- i/UISS CORRY respectfully informs theI entry andi . I tk inhabitants of Belfast and its ?? she p takes MNINIATURE LIKENESSES on Iv rf. 1arbh, p anmi Board. AMiss C. will also give instrui in the '1 following styles of Drawing, viz. Penciling, Oriental, b learotiito, and Florentine Painting, at moderate terms. Spovimens may bo seen at her Painting-room, No. 60, JOY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '~~-TXAFliN2ElU bI. FESSIONAL CONCERT, e jIS EYENING.- Tbe .che3R~wi1 be conplete in every department. Vx sblo Vfoil. Mr. C. A. SEYMOUR. Admission, One Shilling.-For particulars see Programme. THEATRE-ROYAL, MMANCHESTER. TNDER 1HE MANAGEMENT OF UIJ Fl~83 RY ROXBY. -_THIS PRESENT ATU~lA wil ~e repealted TwIE SJfHOOL OF REFORDM. Aftei; - i e f PYGMAlLION'S STATUE. N'o conclude ?? the Nsew Farce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMW7J6ij2I2VTSA THEATRE ROYAL DRURY-LANE.-Tuisi Evzreiue wrill be performed ths new Grand Opera entitled THE BOHEMIAN GIRL. Count Arnheim, Mr. Bborrani ; Florenstoins, Mr. udson * Thaddeus, Mr. W. Harrison; Devlishoof, Mr. Stratton; A rruline, Miss talnfuri ; Queen of tie Wiplics, miss Bette. .After which THE DEVIL IN LOVE. Arimuenes, Mr. O'Bryan; Count Frederic, Mon. Carey; treliDevil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i;RITSHFORD, SOMERSEr. b he SOLD by Auction, by Mr. RoBnaT NORMAN, T at the RED Liox INN in Dulverton, ot WEDNESD)AY thi 3rd dlsy of JANUIAOY flet.L at File ?? in tho Afternoon, sbsbject to sujch conditions of Salo ns shall ibo thou and there proenced for the residue of a Teros of 3D Years, determinsale on the death of a Person aged about 32 Years, in oue Lot, all that capital MESSUAGE and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF ABERDEEN. HE CONVENER reqttests a GENERAL AME'lWrNG i f the LANDIIiII)L RItS. COMMSsI(J EIIS ?? 'I1 JUSTiCEd of tlic p'lAC E, of tilhe C0.olty, WithIln tle COMITr-I1011st o of Aatie tnDEI:, On 'TIHII1,DAV tilhe lrei. y.first of ?? eurrolitl lit o'cloc. ?? . to receive anid ?? into consideration I teptirt by tint Ctnomnittee appointed by tie ilst N ichoel1iontt Mueting oil the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 ThI bR DUBLIN. ' RgESENT FRIDAY, December 8,1 A I 43, li be performed. for the second time, an T 18. , Nictioial, Local, Clsaraeteritio, 'MAtropo- entire)!' S ,i a of the day, in Ithree Acts. called ]itaD ¶lIoi CROSS ROADS OF LIFE! on, TOIE SCAtlP9 OF LoNSON, srccejvcd with distinguished success on its (5Vh'C Vt'D9 produletionI,) dwmk of the Drnmca founded on the celebrated C The, gr Ior ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEA TRROYAL, DUBLIX. r~fce but Four of Mr. and Mrs. KEAN. ?? P1RE SENT WEDNESDAY, .December ,1 1S43 ni' be performed, in compliance with s1 and most positively for the last time, the T1fE L DY OF LYONS; oB, LOVE AND PlIDE. ' (,ritten bh Sir E. L. Bulwer, Bart.) (1lotte, Mr, Kean ; Colonel Damas, Air. Barrett; H Bland ; Widow Melnotte, Mrs. Barrett, 'ant. ppellee. Mrs. Kean. oline lild' ...