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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... J;; F LTRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. N bgg respectfullY to announce that ler `. 6r and last appearance but five of herself and qlq' VI~ra ll a'~TUESDAY, December 12, l|1lS ol lvl.wch socasion they will Appear in two commence with the Play of oef~l~l~1'STRANGER. gerM Ar. Kean; Count Wintersen, Mr. P. Th' gtraat Steinfort Mr. H. Cooke; Francis, Air. P eter Ir. Baler; Solomon, Mr. Barrett; .e; Du3f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B0 AL, DjUBLfl1 eeof Mr. asd Mrs. KE taN,t'' NlpesyT SATlTBDAY, Decemboer 9, l erflcmed Shrbapeare'5 Trageof FOF DENMARK. F reit Dcntarnrh ~Mr. Ke n; Claudiua, Mr. ftno Bland; Pollovius, Mr.i Raitew; ?? Mr Osrick, Mr. Chute; NMi-cellus, p Lr. Mr. Houghton ; Guildenstern, Mi f5'orndt' )lrH Heron; the Ghost bf Hamlet's . ' aedl'r King, M-r. Duff; First (r*ave- I *i0' nF ranci00, r Colemahi; O ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T i iw YAL, D UBLIN. e but Three of Mr. and Mrs. KEAN, App, rlEAsENT THURSDAY, December 1,3 cill be performed, in compliance with jI catins and rmost positively for the last time, the t¶D ysgcdy °TE GAMESTER. r Kean; Stikely, AMr. Caleraft; Lewson, ,ris, 'jernis jr Duff; Bates, Mr F. Cooke; 'Kir. Chote, jWn, ; Mrs. Beverley, Mrs. Kean; Di Chalmers; Lucy, Miss Penson. itglhde ,vth the Farce of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 ThI bR DUBLIN. ' RgESENT FRIDAY, December 8,1 A I 43, li be performed. for the second time, an T 18. , Nictioial, Local, Clsaraeteritio, 'MAtropo- entire)!' S ,i a of the day, in Ithree Acts. called ]itaD ¶lIoi CROSS ROADS OF LIFE! on, TOIE SCAtlP9 OF LoNSON, srccejvcd with distinguished success on its (5Vh'C Vt'D9 produletionI,) dwmk of the Drnmca founded on the celebrated C The, gr Ior ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEA TRROYAL, DUBLIX. r~fce but Four of Mr. and Mrs. KEAN. ?? P1RE SENT WEDNESDAY, .December ,1 1S43 ni' be performed, in compliance with s1 and most positively for the last time, the T1fE L DY OF LYONS; oB, LOVE AND PlIDE. ' (,ritten bh Sir E. L. Bulwer, Bart.) (1lotte, Mr, Kean ; Colonel Damas, Air. Barrett; H Bland ; Widow Melnotte, Mrs. Barrett, 'ant. ppellee. Mrs. Kean. oline lild' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIATIO. HE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSO- T1. CIATION or IRELAND will meet THIS DAY (Monday), the 11th December, at ONE o'Clock, at the CONCILIATION HALj,^ CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. C W The principal door in front to the grofidf~ p ee for ASSOCIATES of the present year; they X occdythe floor of the Hall, the benches under the seend gallery, and also the benches of the end ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL, DUBLIN. one of the engagement of Mr. and Mrs. wee. it one KEAN. ENr BMONDAY, December 11, 1,113r be performed Sbaakpeare's Historical IS13, tl Tragedy of RICHABD TfH E THIRD. q of GloteT. Mr Eiean; r King Henry VI., O' e of Wale, AliFs Cooke; Du of rrtett; I ,he. Duke of Buckingham /H. ?? ° Nr~foik. Nr. Chute ; Hear 11ar of jile l115c50nrt Uland; Sir William randon, 99 .b.aeeth Qoeel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRIOES OF IRISH STOCKS DURING THE WEEK. | TUSR.~ |WED. | TURO .| OR. I PAT, MON. a per Ct Coln.. 95i 951* 95Osj 51i 95i fteduced do - 8jperCtStoo) 1018 I'l l, 101* I01 Mi j dollewiS30. 10i 0 ioif1 loli loli' 102 ?? -.eeduee~d Stoek - _ _ __ _ _ Si Debentures. 931 9311 - 931 - 931 Excheq Bilna.. - _ - - - Do short ?? - - _ - _ - Bank Stock - 180 1791 1793 - 177 op. It Canal Stock. - i - G ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ht LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASBO- T- -AT1IONor !ILELAND wllimeetonMONDA . EEXT. thes II th December, at ONE oClock, at the co2N-.. GG C'Ib14ATIN HALL; CO UN-EXCH4NqP AROOMS. 1 The princiliulddoor in ?? to'the ground door' i for AssOCIATS o the present cear -they wi OOcupy the floor of tht Hnil, iw~bOG.Li~~h n~dlr4~ dlso t=e i ' beno aeye t which they will Lhdieg aulitte e 1grei ill enter by %the ...