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Advertisements & Notices

... J;; F LTRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. N bgg respectfullY to announce that ler `. 6r and last appearance but five of herself and qlq' VI~ra ll a'~TUESDAY, December 12, l|1lS ol lvl.wch socasion they will Appear in two commence with the Play of oef~l~l~1'STRANGER. gerM Ar. Kean; Count Wintersen, Mr. P. Th' gtraat Steinfort Mr. H. Cooke; Francis, Air. P eter Ir. Baler; Solomon, Mr. Barrett; .e; Du3f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .1A.41 to CALCUTA, MADRAS, CEYLON yci vlf EGYPT, Jannory I.-The Peninsular and It nNssgto Comupnan's Steam Ship BENTINCE, 01~.,` 1iunouriable East Indira Comrpany's steamer, frain Srtez, &, hbthle 2J2d of January. Passoetgers will bet booked through rClae inluding expense of transit through Egypt), ft~ 11 he coiceved to Alexaindria in the Cotnpuny's steam ti starting from Southampton on thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. PUNCO'S HOLIDAY LETTER! P My DEAR PUBLIc, Itis with the most unfeigned satisfaction I now write to inform you that the completion of my Fifth Volume is fixed for Saturday, the 23d instant. I arn happy to inform you that I have again obtained this year the prize forwriting, and that I have completely beaten Master Gibbs in my arithmetic. The weukly specimens I have sent you ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D}ESIRABLE 1VEr~STIMENX'.| NEW BAKING COMPAN.Nl T H E PROPRIETOR of the STAiBLE-L NE T BAKERY, off l)onegall.Stluare, in order to etend the buSinIese, will admit a number of desirable SHIAIRE- EfOLDERS (share £2 each, as in the Public Bakery); Profits, if any, to bc divided Yearly ; or, if advisable, lent to the Water-works or the Corporation, and k Com- mittee chosen by the Shareholders, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMZENTS. THEATRE ROYAL DRURY-LANE.-THIs Evtrittwe will be performed the new Grmad Opera entitled THE BOIiEMIAN GIRL. Countj Arnheim, -r. Borrani; Florestein, alr. Hudson -; Tiaddeus, Mr. NV larrison; Deviltoof, Mr. Stretton Arline, Miss Rainforth; Queen of the Gipsies, Miss Betts. After which MY WIFE'S COME. John Prettyjohn, Ir. Harley; Mr. Plummny, Mr. Meadows ; Mrs. Prettyjohn, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'VEA AND 0 OFF 1 (rao(t LOtNDONt) Car'r'ilige free at tin IFhslle l PriiceS. N S of the most formidable articles of cx- 0)pense in all large Establishitiefts is Tea, m1d '~at the difficulty of obtaining it good and cbeea is much complained of. The -wvant of an eseablishment devoted exclusively to. the interests Of' large consumers has long been felt, and, to reaiedy c this, we have made ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lull, GEORGE 3INN. J . 'rom CARNARVON. C OMMERCIAL Gentlemcn and the Public T TI- V are respectfully informed, by Mr. David s of Glynn Jones, that he has opened the above D House for their accommodation, furnished with th cent every comfort and convenience. He hopes to ra ow- be favoured with a share of their patronage, to deserve which he will spare neither expense nor _ attention. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1l ?? and L~iken leNCW4- i/UISS CORRY respectfully informs theI entry andi . I tk inhabitants of Belfast and its ?? she p takes MNINIATURE LIKENESSES on Iv rf. 1arbh, p anmi Board. AMiss C. will also give instrui in the '1 following styles of Drawing, viz. Penciling, Oriental, b learotiito, and Florentine Painting, at moderate terms. Spovimens may bo seen at her Painting-room, No. 60, JOY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. The Acrostic on tde na'ne of' Alary Ann is all very well as a private communication to the lady herself; but courtship throug/h the medium of a newspaper is not exactly in accordance with our ideas of propriety, es- pecially when the name of that lady is disclosed as ef- fertuallry as if we were to say, Airr. S- wishes to court Mliss - so and so-wil her ladyship please to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRIOES OF IRISH STOCKS DURING THE WEEK. | TUSR.~ |WED. | TURO .| OR. I PAT, MON. a per Ct Coln.. 95i 951* 95Osj 51i 95i fteduced do - 8jperCtStoo) 1018 I'l l, 101* I01 Mi j dollewiS30. 10i 0 ioif1 loli loli' 102 ?? -.eeduee~d Stoek - _ _ __ _ _ Si Debentures. 931 9311 - 931 - 931 Excheq Bilna.. - _ - - - Do short ?? - - _ - _ - Bank Stock - 180 1791 1793 - 177 op. It Canal Stock. - i - G ...