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Advertisements & Notices

... ,pri?,, -EGUARPACKET SHIlP.- '~ hMA, siarralled to clear on the lut January, or caim Pt I'elac-taculb, the aislecididi new brig DART, it. 112 tons register, thoroughly copper-fisteruct kI~ TV. Ntis I oN, Cousifirander; lyisig In thre Londion .. c'scciis built expressly for this trade, with sotcafty, comfort, asid convenience of iia pl-a' 5 a a raised quarter-dock iii Inches uigh, * .. aiciso ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERBY SAVINGS BANK. A T an ANNUAL MEETING of the TRUSTEES and MANAGING COMMITTEE of the DERBY BANK A FOR SAVINGS, held the 26th day of December, 1843; HENRY COX, Esq. in the Chair; The Directors, agreeably to the 7th Rule, made their Annual Report as follows, viz.:- That the number of Depositors on the 20th November, 1843, amounted to three thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, being an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIDLAND COUNTIES RAILWAY. THE PUBLIC are respectfully informed that on and 1 after MONDAY next, the 1st of January, PAS- SENGERS may be conveyed to and from the following places, RETURNING ON THE SAME DAY, at the undermentioned Fares:- Ist Class. 2d Class. 4th Class, S. d. s. d. s. d. Between Derby and Notting- ham - . . - 5 0 3 6 1 8 Ditto ditto and Kegworth - 4 0 3 6 2 0 Ditto ditto and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROSPECTUS OF THE NORTH BRITISH - at' X t - RAILWAY FROM EDINBURGH To BERWICK-ON-T WEED. CAPITAL £800,000-SHARES £25 each. No Subscriber liable beyond the amount of his Sub- scription. PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE. Sir James Forrest. John Swinton, Esq., Inver. The Mayor of Berwick- l leith-place. On-Tweed, Beri G. L. Finlay, Esq. The Provost of Leith. . Andrew Miller, Esq. Sir F. W. Drummond, Bt. S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 12,1,EA ~fBE BO YA L, P UBZ IN. a ef the Grand Christmas Pantomime 1 I for 'Cotod bthe celebrated Artistes, the BOLENO FAMILY, 010 rb1i1Y engaged sgelnP p&SENT WEDNESDAY, December IIS843 vill be performed the Play of 2 TlE CASTLE SPECTRE. s 0aond, Mr. 11. Cooke; Earl Reginald, Mr. F. Fart Percy, Mr. King; Angela, Miss Pelhausa &^'.9Barrett.. Mri 'li .vill be performed, for the second time en ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sUTCH LOAN of 1831, for500,0 , at Two- ar D mnd-a-ealf per Cent. Certificates, by Mr. N. H. ROTH- til CHILD. The COUPONS, issued by Messrs.N. M. Rothsceild ad Sons, for 01 ite Tivhend on tlis oeae wele becomes due on Monday, tice Iet of Janecary next,d wIll be PAI by theA en ihat day, or on anytl suceedintedg Mnday, Wedncesday, or Thursdey, between lite hbos of Eleven aced Tno ALABAMA STATE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BIY ROYAL TETTEllS mArENT. M~R I3ENcnAFT'S PATENT SAnDLEI. H'N 1is invenitiotn (for which NMt BE VILAFcTt III%-s latetly Oil. JT taitiid fire NMajesty's itoyal Letters Pattlenti cft'tttst of t tree Oai ic kyproigs Iintroduceti under the seat of the rider.-OttC 51 night sprttig run., tnder the Seat about tve jintrits in length thle other taro tire in thle form offniches, Which are riveltte to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Ifillller-strl'et.-B~y AMr. FULLER, T0-MORROW, Dlecember ~,s Eblercii, at 11w(, 8alls Roonja, 8, Bill, lee-street, rimoacO for canto 1LIXCELLENT HOUSEHOLD FU NITr Li, XAaoI~o hait a, dininag, 'ard, and pembriake tabtcs, -t~ tibi'.caita dttlte-ac~llllgan, p'intiittts, gaid watch, em nib'i In rilae ad lit,'nenellistifs ily pairs boasM1 a'a.a ii' thireilcalf'toils, aiti nimsraus ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - NOTICE. Is ILLIA AMl COOK 1begs leavo to initimate that lie has rsnime1n101'0d bijIlOneiS nO aS 1ESSCNO TiI. AI'.AI3IS. at c NIII vie c Ji'uVNiP. toed trusts, by ii proper attenthin to the duties of 5. lhbs offivo, to merit a shtare of 1isislie Patronage. Lt t lillynie, ai3d Piec, 18.43, a Lime, Coilm, and B3oneS, at ?? Igh. 2- In OBE1VIT BLACK will attend in) ' ARV'IS MAunE', ?? 1.jf WlttI ...