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Bristol, Bristol, England

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... IL it er ature. e Tales if the Great end lirave. Byi A. F. Tytter.-Tait, Edinburgh. An attractive book, especially for the rising generation, and P admirably calculated for a new year's gift, combining, as it t does, instruction with amusement. The great and brave selected are, John Sobieski, the famous king of Poland-once the barrier between Earope and the Infidel; Peter the Great of ...

The Drama

... Orwbt* t On Monday night, Mr. and Mrs. Chlarles Kean brought their x engagement at our theatre to a close. The performances were l for their benefit, and it will be conceded that enough was given for the money paid for admissiiob we state that the night's entertainments compilised BRlw ' play of Money, and the old, but excelleint, comeibdy be Wonder,-vr. ael Mrs. Kean ?? the ...


... ;pottrp- . My FATHER.-BY MISS H. F. GOuLD. I in the evening there shall be light. SACRED to the hour when thou, my sainted Father, West of thy ?? Out, sinking olay undress'd, Softly, by his pale hand who comes to gather Time's weary pilgrims home to joy and rest: Noiseless and clear, and holiest of the seven, That day when thy last earthly son went down Thy Sabbath, closing here, began in ...


... ZZTERAaRY VARIETIES. As a good antidote to gloomy anticipations, we should all do well to recollect the saying of Sir Thomas Moore- If evils come not-then our fears are vain; And if they do-fear but augments the pain. RESIST TEMrPTATION IX TIME.-A perfect knowledge of human nature was in the prayer, Lead its not into tempta- tion. No man ever resists temptation, after it has begun to be ...


... lootVu2. SONNET. VtairreN ON THE SOUTH DON COAST IN THE MONTH OF JANUARY. No foliage hoags upon the tree-no flower Blooms in the heugerOw, and perfumes the air: Stern Winter reignsl but still it is an hour of tranquil beauty-balmy, bright, and fair I The sky is cloudless, and the wild-bird's lay Sounds like a spring-tide song; won lovely bay Lies calmly sleeping in the sunabsne sweet; And the ...


... vottry. KILLING NO MURDER. THERE 'S something wrong about the Grays, the cariage i8s putdown .they like a bits wltet coming intto town; 'T was that affair-butyou 're auttf -e1[ s'pose that did it all; I 'm very sorry, that I am! but I Pride must have a fall.' I hopc you patronise the BrOUa'IS, they 're sunh an acquisition, i Clar6 is such a swoet triiette, with sutcls a disposition I ...


... .ITEA .Tr VARXETZES. 11 The great Lord Falkland used to say that 1he pitied un- a learned gentlemen in rainy weather.' h Cardiall. de Bletz said that 1the French should be governed ?. by a rod and a rattle. a HUNGARtIAN NollLEs.-With respect to nohiemen-they ii are, as in times long passed away, as commo as, sparrews in d Austria and Hungary, and are particularly 'abundant in the latter, ...


... MATERha X V.AR&RZETS . THE ONLY GOOD TO THlE LAST.-Everything but truth becomes loathed in a sick-room. The restless can repose on no thing but this: the sharpened intellectual appetite can be satis- fied with nothing less: the susceptible spiritual taste can be gratified with nothing less genuine, noble, and ?? in a Sick Roos, by MissMaltilneau. NAPOLEON'S HEART. -When Bonaparte died at St. ...


... X1!TERARY VARZETZES. HINT TO HOusxWrvEs.-Domestio order, like theatrical machinery, produces the greatest pleasure when the strings are ?? Necker. A HINT TO WVIVES'. -'When a ivoman seeks to guide her husband, it should not. be like oie who breaks a horse to his oenw purpose, using bitandopur, now checking, and now geading his career-but, like themuratdriner who steers the ship, directs it by ...


... i t era t it r e. ?? andt (Colon ial Library; .Vo. MIli.-Bishop Heber's Ineldian Jonrnal.-Murray, London. In a previous number we spoke of Mr. Murray's excellent plan ef supplying both the home and colonial markets with an unexceptionable family library, by the re-publications, at a cheap rate, ot 'varks of first-rate ability. Of the quality of the works intended to be selected by Mr. illurray ...

The Drama

... cote irama. Mrs. M'Cready, who seldom lets an opportunity pass by of catering for the amusement of the public, availed herself of the presence, in this city, of the veteran Braham and his two acns, Messrs. Charles and Hamilton Braham,and opened the Theatre oa Saturday night last, in order that they might appear in a concert. The dramatic pieces, being only designed to Jil up the evening, were ...


... ?? *1qlloctrl!. THE SONG OF TIME. Wnrv the bright morning dawn of Creation first broke,- The father of minutes, hours, secunds,-I woke; The earth lay before me, none fairer thaa she, And I knew that her sphere was dominion for me. I heard the command which the firmament shook, And foru'd the brood seas and the silvery brook; I saw the first flowers in gentleness spring, And heard the birds' ...