Advertisements & Notices

... DUNDALK TOVN. John Coyne, P.P. Patrick Jennings P. ME Gartlan Peter Russell .ohn Campbell Mathew Reilly Thomas Coleman Patrick Denvir James Carroll Philip Callan John Gartaln, M.D. *William Connick B. MKeown, R.C.C. John Neary, surgeon John Kearnea, R.C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Alderman John Ferguson, Solicitor Patrick Gardiner, Alderman A. Carew O'Dlwyer be John Reilly, T C Patrick O'Brien e Francis Tuite, T C Francis Purcell James Bury, T C John Magrath MichaelMurphy, TO Adam Calvert Miles Tobyn, T C George Fagan or John M'Kennn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O;ners of such Arms are requested to havthtm produced in the following order, with the Licencesp;at the places named in the latter, between the hours cf Nine and Eleven o'Clock, A. 31., on the following days .4: Feb. Arms to be marked. Arms toe4o marked ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Owners of Heaton Colliery 1 0 William Dunn, Esq. _ 3 0 0 John Wilson, Esq. _ . 1 0 0 Benjamin Tulloeh, Esq. 1 0 0 Mr James Davison I. .. 1 0 0 Mr Joshua Taylor _ 0 10 0 Sums under l0s. 0 10 0 Mr John Scott, a Load of Potatoes. Moody and Jones, a Load of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Inspector pf Po e, do, r 6 0 0 MrJosep Nell, Cartwrhbt, do. 4 ° 9 Mr James Chate, 1.enthcr D.gler, d, 4 0° Mr John Walker, Plaqtaror, do. A S D Mr John Fraser, Bufldor, do, - 4 0 0 Mr William Smithi Manager, Bria and T'lae Works, -Aberdeena - . * - 0O0 Mr Samuel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... shall exceed those to be marked on Arms specified therein, ap- pointed to be received on any day, the Arms to be marked with such numbers will, nevertheless, be received on that day. It will be necessary that each of the Arms shall have a label attached, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Esq. giment Ball, J. W. Esq. Macan, John, Esq. tb Barrington, Mathew, Esq. Morris, Colonel, Sir Georgre a Boileau, G. W., Esq. D.L. Boileau, J. T., Esq. Nesbit, Major, 60th Rifles Cole, Captain, A.D. C. O'Ferrall, John L., ?? Conroy, Captain, A.D.C. Co ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Belfast Ibne ?? Earl of Burlington Alex. Blannermati, Esq. Earl of Cardigan Sir Robert Bateson,. Bart. Earl of Chiarlesille loti. G. C. Grantley Berkelev Earl of Enniskillen Admiral Sir John Beresford Earl of Fortescuie Josepha Brotherton, Esq. Earl Grey ...

Advertisements & Notices

... as rd at the Beard of Guardians of the South Ii Uion . Moved by John Fogarty, Esq., T.C.; ecoonded by Mr. l' John Tally 1q Resolved-That this Meeting having learned with regret that Mr. John Fortune would not allow himself to be put in nomination for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thomas Teed, isq. John Drewett, Eaq. AUDITORS. i J. B. Bevington, Esq.-F. P. Cockerill, Esq.-J. D. Dow, E7sq. MXEDICAL OFFICER. John Clendinuing, M.D., F.ItS., 1O, Wimpole-street, M Cavendish-square. STANDING COUNSEL. 3 The Hon. John Ashley, New-square ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Phenomena. By EVAN w 1. HOPKINS, C.E., I.t.9. s. Richard nnd John Edward Taylor, ied Llon-cosirt, Fleet-street, v LA'MBiCT ON GENERATIVE DEBILITY, NERVOUSNESS, &c. at He wtho In plensuro's downy arms E Nster loot his Iles'ltts, or youthful charmse, st A hero ...

Advertisements & Notices

... country. To 90, Head of Broad Street, Aberdeen, JOHN JAMIESON. 6 fth Februlary, 1844. At 1-0~T BE LET!, I OHIAT large andl commnodious SHOP, No. 23, King Street, 6i _. now occupied by ilr Mortimern, late John Duffus & Company. _y _ __,_Entry at RThitsunday ...