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Selected Poetry

... ยง,leteD Voretrp. LOVE AND DEATH. BY EDWARD LYTTON BULWXE 0 strong as the eagle, o mild as the dove ' Hlow like, and how unlike, o death and 0 love I Knitting earth to the heaven, The near to the far- With the step on the dust, And the eyes on the star 1 Interweaving, commingling, Both rays from God's light 1 Now in sun, now in shadow, Te shift to the sight I Evor changing the sceptres Ye bear ...

Selected Poetry

... ,q-clcctczr PortrP. ?? ?? '1'THE NVON-NERFU' WEAN. .1 WVILLIAlI SIILLEII. Oun wean's the most wonnerftt' wean e'er I saw- It wad talc me a lang summer day to tell a' I [is ?? frae the mnornin' till night shuts his ce, When he sleeps like a peerie 'tween father an' me,- For in his quiet turns siccan questions he'll speir,- Ilow the moonl can stick uip in the sky that's sae clear? What gal's the ...


... Uilfr.atlrr. Conteniplatiots onl the Power, Wisdoml, and Goodness iif God, nanifested in Man's first Estate upon Earth,- By lln. Boyce. Belfast, 1843. Tins is a worlk which has been recently published by one of our townsmen, and in justice as well as in courtesy I we are bound to give it the benefit of a literary notice.- s The subject ;s the six days' work of creation, which, under 3 ...


... FASIIIONS FOR JANUARY. At this season of the year velvet is more iii favour than any otlierl uaterial it is worn not only as the principal niaterisl of various hinds of hoth ins and out door toilette, but, also collntitutes the prevailing ornainenit cin satins atid ri;c stilts. -t4nhb5,nbb'ss. . -e c. rl ad tO -00 it n-t nfl | to cibib-t o010'Sl- bh1:.t1;1 l. Ved orlfld Wttl deep bltitb, ...

Selected Poetry

... rc?-'riccle'a -_ _ ?? _ - KONG OF THE WINTER TREE. BY El.IZA COOIR. Vn IT a happy life wvas minc when tho sunibeamsused tottwino Like goldain thieads about my suimmer suit. When my warp and woof of groen let enough of light between Jtvst to dly the dew that lingered at my root! 'What troops of friends I hnad wben my form vers ricbly clad, And I wias fair 'mid fairest, tthings of carth I (:ood ...

Original Poetry

... 0-rigainal i3ortr.,-). MY OWN HAWTHORN TREE! OFI the good old oak, the poets may sing, And style it of forests and groves the king, Of the beech, with its branches spreading wide, Or the lofty pine, on the mountain side, And the roveller, too, may toast the vine, In brimming bowls of the rosy wine; But oh ! the one ever-honoured by me, Is my own, my favourito hawthorn tree! The hawthorn ...


... Riteratiare., ?? 11- . -- - TIE PiILlOSOPIIXY OF CREA'rION.. TnE following passages from the introduction to Mr. Boyce's Contemplations on Me Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, contain an exposition of the philoso. pjtical theory uppfl which Ithe contemplations of the author are foundedd_ 'l Matter is divided into original bodies-as plants and animals; and it appears in mnorganized ...


... aittrature. 1. THEi iNIVERSITY INAGAZINE;.- For some time past the TUniversity Magazine has not reached us in the regular order of transmission, and we have been conse- quently (lisappointed. The January number is, how. ever, before us, and contains ample promise of excel- lence for the current year. The sketch of the 18th Brumaire is exceilent, and the article on Mesmerism is admirable, ...

Selected Poetry

... LI C-elrctclo DANCING SONG. 1)AN-CE, dance, as long as ye can, We must travel through life, but Nvhy maelc a dead march ul' it? 'T'he fine linen of state mlay sit wcll upon man, But 'tis pleasant, methinks, just to rub out the starcl of it. Dance, dance, as long as ye may, See the plumes of the pine, how they dance on the mountain ; See the ocean floods dance while the whids pipe and play, See ...


... SOMETI-HING VERY NEW. V STATE CO.ciOirA our STArL CONcsPiRATolns ?? Qualis ap id gelidi cum flumina coneitus IIebri Sanquiuneuns IMlavors clypeo intrepiat atql flinen es Bella movenis immittit equos i illi ?? aperto Ante Notos Zephyrunqtie volant, gemnit ultinma pulsu Thraca pedum, circuinqite atire Forniidinis ?? Inteque, tIsiditqulle, Dli eornitatii, iguntur ! - Aia-, Bob and Joan. Iley ...

Original Poetry

... ?? ?? ?? ?? ONE of tle Masters of the Belfbst Acaderay, desirous of encour.a1ing the culture of poetical talent, lately offered a prize to the pupils of that seminary, for tbe best poems on two iuljects. one to be ebosen by each eiuthor for himself, and the other prescribed for all by the Principal of the Academy, the Rev Doctor Bnvcr. Of the specimens given in, tho following have been ...

Original Poetry

... Original jpOrp. - ?? ?? ONa of tI e N'asters of the Belfatt Academy, desirous of eneonruigirg tile culture of poetical talent, lately offered a prize to tihe pupils of tirat reminary, for ?? best poems on two suljects, one to be chosen by CacII author for himself. and the other prescribed for all by the Principal of the Academy, the Rev Doctor I3RvcE. Of the specirmona given in, the following ...